
May Wilkerson

This is Briana "Bree" Wiseman, a pastry chef and restaurant manager from Tennessee.

A photo of Briana "Bree" WisemanPosted by Bree Wiseman on Saturday, May 6, 2017

The 22-year-old shared a photo of her dog on Facebook next to a plate of food and it went viral — but not just because her dog is really, really cute. In the caption, Wiseman made a powerful statement about sexual assault, using her dog, and the plate of food, as a metaphor.

Wiseman wrote:

To the people that say women get raped due to the way they are dressed. This is my dog. His favorite food is steak. He is eye level with my plate. He won't get any closer because I told him no. If a dog is better behaved than you are, you need to reevaluate your life. Feel free to share, my dog is adorable.

So far, over 325,000 people have shared the post. And thousands have left comments, most of them in full support of both the message, and the dog.

Wiseman told the Huffington Post she decided to share the post to take a stand against victim-blaming, in part because of her own experiences with sexual assault. She said:

The only person to blame in a rape offense is the rapist. It was their decision to rape. People shouldn't have to worry about what they chose to wear for fear of rape. I want people to see that this is a problem, and to stand together against victim-shaming.

She continued:

If a 4-year-old pit bull understands the word no,' even though he is looking at something he wants so bad he is literally drooling, then adults should understand 'no,' no matter how the other adult is dressed... How is it that a simple-minded animal has the ability to understand better than a large part of the adult population?

Good question. Although we already knew dogs are better than people. That being said, kudos to Wiseman for speaking up, and to her dog, for being such a good boy.

This article first appeared on 04.16.19 and was orginally published by our partners at someecards.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called out the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol for fostering a "violent culture" after a ProPublica report revealed border patrol agents were sharing violent, threatening posts about her in a popular secret Facebook group.

The posts about AOC came on the heels of her visit today to Trump's detention center/concentration camps, including one in Clint, Texas, where agents have been accused of keeping children in inhumane, neglectful conditions. The ProPublica article included screenshots of sexist, xenophobic and threatening posts and memes from the group, targeting AOC and other congresspeople as well as horrific memes and comments joking about dead migrants. The group, which is called "I'm 10-15"(10-15 is apparently code for "aliens in custody"), has about 9,500 members from across the U.S.) and, according to the intro, is a "funny" and "serious" place to discuss working with the U.S. Border Patrol.

The report prompted an apology from the official Twitter account of U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency, who called the posts "completely inappropriate and contrary to the honor and integrity" they apparently expect from their agents.

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, interestingly, has not apologized for the continuing reports of human rights abuses in these camps or the rising death toll of children. They have also not responded to the many people calling for the agents posting in this group to be fired.

The threats did not dissuade AOC from visiting the detention camps along with Congresswoman Madeleine Dean, who called the conditions "far worse than we ever could have imagined" and described the situation as a "human rights crisis."

AOC's tweets about her experience should shake you down to your very core.

This news is horrifying and sickening beyond belief but it's important that we keep reading about it, talking about it, tweeting and yelling and screaming about it. We can't turn our backs on this crisis or we are all complicit.

This article originally appeared on SomeeCards. You can read it here.

Jameela Jamil is a gift to the world. The Good Place actor is a tireless champion for the body positive movement and has no problem calling out other celebrities for hawking dangerous diet products. She has come for the Kardashians, Iggy Azaelia, and even Cardi B (brave), and she WILL come for you if you use your massive platform to promote products that dangerously encourage young girls to lose weight. So consider yourself warned.

At the center of these controversies is a company called Flat Tummy Co., which markets diet and detox (read: diarrhea) teas, mainly to young women and girls. According to their website, these products have "not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration." And apparently the company wasn't satisfied with their teen consumer base and decided to expand....by marketing to pregnant women.

Reality star Amber Rose, who is currently pregnant, shared an ad yesterday for a Flat Tummy Tea product that is specifically geared towards helping pregnant women stay thin and "not bloated." Hell, while we're at it, let's put the baby on a diet, too, shall we!!!??? This might seem like an episode of Black Mirror, but I assure you, it's not. Here's the ad:

The caption, which Amber edited following the immense backlash, reads:

Okay listen up @flattummyco just launched an Organic Pregnancy Tea to help us moms with those bloated, nauseous, blah feeling days! It's safe to take while pregnant and breastfeeding. This is not a detox tea - it's specially designed to help reduce occasional nausea and support digestion during pregnancy - haters stop riding the bandwagon and think for yourselves.

The ad clearly ruffled feathers, attracting a slew of comments like these:

It was only a short time before this nightmare caught Jameela Jamil's eye, and she'd had ENOUGH. The actor took to Twitter to call out Amber Rose and the company for their dangerous bullsh*t. She's not messing around! She used ALL CAPS and even tagged the FDA!

She followed up with this tweet:

One of Jamil's followers did some research and found this terrifying info. on the product's website, which directly contradicts Amber Rose's claim about the product being "safe" for pregnant women:

Jamil's replies lit up with people supporting her for calling out Amber and this dangerous product:

Jamil also posted her message to Instagram, captioning the photo "NO AMBER ROSE, NO."

Jamil's fight has not been for nothing, as evidenced by the overwhelmingly positive response to her posts. This comment from a Broadway actress is just another reminder of how she's making a difference:

THANK YOU, JAMEELA, ON BEHALF OF WOMEN AND GIRLS EVERYWHERE AND OUR TUMMIES. Every woman deserves the right to a not-flat tummy and no one deserves that right more than pregnant women. Can we stop trying to flatten every woman into a pancake already and just let us LIVE OUR DAMN LIVES?! This post sponsored by Bloated Tummyâ„¢.

This article originally appeared on SomeeCards. You can read it here.

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Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is a proud dad to three daughters. And he has no qualms about using social media to express his adoration for them.


But even the best, most loving, and chiseled dads are no match for the judgmental eyes of the internet. Yesterday morning, The Rock posted a photo of himself and his 3-year-old daughter Jasmine at the pool—her perched on the edge, about to jump off, and him waiting to catch her, Yahoo reports.

It sounds adorable, but most of us will never get to see it. Because the famous dad was forced to delete the photo after throngs of commenters criticized him for the pic because Jasmine, who is THREE, is not wearing a bathing suit."I'd never post a pic of my child naked in a pool on social media...I understand the message that is being conveyed but there are some messed up people out there," one commenter wrote, according to Yahoo.

Other comments reportedly included: "Why would you expose a young child's body to millions of people?" "Why is she naked though?" and "I love the Rock but this pic isn't necessary for social media. They made bathing suits for a reason."

Other commenters came to The Rock's defense, pointing out that it's perfectly normal and not sexual at all for little kids to not wear a bathing suit while swimming. One commenter pointed out that it's the norm in Polynesian culture. "Those who are sexualizing this picture of his daughter because she is swimming with no clothes on obviously don't know what it's like to grow up in the islands or in a Polynesian house hold," they wrote. "This is very normal and not sexual in any way with our culture."

Here are more commenters defending his not-creepy choice to post the photo:

Still, I respect his choice to remove the photo. Because no dad wants to be accused of putting his daughter's safety and well-being in jeopardy. The internet may be harsh. But The Rock's love for his family is not.

On the bright side, at least it's a dad and not a mom being shamed for once! Good job, internet a**holes with too much free time, on smashing that glass ceiling.

This article originally appeared on SomeeCards. You can read it here.