1. This is Aasha. She's a healthy, happy tiger living in the care and comfort of a wildlife rescue center. But this wasn't always the case.
All photos by In-Sync Exotics, used with permission.
2. Aasha had a rough start. As a cub, she was put to work in a traveling circus.
None of the animals in the show were receiving proper care. As such, Aasha was malnourished and had bald spots and open sores on her body.
3. That's when an inspector from the U.S. Department of Agriculture called Vicky Keahy at In Sync Exotics.
Keahy is known throughout the country for taking in big exotic cats, especially those who've been abused or neglected. At In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Education Center, her Texas sanctuary, she cares for tigers, lions, cougars, and more.
4. With medicated shampoo, medicine, and lots of love, Keahy got to work bringing Aasha back to life.
And after all those baths, the young cub learned to loved playing in the water.
5. Aasha grew equal parts strong and curious, especially about other tigers at the facility.
6. She soon made friends with Smuggler, a playful male tiger who happens to be twice her size.
7. After a few successful playdates, the two moved into the same enclosure.
But don't call it a love connection: to reduce the number of cats in captivity, all the rescued animals at In-Sync are either neutered or placed where they won't be able to breed.
8. Which is just fine for Aasha, who's now celebrating five happy, healthy years at the sanctuary.
Want to support animals like Aasha and Smuggler? You can!
There are thousands of exotic animals living in homes or working in shows across the U.S. They often lack the proper conditions, space, food, and enrichment required for their size and species.
That's why rescue and rehabilitation efforts like In-Sync Exotics are so important. They support all types of animals, including big cats, primates, elephants, and more. These facilities and nonprofits greatly appreciate reliable, conscientious volunteers, donations, or even just a signal boost.
So if you're up for giving animals a fresh start, give what you can.
Since Aasha has been here she is healing and becoming more like a tiger cub. She enjoys playing with her enrichment and has learned to play with the water from the hose. She hasn't jumped in her tub yet but we know it is just a matter of time. All of us at In-Sync are looking forward to a long happy healthy life with Aasha and a lot of great laughs