
wholesome videos

Man hears stepdaughter call him "Dad" for the first time.

Being a parent is often a thankless job, and being a stepparent is usually even more thankless. But most parents show up and do their best to make sure their kids have what they need and feel loved. So when our kids do or say something to show appreciation, it melts our hearts—but nothing melts it faster than a stepchild calling their bonus parent "Mom" or "Dad" for the first time.

A creator named Shane posted a clip from a video showing his reaction to hearing his stepdaughter call him "Dad" for the first time. The full video was first posted in 2021, but when it was reposted as a clip recently, it pulled on everyone's heartstrings.

Shane and his wife, Liana, run the social media page Shane and Liana where they post silly videos pranking each other. But this video wasn't a prank. His stepdaughter, London, wanted to surprise him after wanting to call him "Dad" for a long time.

She can barely contain her excitement in the clip, squealing loudly when climbing into the back seat. When Shane gets in the car, London knows this is her chance.

"Hi Dad, how was your day?" she asks.

Shane turns completely around in shock as the heartwarming realization of what she just called him sets in. "Did you just call me Dad? Just made my heart melt to know she called me Dad," Shane says full of emotion.

London and Liana explain earlier in the video that Shane has raised the little girl since she was 2 years old. She didn't meet her biological father until she was 5, and he was only in her life briefly before leaving, so this was a big moment. Viewers under the newly re-uploaded clip revealed that watching the interaction made them just as emotional as Shane.

"Idk how the mom ain't crying!?! I'm crying," Mari Morales writes.

"This video hits me right in the heart and soul," Sarah Douglas writes. "My 'step' dad raised me from 7 years old. I’ve never met the sperm donor once, but my REAL dad is the one that chose to love me regardless of biology. Forever grateful for the real men that 'step' up to be there for us."

"So true the first time my oldest daughter called me dad I cried she’s not blood but she is mine no matter what," Timothy Evans says.

This article originally appeared on two years ago.

Ozzy Osbourne's granddaughter sees "papa" on TV for fist time

Ozzy Osbourne is a grandfather. Sometimes it's hard to remember that rock icons are actual human beings that age, have children of their own that produce grandchildren. Instead of screaming lyrics into a crowd with running eyeliner, more often than not Ozzy is just being a normal "papa" as his granddaughter Maple calls him.

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne's two youngest children both recently welcomed their own children into the world. Jack welcomed his 4th daughter, Maple in 2021 and Kelly welcomed her first child, Sidney, a boy in 2022. The Osbournes currently have a family podcast with Sharon, Ozzy, Kelly and Jack so it shouldn't be a surprise that they spend time with their grandchildren just like any other grandparents.

But it was a sweet wholesome moment caught on video that has people gushing over baby Maple and her grandpa, Ozzy, who she calls "papa."

Ozzy was performing on TV like most of us are used to seeing, but for Maple, it was a new experience. When she saw him on the television signing into a microphone, she couldn't help but think he was performing just for her. The toddler watched her grandpa intently while repeating "papa, papa." So clearly recognizing the man on stage with his hair in his face as her beloved papa.

Jack is sitting and smiling next to her watching the little girl excitedly recognize her famous grandpa. E News shared the sweet clip on TikTok where it racked up over 2.2 million likes and commenters can't get over her adorable reaction.

"Omg! I love this! Imagine growing up to learn your grandpa is Ozzy Osbourne," one person says.

"And this is how you know what kind of grandpa Ozzy is," another comments.

"I could be wrong but I think Ozzy is Maple's person," someone writes.

While others were a bit mind blown that Ozzy is an actual grandpa. It's just confirmation that these guys are just normal people with kind of wild jobs.

"Hearing Ozzy called "papa" is a trip in itself. I'm so old," someone says.

"Ozzy has been a lot of things from Prince of Darkness to reality TV star. However, I think being a papa has been my favorite," another commenter writes.

Well, Ozzy, if comments were a judge, seems like the consensus is, ya done good! Maple is certainly a fan. You can watch the sweet moment below.


#OzzyOsbourne's number 1 fan? His granddaughter. 🥺❤️ (🎥: @jackosbourne)


Cop surprises boy with PlayStation after police were called on him for offering yard work

"Officer Colleran, a gamer himself, was impressed with the young man and thought he would help him reach his goal."

City of Hapeville Police/Facebook

Hope they become the best gamer buddies.

The bond between gamers is a special one.

In a short Facebook post, the Hapeville Police Department in Georgia shared that one of their officers recently surprised a young boy with a PlayStation.

Office Colleran was called to “remove a juvenile” from the area. However, when he arrived on the scene, the boy had revealed he only “wanted to do yard work: pulling weeds, cutting grass and trimming hedges to save up for a PlayStation.”

The department praised the young man as being “polite, respectful and truthful,” and wrote that “Officer Colleran, a gamer himself, was impressed with the young man and thought he would help him reach his goal.”

The video below shows the sweet moment that Office Colleran appears with not only a new Ps5 gaming system waiting for the boy, but a “gift card to pay for the membership so he could play immediately.”

The boy’s reaction says it all:

“Officer Colleran made sure that this young man knew they would play on the same team online soon!” the post concluded.

Over in the comments section, people were delighted that the officer made the young man feel recognized for his efforts and were all around touched by the positive interaction.

Check out what folks had to say:

“Thank you Officer Colleran! What you just did for that young man is life changing. The caller should be embarrassed. Keep being awesome young man! There are plenty of our youth that could learn from your example. 💙🙏”

“I could not love this more. ❤️ Thank you Officer Colleran and friends for acknowledging this boy was doing absolutely nothing wrong! He was seeking work so he could get himself a PlayStation. Very kind gesture, Hapeville PD.”

“We need more people like this officer and this young man. It's awesome to see a young person with a work ethic and an officer that takes time to be involved with his community. God bless you both.”

It’s disheartening enough to hear when good adults are treated poorly, but when someone does something unkind to a good kid…that’s a whole ‘nother level of soul-crushing. But when this does happen, people often step up to help, because at the end of the day, there’s still just as much, if not more, goodness left in humanity than there is bad. Certainly, many people would have responded the way Officer Colleran did.

Hope these two become the best of gaming buddies.


Little boy asks older skateboarder to hold his hand while he attempts a new trick

The little boy's excitement when he nails the trick is absolutely priceless.

Older skateboarder helps little boy do a trick on a ramp.

Learning a new skill is a little scary, especially if that skill includes becoming airborne for any amount of time. But without pushing the limits of gravity in sports, we wouldn't have greats like Tony Hawk and Chole Kim. Even the extreme sports and Olympic stars had to start from scratch, likely with lots of scratches, bruises and maybe even some broken bones as they learned new tricks.

When you're little and learning new skateboarding tricks, sometimes you just need the bravery of an older kid to help you push through the fear. In a video posted by CBS, a little skateboarder who appeared to be around 9 years old looked to an older skateboarder to hold his hand as he attempted a new trick.

The older boy grabbed the boy's hand and took off running along side the little boy's skateboard, eventually throwing his own skateboard under his feet to keep up.

The entire interaction took less than a minute, but the little boy's excitement at the end when he nailed the trick was absolutely priceless. He landed the flip and rolled right into the older teen's arms, jumping excitedly. It was the kind of kindness parents hope their kids show when they're not looking, and the comment section was filled with people cheering on the skateboarders.

"I love this! He was there for him to the end to make sure he had a smooth landing! What a great video," one person wrote.

"Watching this, this morning, just made my day. Awesome the lil one did it, but even more the older boy helped him get it done. God bless them both," another commenter wrote.

"Omg..that’s way too cute. That hug, speaks volumes. Well done little one, you did it," someone said.

Sometimes you just need a little nudge of encouragement to do the hard thing. So glad this boy had the support of a more experienced skater. These kids are alright.

Watch the wholesome moment below: