A young cheerleader tearfully froze mid-routine but her coach pushed her try it one more time
More of this, please.

To stand in front of an enormous room of your peers and fail would send most people running. One young lady lived this nightmare moment during a cheer competition, but with the help of a supportive coach and a positive audience, she did what few people of any age could even imagine. She tried again, and her triumph is lighting up the internet.
A video posted on Reddit’s r/MadeMeSmile subreddit captured the emotional sequence. In the clip, the girl attempts a challenging stunt during a cheer routine but falters mid-air. While she avoids a fall, the stunt doesn’t go as planned, and disappointment is evident on her face and the tears begin to fall.
"The way she held onto him for comfort was adorable."
But instead of letting the setback define the moment, her coach stepped in with a comforting hug. He knelt to her level, wrapping her in a reassuring embrace as the room of spectators clapped and cheered to lift her spirits. The coach then encouraged her to try again, resetting her mindset with a quick front tumble.
It worked.
@britt.baltazar All I can say is wow… you did amazing sweet little at all! @HHS ARIZONA #dauntlesscheer #bashahighschool #bashacheerleading #littlemisssunshine #cheerleader #cheerleadersoftiktok #highschoolcheer ♬ Days Like These by Luke Combs - Luke Combs
With her coach’s guidance and the crowd’s energy, the young girl tackled the stunt a second time. This time, she nailed it. The crowd erupted into applause, celebrating her victory as her earlier tears turned into a triumphant smile. The video, which has already garnered over 500,000 views on TikTok, is a testament to the power of encouragement.
"This moment will shape her resilience for life."
— @Witty_Ticket_4101
Reddit users were quick to praise the coach for his compassion and the lesson he imparted through his actions. One user, @Say79, wrote, “That’s how everyone should be treated growing up. Calm, encouragement, explaining that failing is part of life.”
Not all heroes wear capes. This anonymous hypeman got the crowd on her side in a big way!
Others pointed out the strength of the supportive environment, from the coach’s actions to the crowd’s participation. User @mia-dance captured it perfectly, saying, “Sometimes, all it takes is someone to believe in you to make you try again.”
Many were moved to tears by the video, which now boasts over 84,000 upvotes on Reddit. One comment summed it up: “The resilience! From a total wreck to ‘let’s do this’ … nailed it!”
The cherry on top? According to one Redditor, @tknee22, the coach is also her father, adding a deeper layer of love and trust to the moment.
"This is what true masculinity looks like."
— @dabbadabbabacko
The video resonates with anyone who’s ever faced failure, especially as a child. It reminds us how powerful encouragement can be when paired with patience and care. Whether it’s a coach, a parent, or a mentor, having someone who believes in your potential—even after you’ve stumbled—can make all the difference.
She failed her stunt and began crying, but her coach encouraged her to try again.
byu/mindyour inMadeMeSmile
For this young girl, the moment wasn’t just about mastering a stunt. It was about learning the value of perseverance and discovering that it’s okay to fall as long as you get back up.