Breaking news: Lots of women enjoy drinking beer.
Beer — craft beer in particular — is often thought of as a man's game, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
In fact, some experts believe women actually invented beer, though you wouldn't know it from the way it's sometimes marketed today.
GIF via matchpointHD/YouTube.
Looks like every beer ad ever, right?
It's not just the overly sexed-up commercials that are crossing lines and alienating customers. It's the names of the beers themselves.
Panty Dropper. Leg Spreader. Thong Remover.
As hard as it is to believe, those are real beer names.
Thankfully, it looks like the craft beer industry has finally had enough of sexist and offensive brew names.
Discontent with these kinds of labels has been brewing (yeah, I went there) for years, with both drinkers and brewers alike growing increasingly agitated by immaturity from a handful of breweries.
Now the Brewers Association, one of the largest industry trade bodies, has finally updated its code to crack down on offensive names and labels like these.
While it doesn't have the power to officially ban them, the association can make sure offending breweries don't use its awards, medals, or seal of approval to market beers with offensive labels. The move ought to discourage this kind of desperation to appeal to male drinkers, and it's a small gesture that represents a bigger current of change.
If all of this sounds a little like the fun-police at work, take a look at these labels. Some of them are pretty hard to stomach.
The idea that the only way to appeal to men is through sexual innuendo is offensive to women and men.
We can do better.
1. Panty Peeler, Midnight Sun Brewing
Anything else ready for summer adventures to begin?
A post shared by Midnight Sun Brewing Co. (@midnightsunbrewingco) on
2. Raging Bitch, Flying Dog Brewery
Photo by Antti T. Nissinen/Flickr.
3. Naughty Girl, New Albanian Brewing
Image by New Albanian Brewing.
4. Stacked, Route 2 Brews
Image by Route 2 Brews.
5. Tramp Stamp, Clown Shoes Beer
6. Double D, Fordham & Dominion Brewing
7. Crazy Bitch, Northwest Brewing Company
And the list goes on and on. Angry yet?
The trend of beer names that degrade or objectify women is offensive and unnecessary. Besides, any beer drinker knows the best brews don't need to rely on gross marketing gimmicks to get by.
The latest move from the Brewers Association proves drinkers are ready to hold their beer makers to a higher standard.