Woman goes on comically tragic adventure trying to renew her passport after being stranded
What’s the point of expiration dates if they’re not real?!

Woman has comically tragic adventure trying to renew passport
Envision preparing for months to celebrate your mom's birthday abroad in Dubai only to get to the airport to watch your entire family board the plane without you. One woman doesn't have to imagine because it happened to her, taking the stranded woman on multiple unwelcome adventures.
Nneoma and several members of her family planned a trip to Dubai for her mom's birthday but when it was time to board the flight, the woman was denied. She thought she had everything in order not knowing that if your passport is expiring within six months of leaving the country–you can't leave. The devastation she must've felt hearing she couldn't join her family.
But Nneoma had a plan. She would simply go to a same day passport place and renew her unexpired passport then catch a flight the next day to join the festivities. The woman planned and the universe laughed. It was not that easy.
You'd think in a place like New York City getting a same day passport would be easy peezy, but it wasn't easy and it certainly was peezy unless you count unofficial potties on the subway. Nneoma went home and immediately started attempting to call same day passport places to get an appointment and was thwarted with every phone call.
She decided that she would just take a chance and wake up early the next morning to head to the agency in person. The line to get in the door was laughable and once again she was left sans renewed passport. But the left behind daughter was determined to celebrate with her mother making her undeterred. It took calling a friend of a friend who claimed to have secret access to passport appointments and flying to another part of the state to conclude the multi-day saga.
@astoldbynneoma I cant believe this happened to me. Let me if you guys want a Part 2 🥲 #astoldbynneoma #travel #vlog #passport #lifestyle #storytime #grwm #fyp #relateable #skincare
How she secured a much sought after appointment leaves questions but in the end Nneoma was able to join her family even though the airport lost her luggage. But let her experience be a lesson in checking your passport has plenty of time left on it before planning to fly out of the country. The expiration date on passports is mainly for identification purposes, international travel is a completely different circumstance requiring renewal months in advance.
@astoldbynneoma Replying to @charitycase60 I honestly cant make this up 😭 Let me know if you guys want a Part 3 😩 #AsToldByNneoma #travel #travelnoire #lifestyle #passport #flight #tips #storytime #grwm #family #relatable #fyp #vlog #delta