
mental illness

"Run the dishwasher twice" might sound like strange mental health advice, but a viral post is proving that it's actually quite helpful.

Danielle Wunker, a Licensed Professional Counselor and Supervisor, shared a story on her Facebook page that is resonating with people who struggle with mental health issues. It originally came from an answer from Katie Scott on Quora to the question "Has a therapist ever told you something completely unexpected?"

It reads:

"When I was at one of my lowest (mental) points in life, I couldn't get out of bed some days. I had no energy or motivation and was barely getting by.

I had therapy once per week, and on this particular week I didn't have much to 'bring' to the session. He asked how my week was and I really had nothing to say.

'What are you struggling with?' he asked.

I gestured around me and said 'I dunno man. Life.'

Not satisfied with my answer, he said 'No, what exactly are you worried about right now? What feels overwhelming? When you go home after this session, what issue will be staring at you?'

man sitting on chair covering his eyes Photo by christopher lemercier on Unsplash

I knew the answer, but it was so ridiculous that I didn't want to say it. I wanted to have something more substantial.
Something more profound.

But I didn't.

So I told him, 'Honestly? The dishes. It's stupid, I know, but the more I look at them the more I CAN'T do them because I'll have to scrub them before I put them in the dishwasher, because the dishwasher sucks, and I just can't stand and scrub the dishes.'

I felt like an idiot even saying it.

What kind of grown ass woman is undone by a stack of dishes? There are people out there with *actual* problems, and I'm whining to my therapist about dishes?

But he nodded in understanding and then said:

'Run the dishwasher twice.'

File:Dishwasher with dishes.JPG - Wikimedia Commonscommons.wikimedia.org

I began to tell him that you're not supposed to, but he stopped me.

'Why the hell aren't you supposed to? If you don't want to scrub the dishes and your dishwasher sucks, run it twice. Run it three times, who cares?! Rules do not exist.'

It blew my mind in a way that I don't think I can properly express.

That day, I went home and tossed my smelly dishes haphazardly into the dishwasher and ran it three times.

I felt like I had conquered a dragon.

The next day, I took a shower lying down.

A few days later. I folded my laundry and put them wherever the fuck they fit.

There were no longer arbitrary rules I had to follow, and it gave me the freedom to make accomplishments again.

Now that I'm in a healthier place, I rinse off my dishes and put them in the dishwasher properly. I shower standing up. I sort my laundry.

But at a time when living was a struggle instead of a blessing, I learned an incredibly important lesson:

There are no rules.

Run the dishwasher twice."

Anyone who has been in a mental or emotional place where even just the most basic, mundane tasks seem overwhelming understands the wisdom in this lesson. Dishes might seem like such a minor detail of life, but those kinds of minor details can be the straw that breaks the camel's back mentally. If you've never stared at a basket of laundry that would take three minutes to fold and thought, "Nope, can't do it. Not now. Maybe not ever..." then you may not need this lesson, but there are millions of people who appreciate the express permission to let go of the rules in our heads about how things have to be done.

Adjusting expectations and arbitrary ideas about how something works is incredibly freeing and can provide a seemingly temporary fix for a seemingly insurmountable problem. Oddly enough, though, that temporary fix can be the necessary bridge that gets someone from unable-to-cope-with-daily-life-things to functioning on a somewhat normal level.

Mental health is such a tricky thing to manage, and many of the tools for managing it run counter to what we might expect. That's what therapists are for—to help us step outside the box of our own brains, adjust our thoughts and behaviors to create greater possibilities for ourselves, and give us permission to reject the negative voices in our head try to keep us locked in unhelpful or unhealthy patterns.

Even when that unhelpful pattern is as simple as letting the dishes pile up instead of running the dishwasher twice.

This article originally appeared four years ago.

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Man recognizes homeless cousin while feeding stray dogs

Many people who find themselves homeless for extended periods of time are often also living with a severe mental health condition. This can make it harder for them to find a job, keep up with bills and maintain familiar connections especially if they're unmedicated which often occurs due to loss of insurance connected to employment.

Homelessness doesn't mean a person is unworthy of love or that their family and friends aren't concerned for their safety. Sometimes their loved ones simply don't know where to look for them once they're no longer in the vicinity. Jeff Benardi runs the YouTube channel The Furry Pilot Diner where he goes around caring for stray dogs and making sure the dogs of houseless individuals have food.

On one of his recent missions to feed dogs, he ran across Michael J., a homeless man that recognized Benardi as his cousin. Michael's reaction took Benardi by surprise at first as the man was so excited that he recognized someone from his past that he had difficulty verbalizing what he was trying to say.

a man pushing a cart full of bags down a street Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

After introducing himself as Jeff, the man excitedly says, "Jeff Benardi," and begins shouting and jumping in place as Benardi asks how he knows his name. That's when Michael breaks the news, "we're cousins," which clearly confused the good samaritan. You can hear the confusion in his voice as he clarifies. Suddenly it was like Michael remembered everything at once as he tries to explain their connection.

"Oh my God! We went to Reed High School," he shouts before Benardi confirms he went to the school in 1986. "Listen, we used to go fishing, we used to drink Bud...no not Bud. No it's the other one. It's a cheap beer. Name another one...Keystone. We used to go fishing. I...we...we worked at the Clarkson Company."

It's then you can hear the recognition hit Benardi's voice when he confirms he worked at Clarkson as well. Michael continued to stumble over his words trying to get out more information to prove they knew each other but Bernardi cuts him off to ask for a hug. The moving video is cut short, presumably due to overwhelming emotions as you can hear Benardi's voice cracking towards the end of the exchange. But that wasn't the end, Benardi has been staying in touch with Michael trying to get him off the streets.

In one of his first update videos, he thought he had lost Michael after the police cleared out the encampment where the man was sleeping. After some searching, he was able to locate him sleeping on a couch outside. Michael became emotional when Benardi asks if he's tried homeless shelters saying, "yeah, I don't want to go to a shelter I just want my family."

In another update Benardi writes, "Today I am trying to locate family for Michael. We were childhood friends and my family loved him so we always called ourselves cousins. I love this guy! I tried bringing him to my house and he mentally was not prepared and melted down insisting I brought him back to this location until his family showed up."

Benardi admits he's out of his depth with trying to help his friend but is determined to help him and will keep showing up for as long as he needs to. It seems as though Michael may be struggling with a mental health condition as he appears to drift in and out of reality, but that doesn't stop his cousin from trying to help. Benardi's followers were able to donate enough money to get Michael a phone so he could stay in touch and hopefully reach his family, which is exactly what can now happen.

According to a commenter, they're Michael's brother and after seeing the video are actively trying to help him as well, writing in part, "I found my Brother today. Unfortunately he did not want my help. He was staying near my cousins house and they would check in on him everyday. His mind is pretty messed up. He is on his way back to our mother's house. So hopefully he will chill out for a few days."

All of that from a chance encounter with someone that jogged a 25 year plus memory. Sometimes the power of social media can feel surreal. Michael says he hasn't seen his family in years and is obviously seeking familial connection. Hopefully once he is reacclimated to interacting with others he will be able to get the help he needs to come back around fully, until that time Benardi and Michael's family will continue to look out for him to make sure he's safe and knows that he is loved.


Emetophobia is a pathological fear of vomiting and can be incredibly debilitating.

Something was wrong with our daughter. We'd seen the signs brewing for a while, but couldn't pinpoint their exact nature. She'd always been an easy-going kid, but sometimes she'd flat-out refuse to do certain things or go certain places, and she would panic if we tried to coax her.

She had frequent dizzy spells and stomachaches with no apparent physical cause. If she heard someone we knew was sick, she'd immediately ask with a worried tone, "What kind of sick?" Those last two things should have been bigger clues, but we didn't have the clarity of hindsight. And as adolescence approached, she started experiencing more anxiety in general. She would back out of plans with friends more frequently.

She spent more and more time in her bedroom. When I took her to orchestra practice—something she enjoyed—she couldn't make herself get out of the car to go in. We could see her trying to do things, but more and more she was paralyzed by a fear she couldn't name. It was clear she was struggling with anxiety and we tried a couple of different therapists. They each helped a little, at least to keep the spiral from getting worse. But we seemed to be missing something.

It began dawning on me how often she talked about feeling nauseous. I took note of how many times she'd ask us if food was OK to eat and how frequently she'd refuse to eat certain things. She obsessively checked every bite of meat to make sure it looked cooked enough, and if her stomach felt the slightest bit off, she wouldn't eat at all. If a character in a movie or TV show gave any indication that they were about to vomit, she'd hop up and leave the room. If she found out someone had a stomach bug, she'd hole herself up in her bedroom. And so we started piecing it together.

"I've noticed that most of your anxiety seems to be centered around you worrying about throwing up," I said to her one day. "Does that sound accurate?" She flinched when I said, "throwing up," but nodded "yes."

As a shot in the dark, I googled "intense fear of throwing up," and found the clinical term that would change everything: emetophobia.

Emetophobia (also called specific phobia of vomiting, or SPOV) is a pathological fear of throwing up. In scientific literature, it is often referred to as an "understudied" or "underresearched" disorder, but there is a growing consensus that it is surprisingly common. One study found that up to 3% of men and 7% of women are affected by it. No one loves throwing up, of course, but when it becomes an actual phobia it can be incredibly debilitating.

For our daughter and other emetophobes, throwing up is the most terrifying thing that could happen to them. My daughter has said if she were given the choice between throwing up and dying, she's not sure which she'd choose. Totally irrational, but that's what makes it a disorder. Sometimes emetophobia is a PTSD response to a traumatic vomiting episode, but often—as in our daughter's case—there's no clear cause. But the why is less important than the what and the how to treat it.

People with emetophobia are basically afraid of their own bodies. Many phobias are situational—people don't generally freak out about heights or spiders or small spaces unless they're in or around those situations—but a person can't avoid or escape their own body. There are no breaks, no periods of relief from the fear. And the biggest triggers for emetophobia—food and other people—are also unavoidable, which makes it a particularly challenging disorder.

We all know that anything we eat has the possibility of giving us food poisoning—we know it's rare, so we take reasonable precautions and don't worry about it. Emetophobes do worry about it. All the time. They check expiration dates obsessively. They ask for reassurance that food is safe to eat. (I can't count how many times our daughter has asked us to smell or taste something that is not the least bit old.) Obviously, they can't not eat, but they often start limiting their diets to things they deem "safe."

Additionally, in an emetophobe's brain, pretty much every normal stomach sensation—hunger, digestion, gas—gets interpreted as nausea. And if they think they're nauseous, they won't eat. Such disordered eating can easily be misdiagnosed as anorexia nervosa, though it's a totally different illness.

People are another big trigger. Any person we interact with could have a stomach bug and not know it yet, which they could pass along to us. Again, we all know this, but we understand the chance is small, so we don't worry about it. Emetophobes do worry about it, incessantly, to the point of avoiding people and places where people will be, which is basically everywhere except their own personal living space. Hence the spiral into reclusiveness, which can easily be mistaken for agoraphobia.

The compulsive food checking, the frequent hand washing and the avoidance of certain things that go along with emetophobia also look a lot like OCD. (And indeed, as my daughter's therapist explained, emetophobia is a form of obsession.) All of these things make diagnosis tricky, especially since emetophobes won't usually walk into a therapist's office and say, "Hey, I'm deathly afraid of throwing up." They often avoid all words related to vomit and won't talk about it, so they speak in vague terms about their fear, which can lead to an initial diagnosis of generalized anxiety.

Getting the correct diagnosis is vital, however, to getting the right kind of treatment.

Before we found a therapist who knew how to treat emetophobia, we utilized a website called emetophobiahelp.org. It's run by therapist Anna Christie, who suffered from emetophobia herself, and it's an excellent starting place for self-help.

One of the first things the website suggested was to have my daughter look at this:

V * * * *

Not the word "vomit," just the first letter with the rest of the letters as stars. That's how avoidant many emetophobes are about anything involving the idea of throwing up. We added one letter at a time—just looking at them, not even saying the word—until she worked up to reading the whole word, then saying it out loud until she could do it with minimal discomfort, then saying synonyms—puke, barf, upchuck, and so on. The day my daughter could say "vomit" and "puke" without hesitation was a huge milestone.

Incremental exposure like that, eventually leading up to watching videos of people vomiting and pretending to throw up yourself, is one part of treatment. (Successful treatment doesn't require actually throwing up, by the way. Nor is vomiting a cure for the phobia. It's common for people to think, "Oh, if they just throw up and see it's not that bad, then they'll get over it," but that's not how it works. Generally speaking, an emetophobe vomiting without undergoing the mental changes needed to process it will not resolve the phobia.)

The other part of treatment is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This is the retraining of the brain to manage the fearful thoughts. There are various elements of this part of treatment, including learning how the amygdala—the fear center in your brain—works and how to purposefully interact with it. Through various thought-feeling-behavior exercises, you learn how to diffuse the fear and stop inadvertently reinforcing it. (There's some evidence that EMDR can also be helpful for people with emetophobia.)

As her parents, we had to learn how the behaviors we thought were helping our daughter actually weren't. Telling her over and over again that food was fine seemed like the logical counter to her repeated requests for reassurance, but really, we were reinforcing her need for reassurance, which then reinforced the anxiety. We had to learn to tell her once, and only once, that something smelled or tasted fine and then stop responding. We had become avoidant of talking about vomit in front of her because it seemed so traumatizing—that wasn't helpful either.

So much of what we've learned in treating emetophobia is counterintuitive. That's true of treating most anxiety disorders, but with emetophobia, the behaviors are so specific it's important to find a therapist who understands how to treat it. It also can be hard to find a therapist who is familiar with it. Most we have called have never heard of it or never treated it.

Anna Christie's website is a good place to start your search. It has a list of therapists who specialize in treating emetophobia. She also has recommendations for finding a therapist if there aren't any on her list near you. We're in a rough time for finding therapists right now, though, as so many are booked out for months and aren't accepting new patients.

For self-help, an incredibly helpful book also came out last year. It has been a lifeline for my daughter, as her therapist moved out of state and we have struggled to find another to complete her treatment. "The Emetophobia Manual" by Ken Goodman, L.C.S.W. is basically a whole course of therapy in book form, complete with exercises and exposures. It's so good, I can't recommend it highly enough.

The good news is, emetophobia is treatable and there are more and more resources available for people who suffer from it. But it starts with getting the correct diagnosis, which is often the hardest part of the process.

This article originally appeared two years ago.


Self-aware, diagnosed narcissist uses TikTok to share insider view of how narcissists function

Lee Hammock is on a mission to help people who have been victimized by people like himself.

Lee Hammock explains narcissism to help validate victims of narcissistic abuse.

Anyone who has found themselves in a relationship with a narcissist knows how confusing, disorienting or downright terrifying it can be.

There are conflicting statistics on what percent of the population has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), but it ranges anywhere from 1% to 6%. The average American knows 600 people, which means we all know at least a small handful of pathological narcissists personally.

But it's people who are in close relationships with narcissists who bear the brunt of their pathology. Whether you were raised by a narcissistic parent or fell in love with a narcissist, it's likely you've been abused by someone to feed their narcissistic needs.

NPD can be particularly challenging to treat because most narcissists will nor or cannot admit that anything is wrong with them. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis found that most narcissists are actually aware that they are narcissists, but rather than see it as a problem, they embrace it and take pride in it. (Of course.)

However, a self-aware narcissist can get help through psychotherapy, if they are willing to do it. Since most don't see the problem, many won't. But many or even most isn't all, and one man is on a mission to use his Narcissistic Personality Disorder diagnosis for good.

Lee Hammock has been diagnosed with NPD and has been in psychotherapy for it since 2017. He calls himself a "self-aware" narcissist and uses social media—particularly TikTok—to share insider insights into a narcissist's brain. Hammock describes why he decided to share the ins and outs of his disorder:

"The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic abuse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone."

He explained how he ended up here:


Reply to @dubyuhbee hope this helps. I’m on a mission.

Hammock's videos speak for themselves. There are tons of them, and they give amazing insight into a narcissist's perspective from the point of view of a narcissist who actually works to understand and manage his own disorder. Here's a sampling:


Narcissists and toxic people move fast. Slow down and stop ignoring the red flags


Reply to @balushijam narcissist don’t want to see you happy with anyone else. They think they are the best you’re going to get #narcavengers


Narcissistic people would rather you leave than to work on any of their issues


Collab with @Nia Renee Narcissists like to play games with you in order to start arguments, throw you off or in order to play the hero. #narcavengers


Reply to @donna28c narcissist see any discussions about your feelings as criticism #narcavengers


Reply to @meowmeow2342 narcissist have limited emotional capacity and the people closest to us get treated the worst #narcissist #ITriedItIPrimedIt


Sometimes we are the issue. Therapy helps #npd #narcissism #narctok #narcs #narc #narcissist


It’s never a good time to finish a conversation or argument with a narcissist. Leaving things unfinished causes them buildup #ShowUsYourDrawers #narcs #npd

He even weighed in on the Kanye West situation, not diagnosing West with NPD, but explaining how his actions are right out of the narcissistic playbook.


I’m not saying he’s a narcissist, but if he isssssss Kayne is definitely taking things to a narcissistic obsessive level #kayne #kanyewest #kimkardashian

Hammock has been honest about the fact that that making and sharing these videos and getting likes on them actually feeds his narcissistic ego, but it's a healthy turning of the tables on the disorder.

And it really is serving a need. If you read through the comments on Hammock's videos, the most common response is recognition. So many people have interacted with narcissists and see those interactions in these videos, which is both validating and relieving. People who have been victims of narcissistic abuse are not alone, and Hammock helps them see that. He even helps people who might be narcissists themselves maybe—maybe—become more self-aware that their personality disorder is something that needs management.

You can find Hammock's videos on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube.

This article originally appeared on 3.23.22