Veterinarian has perfect response after being told it's 'disgusting' to let cats on furniture
It has cat people everywhere rejoicing.

Pretty sure every cat person feel the same way.
No one would get a dog expecting it to not bark, try to eat human food or need daily walks. And yet people regularly get flummoxed when their just-as-loveable cat exhibits completely natural behaviors like climbing tabletops or scratching at furniture.
Of course, cat people, who delight in adapting their life to make it as enriching as possible for their feline fur babies, know the flaws of this logic. After all, most cats spend more time in the house than their human counterparts. So shouldn’t the house belong just as much to them?
If you answered yes—then this clapback video (from a vet, no less), should have you feeling pretty vindicated. And if you answered no—prepare to see the error of your ways.
Dr. Matt McGlasson is a veterinarian in Kentucky, who also happens to be the proud dad of a 5-year-old special needs cat named Rupaul.
McGlasson recently was told by a viewer that it’s "disgusting" that he allows Rupaul on his furniture (as opposed to human butts only, which are okay, I guess?).
McGlasson’s response to this comment recently racked up over 11.8 million views, with good reason.
In a clip posted to his Instagram, McGlasson holds up Rupaul, who can’t use her hind legs, and shamelessly lists off all the other things he would allow for his kitty, including:
-Cosigning a loan for Rupaul
-Letting Rupaul do his taxes
-Giving Rupaul the passwords to all of his accounts.
-Capital Punishment, which he’s not normally a support of. But if someone hurts Rupaul, “that’s another story."
-Going into a business with Rupaul
-Giving Rupaul $20,000 for bringing him a dead mouse
-Making Rupaul the beneficiary on my life insurance policy.
And last, but certainly not least…letting Rupaul on the furniture.
Put simply: “My cat can do whatever she wants. It's her world. I'm just living in it.”
Down in the comments, fellow cat owners couldn’t agree more with McGlasson’s sentiment.
“My husband picked his new chair based on the cat , the arm had to be wide enough for her to sit whenever she chooses to have quality time with him.”
“I would donate my kidneys to Square if she needed them. Yes… I mean both 😂”
“‘You let your cat sleep with you?’ Ma’am, I’d let him represent me in court.”
“I bought my house for my senior kitties. I wanted to get out of our apartment so they could feel grass beneath their paws again before their time was up.”
Others reiterated how it’s a gift to be able to create a healthy, happy life for a pet, and freaking out about furniture is kind of missing the joint.
“Like I don't understand ppl who r so against cats on furniture. If ur against pets on furniture probably don't have them. Treat your pets with love and respect. When you take an animal into ur home it becomes their home and safe place. All of the things in ur house become a part of their world and cats like to naturally be elevated. My cats do what they want because they aren't pets they are family. They own the place I just live here. Lol,” wrote one person.
Bottom line: climbing is part of a cat’s inherent programming. And if cat owners truly want their home to be a safe space for their kitty, then this should be taken into consideration.
The good news is, there are plenty of cat-friendly ways you can coax them off of furniture, like making sure there are plenty of dedicated cat trees to climb and scratching posts to sink their claws into, or opting for furniture with fabrics that cats don’t love as much, like microfiber.
And as a general rule, cats respond to positive reinforcement, rather than punishment. Contrary to outdated, yet still popular belief, cats don’t “know” when they're being bad. And they will learn to associate their own with negative attention. That’s not fun for anyone.
As McGlasson, or any other pet owner can attest, having their presence in our homes provides so much fulfillment and connection, that small compromises—or large bank loans—are well worth it.
By the way, McGlasson’s TikTok and Instagram are full of hilarious cat content, so be sure to give him a follow.
This article originally appeared last year.