
Erik Barnes

A stray dog brought her lifeless puppy to the doorstep of a local veterinarian clinic, saving its life.

In the Beylikdüzü district in Istanbul, security camera footage showed a stray dog holding a puppy in its mouth and bringing it to the doorstep of a local veterinary clinic. The veterinarian that answered the door found the puppy lifeless and took it in while the pup’s mother followed.

The puppy received emergency treatment, as it was dying from a slow heartbeat due to the cold outside. Throughout the treatment, the mother dog stayed at her puppy’s side. Thanks to quick action and care, the puppy survived and is being cared for at the clinic alongside its mother. This puppy turned out to be related to another puppy that was brought in by other animal lovers beforehand, with the belief that it was the sole survivor of its litter.

"We thought all of them had died. It turns out there was one sibling that survived,” said veterinarian and clinic owner, Baturalp Oğhan in an interview. “When our technician noticed the situation, he brought it inside. We realized the puppy's heart was beating. We placed it in intensive care. It is currently continuing treatment with its sibling."

A veterinarian treating a puppy on a table in a clinic as a mother dog watches nearbyThe puppy's mother stayed with her child as the veterinarian administered treatment.@beylikduzu_alfa_veteriner

While it is unfortunate that the rest of the litter had passed, this mother dog’s actions not only saved one of her pups but had reunited her with another one.

According to World Population Review, there is a pet dog in 30% of all households globally. There are 90 million pet dogs housed in the United States alone. Bear in mind, that is counting the dogs that are housed and cared for by humans. Just imagine how many dogs are still out there like that mother dog, along with the number of dogs that sadly didn’t make it like that lucky puppy.

Two puppies eating out of a bowlThe puppy is recovering nicely alongside its sibling.@beylikduzu_alfa_veteriner

While it is remarkable that this mother dog, out of memory, instinct, desperation, or a combination of those traits took her puppy to the clinic, the onus cannot be on dogs themselves to receive the help and care they need. Fortunately, there are several animal shelters and clinics that can help care for these animals, but they still need to find ways to get there. Not all of them have smart dog mothers that can get them to a helpful human vet.

Puppy sleeping against a mother dogThe puppy lives thanks to its mother's quick action and trust in local veterinarians.@beylikduzu_alfa_veteriner

If you wish to help out a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, there are some steps you can take to be prepared if the situation presents itself. The Humane Society has a bunch of quality tips, such as keeping your car with supplies like fresh water, bowls, pet food, heavy blankets,and such to keep the animal comfortable while waiting for animal control to arrive at the scene or if you choose to transport them yourself to a nearby shelter. Before you stock up, you should research to see if there are any state or local laws regarding housing lost or stray animals to make sure you’re following the legal methods.

We share a lot of space with “man’s best friend” and the least we can do is be a best friend back to them, especially when they’re in need.

This article originally appeared in January.


New loneliness study shows that people care about you more than you think

A recent study on loneliness shows how your loneliness underestimates how loved you are.

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash
woman hugging other woman while smiling at beach

A new study published by the American Psychological Association is revealing more about how loneliness affects our brains. Published in the Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, Dr. Edward Lemay Jr. of the University of Maryland and his colleagues decided to test previous research that indicated that loneliness increases negative biases in social perception and heightens a person’s social sensitivity.

The hypothesis was that lonely individuals would hold onto negative biases and perceptions towards their closest friends, family, and partners. These negative biases doubting and questioning a loved one’s responsiveness and care would explain why loneliness can feel like a persistent cycle since it further reduces relationship satisfaction and intimacy. In short, it would explain why some lonely folks feel lonelier and lonelier over time.

Man feeling lonely as a small crowd is in the backgroundYour lonely feelings are real, but your isolation might not be.Photo credit: Canva

Lemay and his team tested this theory with three different studies. The first one included 255 undergrad students who identified three close relationship partners including family, friends, and romantic partners. The participants would self-report their levels of loneliness and answer questionnaires designed to measure their perceptions of each relationship partner’s regard, responsiveness, and communal motivation. Meanwhile, the relationship partners named in the study would self-evaluate their regard and care of the participant.

The second study was focused on 236 romantic couples who completed similar self-reports while also including two friends who were familiar with their relationship providing their independent assessment of each partner in the relationship. The third study had observers track 211 romantic couples, recording their daily interactions along with taking each partner’s self-assessment of the relationship within a two-week period.

All three studies ended with indications that loneliness was linked to negative bias towards care and regard displayed by the people they were closest to. In the first study, lonely participants underestimated how much their relationship partners cared about them, with data showing discrepancies between the participants’ reports and the reports from their family, friends, and romantic partners. In the second study, loneliness predicted lower perceptions of partner regard and care in romantic relationships when compared against partner self-reports and friend informant reports. The third study? Lonely individuals underestimated their partners’ responsiveness, in spite of when their third-party observers rated the partners as supportive.

Woman alone in a crowdPeople who felt lonely in the study underestimated the care their loved ones felt for them.Photo credit: Canva

So all of that means that while the feeling of loneliness is real, the perception of it might be greater than reality. However, if you have experienced loneliness you know how hard it can be to tell yourself that people around you actually do care about you. But the truth is that even if you are truly lonely, scientifically speaking, you’re probably not as isolated as you perceive yourself to be. Loneliness itself is hard on a person, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and depression among other physical health issues.

So what can be done to combat loneliness? Well, that’s when effort needs to be put in. Reach out to your loved ones, as that they likely care more than you believe. Be honest with them about how you feel and let them know what they could do to help you feel better.

Woman hugging two womenBeing candid about your loneliness with your friends and family could help you get out of the pit.Photo credit: Canva

You should also do your best to interact with others more, whether it's outside in the public or online. Take a class in something you enjoy to learn more about it around other people who share your interest. Even if you still get that lonely feeling, you will have learned something. Get involved in volunteering. If you still feel lonely, you’ll still feel good about helping those around you. Your loneliness might not magically, instantly disappear doing such social activities but it should wear down over time. If you are still struggling, there are professionals near you that can help you combat it, too.

Oddly, when it comes to fighting loneliness, we’re all in this together.

Thanks to diver Adam Whitehead, Chris Brightmore got his wedding ring back from the ocean.

When Chris Brightmore and his wife visited his family in Dubai, he decided to enjoy a swim at Kite Beach in Jumeira. When we emerged from the water, he looked at his left hand and noticed his wedding ring was missing. A ring that was on his finger for 51 years had slipped off.

Panicked, Chris immediately dove back into the sea to search for the ring underwater. After sifting through the sand, he still couldn’t find it. “I said a little prayer while I was swimming around,” said Chris to Grimsby Telegraph. “For some reason, I said to myself, ‘I am going to find this ring’.”

Chris still couldn’t find it and felt devastated, hoping not to disappoint his wife when he told her the news. Expecting a lecture or at least a frown, Chris was uplifted when his wife didn’t get mad, but got active. She spent the next hour helping Chris search for his wedding band along the shore and in the ocean, but they couldn’t find it. How could they? They didn’t have any snorkels or any equipment to help them.

They had all but given up until Chris’ son-in-law Philip suggested they post their story to British Dads in Dubai, asking for any help that could be provided. The community not only listened, but stepped up. Chris was floored.

“Among the dozens of kindly responses, one man offered to loan us his underwater metal detector and another said he had his own jewelry shop and that he would make me a replacement as close to the original as possible and, because of the intensely sentimental value, he would give it to me for free,” said Chris.

Out of all the responses, Chris humbly accepted the offer to use a person’s metal detector. Two days after he lost it, Chris and Philip went back to the beach armed with the metal detector, snorkels, and face masks. The hunt was on.

Person using a metal detector on the bachChris decided to improve his chances of finding his wedding ring by using a borrowed metal detector.Photo credit: Canva

After two hours, the two still couldn’t find it and frankly couldn’t stay underwater long enough to do a thorough search. As they continued, a couple swam up to them and asked if Chris was the “gentleman who lost his wedding ring.”

“The man said, ‘Well for someone who has been married that long and has never had the ring off his finger until now, it would be my honour to help you find it, if you would allow me’,” Chris recounted. “It turned out that he was a former professional diver who liked to dive in Dubai as a hobby at weekends.”

A scuba diver in the oceanChris got additional help from a professional ocean diver.Photo credit: Canva

After two more hours of searching ten feet deep underwater under three inches of sand, Chris’ new diver friend, Adam Whitehead, emerged from the water with the ring tightly gripped in his gloved fingers.

“This was a miracle in the Persian Gulf,” said Chris.

Three men posing with one man holding up his hand to show off his wedding ring.From right to left: Chris, his new diver friend Adam, and his son-in-law PhilipPhoto credit: Chris Brightmore/Grimsby Telegraph

Chris is a retired detective chief superintendent from London. He couldn’t have gotten that far in his career without conviction, hard work, and a little bit of stubborness. But he couldn’t have gotten his ring back if he didn’t ask for help. Asking his wife and son-in-law for help started a community chain of strangers offering their resources and expertise, happily and with no need of reward.

Aside from this being a unique “lost and found” story, this is also a reminder to us all that if you need a hand, just ask. You never know who will turn up to assist you.


Filipino man sounds exactly like Creed singer in astounding cover

"If the Olympics had karaoke as an event, Philippines would take gold easily."

Vocally, these two men are identical!

Folks on the internet are remarking on this Filipino man that’s singing just like Creed lead singer Scott Stapp in a karaoke video making the rounds online. Looking at his phone for the lyrics and sitting on a lawn chair outside, the man belts out the song “My Sacrifice” with conviction and passion. He sings it so well in the same vocal cadence as Stapp that folks had to double-check to make sure he wasn’t lip syncing.

The audience around the singer were just casually chatting between stanzas, as if it was just a regular karaoke session in the middle of the day. Commenters online, however, were impressed at his performance. They were astounded at how well he sang.

- YouTubeyoutu.be

“From joking around with his buddy in his normal voice, to suddenly becoming Scott Stapp was a crazy transformation. If Creed ever needs a replacement singer, this guy just has that voice on tap.”

“Lol, I was going to joke around, but this guy is legit talented.”

“Amazing. This man needs a band.”

“For every aspiring rock star in a garage in America...there is a drunk Filipino who does it for fun in the local watering hole.”

“If the Olympics had karaoke as an event… Philippines would take gold easily.”

There may be something to that last comment. Karaoke is a popular national pastime in the Philippines. It’s not just limited to bars and coffee shops, as several families perform karaoke to entertain themselves at home or outdoors. It’s not uncommon to walk by a farm and randomly hear somebody singing “All the Single Ladies” or other Beyoncé tunes among others.

According to the BBC, karaoke is everywhere in the Philippines. A karaoke machine or a Magic Sing microphone (a device that turns your television into a karaoke machine) is usually present at birthdays and holiday parties, along with videoke (a video-based karaoke that records and rates the singers) challenges and contests being offered in nearly every bar and restaurant. There are special KTV (Karaoke Television) locations for family-friendly fun and there are karaoke options at adult-only establishments, too.

While karaoke is widely considered as a Japanese creation, it has Filipino roots. While the Juke-8, the world’s first karaoke machine was built and invented by Japanese musician Daisuke Inoue in 1971, Filipino inventor Roberto del Rosario holds the machine’s patent and developed the Karaoke Sing-Along System in 1975. Since singing pop songs is a giant part of their culture and history, it’s not surprising that Filipino singers are often impressive.

The culture’s singing reputation has gotten global attention, to the point that some bands find their replacement singers there. One notable occasion was when Arnel Pineda, a Filipino club singer, was recorded singing Journey songs and had them posted on YouTube in 2007. Looking for a new lead singer for the band, Journey’s guitarist Neal Schon sent Pineda an email asking him to audition to be Journey’s new lead singer. Pineda has been a part of the band ever since.

- YouTubeyoutu.be

Who knows what other great singers are out there in the Philippines that are about to break through internationally? It appears that there are plenty to choose from.