


Moving to a 4-day work week instead of raising pay? It's a smart move, apparently.

San Juan County took a gamble that’s paid off literally and figuratively.

Photo credit: Jelson25

Friday Harbor on San Juan Island, Washington

If you could choose between getting a pay raise or working fewer hours for the same pay, which would you choose? The added money or the added time off? What you'd choose may depend on your financial circumstances, of course, but assuming you make enough to live comfortably, what would you value more?

For employees of San Juan County, Washington, that choice wasn't exactly a choice, but the result speaks volumes. In October of 2023, the county faced a dilemma. Workers had demanded a pay raise, but the county wouldn't be able to do that without blowing the budget or raising taxes, which it didn't want to do. Instead, it implemented a 32-hour work week, meaning many employees could work a 4-hour work week and enjoy a 3-day weekend every weekend, but keep their pay the same. There were skeptics, of course, but six months later, a report showed that the move was a rousing success.

First, the county saved nearly a million dollars, which is definitely nothing to sneeze at. The county also saw an increase in job applications and were able to fill open positions 62% faster. The number of employees quitting or retiring dropped by 46%. Employees used 31% less sick time and 83% of employees said their work-life balance had improved. And those numbers were nearly the same in the 1-year check-in report.

"At the end of the day, money only does so much for you," Nadine Varsovia, who works in Human Resources told CBS News. "And what's the good of having money anyway if I can't use it to do anything for fun?"

In the report, the workers union shared glowing praise for the 32-hour work week a year in:

"The 32-hour work week win has been significant for our members. This groundbreaking approach is now being considered by other public agencies in Washington State. Represented employees are reporting a beneficial effect on job satisfaction and work life balance. While there continues to be a need to improve efficiencies and address concerns raised by staff, the overall response to the 32-hour work week at this one-year mark is mostly positive."

Overwhelmingly, the results have shown that it was a smart move. However, that doesn't mean every single person loves it. Some employees report that pressure to complete their work in a shorter period of time leads to stress, so it's not a panacea across the board. Residents, too have had to make some adjustments, as some county offices are now closed on Fridays.

It's been a life-changing shift for Varsovia, though, who says she wouldn't go back to a 40 hour work week even if she did get a pay raise. "Money is only worth so much. I'd rather have that time for myself," she told CBS.

As 4-day work weeks and 4-day school weeks become more common, the question of time vs. money is on a lot of people's minds. Many have come to the same conclusion: What good is extra money if you don't have time to enjoy it? A survey in 2023 found that Americans overwhelmingly value time over money vs. the opposite, though nearly half of respondents said they value both equally. If you don't have enough money, you may value money more because you feel the lack of it. Accordingly, by nearly every account, the wealthier people are the more they tend to value time more than money.

A 4-day work week might be a fabulous solution to the work-life balance problem so many people face, but it's not always practical or even possible in every industry. There is, however, a lot more room for creativity in how time and work are structured than people might think in many cases. Fear of trying something new or assumptions about what will or won't get done with a different schedule may hold companies or employers back from attempting a shift in hours, which is why data points like the ones San Juan Island has collected in the past year-plus are so helpful to see.

Image shared by Madalyn Parker

Madalyn shared with her colleagues about her own mental health.

Madalyn Parker wanted to take a couple days off work. She didn't have the flu, nor did she have plans to be on a beach somewhere, sipping mojitos under a palm tree. Parker, a web developer from Michigan, wanted a few days away from work to focus on her mental health.

Parker lives with depression. And, she says, staying on top of her mental health is absolutely crucial. "The bottom line is that mental health is health," she says over email. "My depression stops me from being productive at my job the same way a broken hand would slow me down since I wouldn't be able to type very well."

work emails, depression, office emails, community

Madalyn Parker was honest with her colleagues about her situation.

Photo courtesy Madalyn Parker.

She sent an email to her colleagues, telling them the honest reason why she was taking the time off.

"Hopefully," she wrote to them, "I'll be back next week refreshed and back to 100%."

Soon after the message was sent, the CEO of Parker's company wrote back:

"Hey Madalyn,

I just wanted to personally thank you for sending emails like this. Every time you do, I use it as a reminder of the importance of using sick days for mental health — I can't believe this is not standard practice at all organizations. You are an example to us all, and help cut through the stigma so we can all bring our whole selves to work."

Moved by her CEO's response, Parker posted the email exchange to Twitter.

The tweet, published on June 30, 2017, has since gone viral, amassing 45,000 likes and 16,000 retweets.

"It's nice to see some warm, fuzzy feelings pass around the internet for once," Parker says of the response to her tweet. "I've been absolutely blown away by the magnitude though. I didn't expect so much attention!"

Even more impressive than the tweet's reach, however, were the heartfelt responses it got.

"Thanks for giving me hope that I can find a job as I am," wrote one person, who opened up about living with panic attacks. "That is bloody incredible," chimed in another. "What a fantastic CEO you have."

Some users, however, questioned why there needs to be a difference between vacation time and sick days; after all, one asked, aren't vacations intended to improve our mental well-being?

That ignores an important distinction, Parker said — both in how we perceive sick days and vacation days and in how that time away from work is actually being spent.

"I took an entire month off to do partial hospitalization last summer and that was sick leave," she wrote back. "I still felt like I could use vacation time because I didn't use it and it's a separate concept."

Many users were astounded that a CEO would be that understanding of an employee's mental health needs.

They were even more surprised that the CEO thanked her for sharing her personal experience with caring for her mental health.

After all, there's still a great amount of stigma associated with mental illness in the workplace, which keeps many of us from speaking up to our colleagues when we need help or need a break to focus on ourselves. We fear being seen as "weak" or less committed to our work. We might even fear losing our job.

Ben Congleton, the CEO of Parker's company, Olark, even joined the conversation himself.

In a blog post on Medium, Congleton wrote about the need for more business leaders to prioritize paid sick leave, fight to curb the stigma surrounding mental illness in the workplace, and see their employees as people first.

"It's 2017. We are in a knowledge economy. Our jobs require us to execute at peak mental performance," Congleton wrote. "When an athlete is injured, they sit on the bench and recover. Let's get rid of the idea that somehow the brain is different."

This article originally appeared eight years ago.

Screenshot by Annie Reneau

Does this image cause you anxiety, or is it just par for your daily course?

Email has been a regular fixture in our lives since the mid-to-late 1990s, with many of us having many different inboxes to manage from personal and work to organizations and side hustles. Our email life can become overwhelming and even exhausting, and it definitely requires some effort to maintain it, but what that effort and maintenance look like varies drastically from person to person.

Variations in email management have prompted many a debate amongst friends, particularly when one catches a glimpse of another's 20,000+ unreads on their phone and panics. "Why do you have so many unread emails?!? That would cause me so much anxiety!" says the one, while the other just shrugs and says, "I skip the ones I don't want to read and it's not worth taking the time to delete them," as if that's a perfectly reasonable approach.

What do these reactions to emails say about each person? Is one right and the other wrong? Does one have good habits and the other bad?

Some folks will make a convincing argument for orderly and organized inbox habits, touting the benefits of the "Inbox Zero" method in which you follow a few steps to keep your inbox cleared. Such habits can help those who feel overwhelmed by too many emails and can't ignore inbox clutter to feel more at ease.

But before judging those with cluttered inboxes too harshly, it's important to note that our brains don't all work the same way. For some, keeping up a clear inbox causes more stress than ignoring emails and they feel that the time and attention it takes to manage it every day isn't worth it.

Here's what psychologists have to say about people's email inbox habits and what they mean about our personalities:

First, let's look at the reality of email and how much of it is even worth our time, because we all know a lot of the email we receive is worthless. Researchers wrote inHarvard Business Review, “Of the eight hours managers devote to e-communications each week, we estimate 25% of that time is consumed reading emails that should not have been sent to that particular manager and 25% is spent responding to emails that the manager should never have answered.”

In another Harvard Business Review article citing a 2012 McKinsey analysis, researchers noted that, "the average professional spends 28% of the workday reading and answering email...that amounts to a staggering 2.6 hours and 120 emails per day."

And that's just work email. Our personal inboxes are full of junk with seemingly endless waves of email marketing and advertisements masquerading as helpful information. Some of us understand that reality and see it as all the more reason to actively manage our inboxes, while some of us see it as a reason to simply ignore most email that comes in.

A person using a smartphone and laptop with various open tabs.

Are you a filer and deleter or an ignorer?

Photo by Yogas Design on Unsplash

Research psychologist Larry Rosen, Ph.D. told Business Insider that people who routinely file and delete emails are often trying to avoid the anxiety that comes with seeing emails pile up. "A huge, exploding inbox releases stress-based neurotransmitters, like cortisol, which make them anxious," he said.

Some of that anxiety could stem from perfectionism (or vice versa) and seeing notifications build up is a reminder of everything you're not doing or able to do.

“It could be tied to feeling overwhelmed to the point that each unread notification is yet another piled task piled on top of a thousand others,” Jenn Hardy, a licensed psychologist in Maryville, Tennessee, told HuffPost.

Rosen told Business Insider that people who stay on top of their inboxes are often people with a high need for control in their lives. "They need an external way to have control over the world," he said, so the idea of just letting emails pile up willy nilly is way too stressful.

On the other hand, people who do let their emails pile up may feel an opposite kind of stress. The idea of managing it all creates anxiety, and they feel more comfortable just ignoring it. Ultimately, there have to be occasional purges, but that's preferable to the day-to-day maintenance stress for some.

“They may find this works better for them, leaves them less stressed and helps them focus their time and energy on other matters," Hardy pointed out. Social psychologist Ron Friedman told Business Insider that ignoring email "can also mean that you recognize that [monitoring and organizing those emails] isn't helping you achieve progress," adding that recognition is "a sign of intelligence."

Email ignorers might also just be more relaxed personality types in general. More Type B than Type A.

“They may be less of a perfectionist type and go more with the flow,” Lena Derhally, a licensed psychotherapist who specializes in social media and anxiety, told HuffPost. “They may not see having unread notifications or clear inboxes as a priority, and they may not feel bad/guilty/shameful about being unresponsive.”

The one solid argument for keeping your inbox under control regardless of your personality type is the environmental impact of data storage. Deleting emails may be fairly low on the rung of carbon to-dos, but it's a simple one that anyone can do. Plus, using the environment as an incentive to clean up your email habits might be helpful for people who actually want the "Inbox Zero" life but have a hard time getting motivated to do it.

What's funny about all of this is how people's email worlds can be completely alien to one another. My friends look at my unread email notifications and chastise me for causing them anxiety (even though they're my inboxes, not theirs—just seeing the number in the bubble on my phone stresses them out). I, on the other hand, cannot even conceptualize how they keep all of their email inboxes cleaned up every day. Like, does not compute even a little bit.

It takes all kinds of people to make the world go round, so as long as people are happy with their chosen methods, we can stop judging and even celebrate the differences in our inbox habits.

This article originally appeared on 6.6.24

People were challenged to share the last time they 'achieved' something outside of work

If it's been a while, here are some examples to inspire you and give your mental health a big boost.

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

There's a fascinating idea in psychology called "enmeshment." Essentially, it's when two people or things mesh together, the boundaries between them becoming blurred.

This can happen in families, romantic relationships, and even your career! People who work long hours or have demanding careers can be at risk of losing sight of their independent sense of self. They can almost literally forget that they have an identity outside of work. It can happen in school, too, for people who are overly driven by academic achievement.

It should go without saying, but this is generally a bad thing. Enmeshment in career or academics can lead to anxiety, depression, and have adverse effects on your relationships.

Plus, it's just no fun. All work and no play...

A recent thread on AskReddit challenged this phenomenon with the question: What is your biggest non-academic, non work-related accomplishment?

If you're like me, you probably had to stop and think for a minute before coming up with something. Which should maybe be a warning sign that we could all use a little more balance.

Some of the non-work accomplishments people shared were staggering.

A few superhumans among us found time to run marathons and otherwise push the limits of what humans can achieve.

All while holding down schoolwork and jobs!

man on top of the mountain during daytime Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

I'm not sure it counts as an accomplishment, but I bicycled across the US from Bar Harbor, Maine to Seattle, Washington - cochese25

My eldest child was diagnosed with classic autism when he was 18 months old. My ex husband and I were told he would never talk, never walk and never toilet himself it was so severe. 16 years later after utilising all therapy and taking years off work focusing on him. He is off to university next year on a full scholarship studying bio-medical science and physics. I am so proud of the work we did together to get him here. - notjustanotherdino

Hiking all 2,356 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail - jebrennan

I transitioned from female to male. 3 years later I’m still so happy that I did that for myself. - eclecticevergreen

My band supported Everclear and we played a great show to a full house in Australia - just_yall

But, if you ask me, the tiny goals people shared were even more inspiring.

Almost everywhere you look, there's an opportunity to do something just for you.

person holding jigsaw puzzle piece Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash

Learning how to swim as an adult. It took me about 6 months to learn and I'm now able to swim confidently in the pool. - moon_jewel90

Over 300 days in a row of at least 10 minutes of meditation. - fast-artichoke-7512

That my wife and I have been married for over 30 years and she hasn't killed me yet. - dreadpirategriswold

Some of the achievements were really, really small.

I have 3 subscribers on youtube :) - armadillo_active

Completed a 5000 piece puzzle. - ritaredditonce

But, hey, they still count!

How to come up with goals to pursue outside of work and school

As we can see, it could be anything, big or small. Any achievement at all that you can make time for is worth being proud of — and is a great investment in your mental wellness.

But "anything" is an overwhelming concept. So here's somewhere to start.

Jeffrey Davis, a workplace culture expert, suggests a framework called LOW goals — Life Outside of Work.

He writes that the best goals are "down-to-earth, grounded, and achievable" and advises to start with ideas that are based on:

  • Connection
  • Openness & Creativity
  • or Curiosity
You could also try pushing yourself physically (getting to the gym) or mentally (solo-ing the New York Times crossword puzzle).

And remember, there's no Win too small to count!

Whatever you do, it's important to think about what brings you happiness and what your values are, and then come up with a way to better live those values. That's how a strong sense of self is created.

While the average American technically works fewer hours than we did several decades ago, we're rarely fully unplugged. Finding time to pursue our goals and hobbies without distraction is harder to come by than ever, which also means it's never been more important.