
Five Gen X values from the ’90s that can save today’s world

We're bringing "whatever" back.

1990s, gen x, '90s values

A mix tape from 1992.

A few weeks ago I came across an article about a kid who watches television at 1.5x speed so he can cram as much viewing in as he can. It seemed that his unquenchable desire to get through shows in the Golden Age of television meant he’d sacrifice the entertainment value of the show just to get to the end.

“Man, this guy would have been crucified in 1993,” I thought.

As a 45-year-old card-carrying member of Generation X (those born between 1965 and 1979), I remembered a time when nobody bragged about the amount of TV they watched. In fact, they bragged about not owning a TV. “I don't watch TV, man,” people would say. “It only exists to sell you stuff.”

This complete reversal on the social acceptance of gluttonous TV viewing made me wonder what happened to the values we were raised on as Gen Xers? We were taught that sincerity was for simpletons, everything corporate is evil, old school is always better than the latest and greatest, authenticity is king, conformity is death and there is nothing worse than being a sell-out or a poser.

Nobody would have ever referred to themselves as an “influencer” in 1991—that’s the definition of a sell-out.

“After writing this book, I’m back in the mindset of ’90s thinking, which is that nothing is worse than selling out,” Chuck Klosterman, author of “The Nineties: A Book,” told Esquire. “Nothing was more embarrassing in the ’90s than trying to convince people to like the thing you made."

Deep inside the heart of almost every Gen Xer is a deep-seated feeling of nihilism. We didn’t trust the corporations that laid off our parents or gutted their pensions in the ’80s. In fact, everything corporate was predatory. We didn’t have a lot of faith in family values because we were the first generation raised by single parents or in daycare. We didn’t care much about politics either. Back in the ’90s, Gen X’s aversion to politics was historic.

Of course, these are all generalities about a generation of nearly about 65 million people, but studies show that there are some definite hallmarks of being a Gen Xer.

According to a generational differences document circulated through the business community, Gen X’s core values are “skepticism,” “fun” and “informality.” They’re described as “self-reliant,” “independent,” “unimpressed with authority” and motivated by “freedom.”

In the young Gen Xer, the culture of the era “instilled a wariness and skepticism, and a kind of ‘figure it out for yourself’ mindset,” Paul Taylor, author of “The Next America: Boomers, Millennials, and the Looming Generational Showdown” told The Washington Post. And with that came a sense “that you don’t have to shine a light on yourself. You’re not the center of the universe.”

But things have changed since the ’90s when Gen X was coming of age. We live in an American culture that is fractured by political partisanship, fueled by a constant culture of outrage, crippled by a preoccupation with technology, plundered by greedy boomers and annoyed by overly sensitive millennials. All of this is happening while we face the greatest challenge of our times, climate change.

The answer to all of these problems is simple: admit that Gen X at one point had it right and if we followed its lead, we could reverse these terrible trends. OK, it might not fix all of our woes, but the way things are going now surely aren’t working. Plus, weren’t the ’90s great?

Also, with hat in hand, I must admit that this message is for Gen Xers as well. Many of us have lost our way by forgetting our disdain for authority and skepticism toward institutions. This is a call for us to remember what we once stood for and to fight back by doing what we do best—staying above the fray.

Gen X, it’s time to strap on your Dr. Martens boots and get back to fighting the “Battle of Who Could Care Less.” It’s time we collectively got our “whatever” back and showed the other generations how powerful dismissiveness can be.

Here are the top five Gen X values that we need to embrace again.

5.  Buying vintage items

Nothing was less hip in the early ’90s than wearing mall clothes. If you had any style you shopped at a thrift store and bought used duds from the ’70s and early ’80s and remixed them into something awesome. If you were into hip-hop or skating you shopped at the surplus store and rocked some super-durable Dickies or Carhartt gear. The mood of the times was totally anti-fashion. These days, we live in a world where fast fashion is killing the environment. By embracing the Gen X value of old-school cool, we can help the planet while looking much more fashionable in the process.

4. Corporate skepticism

In the early 2000s, people fell head-over-heels in love with smartphone technology and social media so quickly that nobody stopped and said, “Hey, wait a minute!” Now, we have a world where kids are depressed, the culture has become divided and nobody talks to each other in public anymore, they just stare at their phones. I can totally understand why young millennials and Luddite boomers would fall for the big-tech ruse, but sadly, Gen X was asleep at the wheel and fell victim, too. The generation that embraced the notion that TV rotted your brain needs to remind everyone to go outside and play in the sunshine or read a book. And if you read a book it should be by Bret Easton Ellis.

3. Just say “whatever”

Two of the most popular Gen X phrases were “whatever” and “talk to the hand (because the face don’t give a damn).” These may seem to be flippant responses but they are the correct way to deal with other people’s nonsense and in 2022, we have to deal with a constant barrage of it.

Somewhere along the way, people forgot that it’s even more powerful to ignore someone than to admit they got under your skin. In the world of social media, we unintentionally amplify the most wretched voices by subtweeting, commenting and liking the posts from the army of grifters fighting for our attention.

We also live in an era where many seem to be addicted to outrage. The quickest way to stop fanning the flames of outrage is with a simple, “whatever.” Like dogs distracted by squirrels, we’ve got our heads on outrage swivels these days. Throwing around the occasional “whatever” gives us the time and energy to focus on the problems that really matter and take action.

These days “whatever” matters more than ever.

2. Bring back snobbery

Good taste used to matter. In the 2000s, millennials decided that people have the right to like what they like and that it’s worse to judge someone’s personal taste than to have bad taste. Gen Xers based their entire personalities on taste and demanded integrity from artists and were rewarded by living in a time of superior films and music. These days, no one listens to new music and we’re stuck in a world dominated by comic book movies because no one stood up and shamed people for liking low-effort culture.

1. ​Political apathy

America’s political divide has calcified over the past decade because more and more people are basing their personal identities on their politics. This has created a culture where the dialog between liberals and conservatives has become a shouting match that only makes people dig their heels in further. It’s also created a culture in Washington, D.C. that has attracted a more debased form of politician and led to the gridlock that has halted any sense of progress. Sadly, Gen X has also been sucked into this vortex.

Things were a lot different in the ’90s. Back in 1999, Ted Halstead at The Atlantic noted that Xers “appear to have enshrined political apathy as a way of life.” He added that Gen Xers “exhibit less social trust or confidence in government, have a weaker allegiance to their country or to either political party.”

Compared to what’s going on in America in 2022, this type of apathy seems welcome. Back in the ’90s, taking a “chill pill” could solve everything. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone took one, and then we could open our ears and hearts and have some constructive discussions?

There was a common lament in the 1980s that the boomer hippies had sold out and became boomer yuppies. They went from being concerned with peace, love and the planet to stocks, bonds and conspicuous consumption. Gen X is now in its 40s and 50s and it’s fair to say that we've moved from being the outsiders to creating technological and political machines that are generating the type of conformity that we once railed against.

Now that Xers are at the age where we get to run the world for a few decades, it’s time to recommit to the core values that make us well … us. The great news is that as Gen Xers, it’ll be easy to get back to our roots because we were raised to ironically love the past.

This article originally appeared on 03.10.22

via Meg Sullivan (used with permission) and Canva/Photos

A volunteer hands out food in a food bank and Meg Sullivan shares her dad's kind gesture.

When we consider people who have had a positive impact on the world, we often think of those who have made grand gestures to improve the lives of others, such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Greta Thunberg, or Mahatma Gandhi. Unfortunately, that type of effort is out of reach for the average person.

However, O Organics would like to remind everyone that they can positively impact the world through small, consistent acts of kindness that add up over time. Much like how a small creek can create a valley over the years, we can change lives through small, consistent acts of kindness.

O Organics is dedicated to the well-being of all by nourishing people everywhere with delicious organic foods grown by producers who meet USDA-certified organic farming standards.

Upworthy's Instagram page recently posted a touching example of everyday kindness. Meg Sullivan shared how her father, Tom, peeled oranges for her lunch just about every day from kindergarten through high school. But on the final day of her senior year of high school, he sent his 17-year-old daughter unpeeled oranges with a touching note about how she’d have to start peeling them for herself.

“It’s Time Baby Girl,” he wrote on a wikiHow printout on how to peel an orange with a drawing of himself crying. For the father, this daily ritual was about more than just making lunch; it was about showing that he cared by going the extra mile. “I could have put money on her lunch account,” Tom told Today.com. “But it’s one of those little things I thought was important, that she knows somebody’s taking the time to take care of her.”

The small, daily gesture taught Megan an essential lesson in kindness.

The post reminded people how their fathers’ small acts of kindness meant so much to them. “My dad peeled my oranges until I graduated high school, too. Now, I peel my daughter’s oranges and will for the next 7 plus years,” Katie wrote in the comments. “Love this. My dad peeled mine, too. When I moved out, he gave me an orange peeler gadget,” Mary added.

o organics, albertson's giving backO Organics has a wide array of foods and flavors covering almost everything on your shopping list.via Albertson's

Did you know that every time you go to the supermarket, you can also change the world through small gestures? O Organics not only allows you to feed your family delicious and nutritious organic food, but each purchase also gives back to help people and communities facing food insecurity.

Through contributions from customers like you, O Organics donates up to 28 million meals annually. The company’s contribution is essential when, according to the USDA, 47.4 million Americans live in food-insecure households.

O Organics has a wide array of foods and flavors covering almost everything on your shopping list. “Over the years, we have made organic foods more accessible by expanding O Organics to every aisle across our stores, making it possible for health and budget-conscious families to incorporate organic food into every meal,” Jennifer Saenz, EVP and Chief Merchandising Officer at Albertsons, one of many stores where you can find O Organics products, said in a statement.

O Organics now offers over 1500 items, from dairy products such as eggs and milk to packaged meats and breakfast staples such as cereal bars, granola and oatmeal. You can also enjoy affordable organic produce with O Organics’ fresh salads and fruit.

Everybody wants to make the world a better place. With O Organics, you can feed your family healthy, organic food every time you go to the market while paying it forward by contributing to the company’s efforts to end food insecurity nationwide. That’s a small, daily gesture that can amount to incredible change.


Mom shares 4-part secret to making her home "the house" for her son and his friends.

Con: They eat all your food. Pro: You'll learn to know and trust the people they spend their time with.


I grew up in "the house." In high school, my home was the designated place where my friends gathered, sometimes in big groups, sometimes just my small core squad. My three best friends spent the night there almost every Friday and/or Saturday night for four years straight. We devoured Totino's frozen pizzas by the dozens, inhaled soda, and laid waste to any snacks or leftovers that were brave enough to exist somewhere in the kitchen. Not only that, but my house was pretty small — four teenage boys took up a lot of space in the living room (the whole thing) and made a lot of noise playing video games deep into the night. It must have driven my parents and older brothers crazy. It's a wonder anyone put up with it.

Or, so I thought when I was younger. When I became a parent myself, I started to understand a little more why my mom and dad were so willing to host and feed me and all my friends every single weekend. Why the outrageous grocery bill and constant chaos in the house was probably a small price to pay.

One mom has perfectly encapsulated why turning her home into "the house" for her son and his friends was so valuable and exactly how she did it.


Amy White shared a reel on Instagram showing her college-aged son hanging in her dining room with a group of friends playing cards. The text overlay reads "What makes your kids high school friends want to come over, play cards & spend the night on their College Christmas Break". I think most parents can agree that we want our kids to keep coming home as long as possible! So how exactly did White pull this off?

Her explanation in the caption was spot-on.

First, White says that you have to start early. Become "the hang out house" in high school or even earlier. Then you have a better chance of holding onto the mantle into your kid's college years.

Next, be ready to stock the house with snacks and drinks, and don't make a fuss when your kid's friends have at it. "The kids knew we had food," she writes, "BUT they also knew I didn't care what they had. They knew they could eat anything in my pantry and fridge."

Third, and this is a big one, don't mistake being the "cool house" for being "the house." Some parents choose to allow their underage kids and friends to drink alcohol under their supervision, but you don't have to bend your morals and the law to lure the squad over to your place. Pizza and Coke is plenty to keep most teens happy. "We were not the house that served alcohol or even allowed the kids to bring alcohol to our house. And Guess What?? The kids still came and wanted to hang at our house!"

Fourth, always say Yes (as often as possible, anyway) when your kids want to have friends over. "They know my answer is 99% of the time YES," White writes. "You have to have your kids take the leadership of offering your home and if your home was 'open' to their friends in high school, they know it will be 'open' to their friends in college."

As a bonus tip, White pleas with parents not to worry about the mess having friends over makes. "I love a clean house and organization, BUT I would much rather have a crazy messy house for the kids where memories are made than a quiet house with nothing going on just to keep my house 'clean.'"

White writes, "It's worth being 'the house', so let go of control & get to know your kids friends." Commenters agreed.

White's video went viral to the tune of 8.5 million views and hundreds of comments. Parents shared their own experiences of what it's like being the default hang out house.

"Our house was the high school hangout for my son and friends... every weekend... I loved it!! Miss it now that they are all college graduates and have moved away. I love seeing them when they do come home for the holidays"

"A wise man once said don't be the house with the alcohol. Be the house with the food."

Teenagers will ravage your kitchenMichael Richards Eating GIFGiphy

"Amy 1000% agree!!! My house is full of teenagers on the weekends and I love every bit of it. Even though I wake up to a kitchen that looked much different from when I left it"

"we never allowed alcohol, drugs, bad language, always respectful, and guess what, our house was always the house where the kids hung out. First my daughter, then my son. Through grade school, high school, then when my kids went out of state for college their college friends would come spend a couple weeks during the summer. I always thought of it this way, I loved knowing my kids friends and, who knows, maybe some of those kids, especially during the younger years, just maybe those kids just needed an adult to care. Anyway, it was always fun to have them here!"

"It used to crack me up when my daughter would bring over a bunch of her friends (girls and boys) in high school and instead of hanging out in the family room they all wanted to crowd into either the kitchen with me or our tiny office and happily share all the gossip with me."

Experts say that knowing your kids' friends, and their parents, can have huge benefits. Not only will it bring you the peace of mind of knowing where your kid is and who they're with when they get to those crucial high school years, it has been shown to tangibly improve kids ability to create positive relationships and problem-solve collaboratively. Plus, it can actually be really fun! Kids and teens are the funniest, silliest, most interesting people on the planet. Having a house full of them is messy and loud, but it's always a good time.

Just "Don’t feel bad if your house isn’t the chosen house," one commenter reminds us. "Just be happy your kid has a good group of friends and be thankful they have somewhere safe to hang out."

Usher reveals UK's most requested song; Americans never heard it.

Everyone has their favorite song by their favorite artist. Oftentimes, it's a song that's so familiar to other people that it's fun to sing along at karaoke or to shout in unison at a concert because nearly everyone knows the lyrics. International superstar, Usher Raymond, who only uses his first name, has been making hits since he was just 13-years-old, so it's hard to find a song in his discography that you haven't danced to.

Recently Usher sat down with Disney alum, Keke Palmer on her podcast, Baby, This is Keke Palmer, where she asks the singer burning questions fans want to know. One of the questions was, "What's one song from your discography that you're tired of performing but fans won't let go of?" Palmer immediately jumps in to follow up with, "Is there any song that you feel that way about with all your songs?"

The answer to the question didn't just shock and confuse Palmer, it caused bicontinental confusion when the episode aired: "When I'm in Europe they like me to perform a song called 'Pop Ya Collar,'" the singer shared. Palmer admits to not remembering the song and asks him to give a demonstration on what it sounds like but after reluctantly hitting one or two notes, Usher immediately appears miserable and stops singing.

gif of Usher saying "Yeah, Man" Try It Team Usher GIF by The VoiceGiphy

A British woman, Yasmin Evans shared the clip on TikTok with her confused reaction to hearing the song is only popular in the UK. "What is happening? You're telling me people in the US or other places in the world don't rate 'Pop Ya Collar'? I cannot. I cannot. Hold on," she exclaims before playing a clip of the music video.

Evans is in for an even larger shock. Not only is the song not popular in the United States, most people haven't even heard of it all on this side of the pond. Turns out the song was never released outside of the UK, so Americans haven't had any exposure to it and they were quick to point that out in the comments.

@yasminevans__ I’m SHOOK. I did the research and this is true facts?! Well, I’m here to tell you you’ve been missing out and I now consider myself top 5 Usher fans in the entire world. Anyway, see you April 2nd bestie 🫶🏽 @Usher Raymond ♬ original sound - YasminEvans__

"Sorry to that song…it could be playing on the radio and I wouldn’t know a thing," somebody writes, cleverly referencing one of Keke's greatest moments-turned-meme.

"America here. From Atlanta. Usher fan. Never heard this song before," another says.

"USHER DONT EVEN KNOW THE SONG WE ALL CONFUSED," one person exclaims in all caps.

"I’ve seen usher twice and have been listening to him since a child. I’ve never heard this song before in my life," another American shares.

gif of Usher performingUsher GIF by Recording Academy / GRAMMYsGiphy

Another Brit chimed in with equal confusion as Evans, "This is criminal! How can she not remember Pop Ya Collar?! Such a tune."

Someone else from the UK is also in disbelief, "WHATTTTTTT im outraged. That’s like my fave usher song."

Another user shares that the song went platinum in England and was constantly played on MTV. People on two separate continents were absolutely flabbergasted and feeling a bit bamboozled. Someone suggested that England must be in a different universe because it appeared that Usher didn't even know the song in question. But there's a simple explanation for why this song that seems so uncharacteristic of Usher is popular in the UK and unheard of in the US–musical preference.

Turns out the song was leaked in the United States before it came out and it was extremely unpopular it so it didn't get officially released. But in the UK, the song became the lead single on the 8701 album and fans learned the words to "Pop Ya Collar" while Americans were belting "U Remind Me" lyrics. So, no, there's not alternate universe, nor is there an Usher doppelgänger in the UK. This is all the result of a Napster leak that ultimately revealed Americans were not the right audience for that song.

Photo Credit: Condé Nast|Wikimedia

Selena Gomez is a reminder on why body comments are off limits.

Commenting on someone's body should be off limits. Whether someone loses weight, gains weight or a stranger is larger than average or smaller than average, it's generally ideal to keep the opinion of someone else's body to yourself. But it seems that this is a hard lesson for people to learn, especially when it comes to celebrities.

Selena Gomez is often under scrutiny because of her appearance. Growing up in the public eye, people know she's has always been on the thinner side and feel obligated to point out when she gains weight without taking into account that she's no longer a 14-year-old child. The speculation and comments had reached such a point that Gomez decided to tackle it head on.

The "Love You Like a Love Song" singer took to social media and addressed her changing appearance in February 2023 where she explained that her lupus medications cause excess water retention.

"When I’m taking [the medicine], I tend to hold a lot of water weight and that happens very normally, and then when I'm off of it I tend to kind of lose weight," the star says in a resurfaced video of her TikTok live.

But for some reason, viewers once again seem to feel the need to discuss how thin she has gotten after seeing her on the red carpet for the SAG Awards. Several people accused the star of being on Ozempic, a diabetes medication that has been controversially used in recent years to double as a weight loss drug.

When an X account dedicated to updates on the star posted a side by side of Gomez last year and this year exclaiming that she's "aging like fine wine" and critics wasted no time to jump into the comments, with one writing, "I don't think ozempic is good for her lupus...."

Another writes, "Ozempic at work. I’ll put her on my Deadpool list," while another says, "Sag Awards proved all the Hollywood starlets are on Ozempic."

Many of the medications used to treat lupus cause weight gain, especially prolonged use of steroids like prednisone, which is often prescribed to treat lupus flares. As Gomez explained in 2023, the medications cause weight gain often through water retention and not an actual increase in fat deposits, so it makes sense that when she is no longer taking the medications, she drops the weight quickly.

The general public has also gone after Lizzo for her slimmer appearance in recent months, which has left some of Lizzo's fans confused. In previous years she was consistently attacked for being "too fat" while not being afraid to show off her larger figure. The singer became vegan in 2020, increased her dedication to working out and drinking plenty of water, and slowly began shedding the pounds over the years. Once her weight loss was evident, she too has been accused of using Ozempic by those who have not been following along on her five-year weight loss journey.

This sort of stuff doesn't just happen to celebrities either. You'll notice comments on social media about a stranger's body or witness it happen in the wild. I recently encountered this at a local nail salon when the woman was finishing up my manicure and during the hand massage portion decided that it would be the appropriate time to tell me I needed to eat something because, "your hands are so boney they're hurting me to massage you." Seems like a strange thing to say to someone who hasn't left a tip yet, but also strange to say to a stranger you've never met before, or to anyone at all.

Like Gomez, anyone could be going through something you know nothing about, whether it be an autoimmune disorder, which Gomez and I have in common, an eating disorder, chemotherapy, PCOS, or insulin resistance. There are many reasons people's bodies are thin, fat, or fluctuate but unless that person specifically asks for commentary on their physique, it's rarely ever appropriate to opine on someone else's body.

Certain moments hit different when you know they'll be your last.

Rarely in life do we get the gift of knowing certain moments will be our last. Imagine how we might savor them, if we did. It would probably look a lot like this video below, shared by Isla Rachel on TikTok, which shows her husband Shaun enjoying one last cuddle with their son before receiving an arm amputation.

In an interview with Newsweek, Isla shared that her partner was diagnosed with sarcoma in May of last year, which resulted in a tumor that had developed in his chest that affect blood supply to his right arm. Unfortunately, after several rounds of chemotherapy and radiation surgery was the only viable option. And with that, very little chance of being able to spare the arm.

While Shaun was apparently “at peace” with the situation, it obviously didn’t make it less emotional. And in the clip, which quickly racked up nearly 600,000 views, we can feel that as he uses both arms to lift his child in the air, and offer his copious hugs and kisses.

@islarachael The bravest, strongest, most incredible man that we’re so lucky to call ours. #cancer #sarcoma #amputation #surgery ♬ These Memories - Hollow Coves

"It meant everything to him to be able to lift Archie up and see him smile. It gives him the motivation to get through anything," Isla told Newsweek. "I felt very emotional watching it happen, but so proud of my brave and courageous husband."

Understandably, people were moved. And so many, including those who have had similar experiences, reached out to offer support.

“It’ll just be a different kind of huggle,” one person encouraged. Meanwhile another shared, “my dad has sarcoma and had his left arm amputated at shoulder two years ago! He has adapted well. Yes things are harder but he finds a way. Wishing you guys nothing but good vibes and healing thoughts.”

Many also tried to reassure Shaun that while life might look a little different, his kid will love him all the same.

“My kids have seen my wife go through cancer. While she didn’t lose limbs, she did change a lot physically. Throughout it all, they have been amazing with her. Kids don’t care. They just love,” one person wrote.

Another shared, “My dad had a horrible accident before I was born. All I knew was him after the accident, he was a great dad. Your kiddo will only know dad after, and will look up to and love their dad just the same.”

Still another echoed, “I know it’s not the same but if it eases your minds to know about how your kids will feel, my father was born missing his arm at the elbow and his other hand was missing a digit and the hand and arm were a bit differently formed. My sister and I never thought about it twice. He still hugged us and we played and roughhoused and lived it up. It was just one more cool thing about my dad that made him awesome.”

And just to drive this point home, Isla recently posted a follow-up video of Shaun, post-surgery, holding his boy while jumping joyously on a trampoline.

@islarachael Replying to @oliviaaaasl amen!! #cancer #sarcoma #amputation #amputee @Shaun Lemberg ♬ Sweet Love - Myles Smith

Life changes, but love can be an amazing stabilizer during even the most difficult of transitions.

A man holding his ear forward.

Do you know someone who can wiggle their ears, either up and down and back and forth, but whenever you look in the mirror and try to do so, you flare your nostrils like a bunny, but nothing moves? According to Popular Science, only about one in five people can wiggle their ears, and it’s most likely not because they practiced all day in the mirror. For most people, it’s genetic.

In a recent video, Dr. Monica Kieu calls being able to wiggle your ears a “rare superpower.” Kieu is a board-certified specialist in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery in Beverly Hills and Newport Beach, California. “Moving our ears is a vestigial trait, meaning that it's a relic from our previous ancestors,” she says in a YouTube reel. “Although these movements help us localize sound, it doesn't really have much function.”

- YouTubewww.youtube.com

Why can some people wiggle their ears?

If you have a dog or a cat, you’ve noticed that when there is a loud noise in the house, their ears perk up and then, like radars, scan the home and beyond to find the location of where the sound came from and what it might be. As humans, we’ve lost the need for such sensitive hearing over millions of years, so the auricular muscles (those attached to your ears) have become weaker. They are now considered vestigial or something that either didn’t finish developing or, through evolution, has become useless.

The auricular muscles aren’t the only thing evolution has left us from the past. The wisdom teeth are left over from when humans had to chew a lot more raw food. The appendix was used to digest tough plants, and goosebumps are left over from when we had fur.

Those who can wiggle their ears have not just developed vestigial ear muscles; their brains are wired to allow them to do so. They still have neural pathways in their brains that enable them to move those muscles, while others may have lost them a few branches back on the family tree. According to Popular Science, significantly more men than women can move both ears at the same time.

How to wiggle your ears.

Do you dream of being able to wow people at parties and entertain small children by wiggling your ears? Daniel J. Strauss, a professor of neuroscience and neurotechnology at Saarland University Hospital in Germany, says it’s possible. "In a recent study, we provided visual feedback — some sort of display of muscular activation on a screen — which could help people 'train' specific ear muscles,” Strauss told Life Science.

Gillian Margonis, a popular TikTok user, claims she taught herself how to wiggle her ears while bored in high school. Here’s her step-by-step process for getting the wiggles going.

1. Notice when your ears move

If you feel a slight movement of your ear muscles when holding back a smile, those are the muscles you should focus on. "After you recognize when it happens, look out for it," Margonis says.

2. Focus on your newly-discovered muscles

"Try to use those same muscles and see if it makes your ear move," she said. "You're probably only going to be able to do one or two wiggles until you gain control of the muscle enough to wiggle your ears as much as you want."


I know my ears are big!!! thank u for 550k :-) ily