You do you.
Since the 18th century, capitalism has been all about the assumption that we humans are fundamentally driven by self-interest.
GIF from "Wall Street."
This idea has become so pervasive that most people just accept it as true. Especially folks in power.
Sure, the thinking goes, we'd like to be nicer and more generous, but that's just not how we're built.
Well, Dr. Felix Warneken is here to prove that one of the biggest assumptions behind capitalism? Yeah. It's wrong. NBD.
Dr. Warneken, now a professor of psychology at Harvard University, developed experiments to suss out what humans — in their early toddler form — are really like.
And the experiments show that, without being asked, kids are moved to help those in need.
Warneken's research shows that we have innately altruistic tendencies. And not only do we want to help our fellow man — we derive joy from it.
The results, captured on video below, are pretty striking (and freaking cute):
GIFs via PBS.
Watch these adorable toddlers crush one of the major myths behind capitalism: