They're 60 and have been climbing glaciers for years. They can't anymore — not because of old age.
Glacier-climbing, skiing, and snowboarding might become a thing of the past. Unless we do something.
Alpinists are probably some of the coolest people.
Sometimes known as mountaineers, alpinists are people who climb high mountains. It's a hard activity.
Especially if they're climbing ice.
Whether you're watching them in real life or on TV, what they do is mind-boggling.
Like, how does that happen? How do they have the guts to climb up a GLACIER??!! Stick an ice pick into the ice and make their way up on something that slippery and that high?
They're probably cooler than Spider-Man. Because they're actually REAL.
Sadly, snow alpinists are having a really hard time these days.
Learning how to climb a glacier is hard. But what's harder now is finding a glacier to climb in the first place.
Glaciers are slowly melting away — about 95% of them, in fact, according to some studies.
There are a lot of alpinists — some of them around age 60 — who haven't done any studies on glaciers. But they have still noticed this happening.
Too long; didn't watch?
Melting glaciers and snow aren't just affecting glacier alpinists. It's affecting ski resorts — businesses — all around the world, and ordinary people who just want some fun in the snow can't get it.
This is what rising temperatures look like. This is what climate change looks like.
And it's only going to speed up — unless we do something.
First, we must accept that climate change exists and is a problem that affects us — and that we need to take measures to counteract rising global temperatures. How can we do it? Many ways, in fact.