
Jon Youshaei

I have a confession: I get anxiety when I check social media.

People post about getting married, having babies, taking lavish vacations, and solving world hunger. Meanwhile, I'm barely keeping it together.

All illustrations by Jon Youshaei/The Every Vowel.

I have to remind myself that people don't show their full selves on social media. It's only their "greatest hits."

Lots of people pretend to be someone they're not.

Like a "social media influencer."

Or a "Bitcoin guru."

But truth is, not everyone crushes their goals all the time.

Even the seemingly most successful people struggle. And you can overcome any challenge if you keep three simple things in mind.

1. Don't let pride get in your way.

2. Ask for help.

3. Above all: Don’t be so hard on yourself!

You don't need to be perfect to be happy.

You don't need to have all the answers.

Even people who soar don’t have it all figured out.

Life is constantly under construction. Failure isn't a detour. It's a rite of passage.

You can find more of my cartoons on EveryVowel.com.