


13-year-old with terminal brain cancer designated honorary Secret Service agent at Joint Session of Congress

Devarjaye "DJ" Daniel was diagnosed with anaplastic ependymoma grade III in 2018.


Devarjaye "DJ" Daniel designated honorary Secret Service agent.

One moment from President Donald Trump's address to a Joint Session of Congress night stole the show: when he designated Devarjaye "DJ" Daniel, a 13-year-old diagnosed with terminal brain cancer in 2018, as an honorary Secret Service agent. DJ's passion for law enforcement inspired a personal mission that has seen him designated as an honorary officer over 900 times by police departments across the United States since 2022.

"Joining us in the gallery tonight is a young man who truly loves our police," Trump said, as cameras panned to Daniel who was lifted up by his father, Theodis Daniel. "But in 2018, DJ was diagnosed with brain cancer. The doctors gave him 5 months at most to live. That was more than 6 years ago. Since that time, DJ and his dad have been on a quest to make his dream come true.”

- YouTubewww.youtube.com

President Trump then gave DJ the surprise of his lifetime--he announced that he making him an honorary Secret Service agent. “And tonight, DJ, we're going to do you the biggest honor of them all. I am asking our new Secret Service director, Sean Curran, to officially make you an agent of the United States.”

It was a complete surprise to DJ, whose eyes became wide and shock spread across his face as he was presented with a badge by Curran. His father once again lifted him up to cheers and chants of "DJ! DJ! DJ!", and DJ reached over to hug Curran.

Daniel was diagnosed with anaplastic ependymoma grade III in 2018, a disease that causes cancerous tumors and affects the central nervous system. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), an ependymoma is a primary central nervous system (CNS) tumor that begins in the brain or spinal cord. They are grouped in three different grades (grade I, II, or III), with grade III being the most serious. "Grade 3 ependymomas are malignant (cancerous). This means they are fast-growing tumors. They occur most often in the brain but can also occur in the spine," according to the NCI. There is currently no cure.

In an interview with the White House Instagram account, DJ opened up about the night he was diagnosed with cancer. "You want to know the craziest part? My mom bathed me and my brothers all together, and out of nowhere I locked up. My dad was calling my name and I started going to the slow thing and said, 'Stop playing with me'. I'm not gonna lie, I started to act slow. And as soon as he said that we (were) speeding all the way, running lights going to the hospital. And then next thing you know I was seizing on the table."

He continued, "They said, 'We've got to go into his brain tonight.' Ever since then, I (have) had 13 brain surgeries. That's how many times my personality has changed. And that's something that you don't hear from a terminally ill child that has five months to live. I'm gonna keep going until my gas tank runs out. And that's when God calls you home. You never know when God will call you home. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my dad. I know he's pretty proud of me, and I'm pretty proud of him too."

DJ and his father appeared on Fox News' 'Fox & Friends' on Wednesday, March 5, where he shared more about his surprise honor. "I was not expecting it," he said in the interview. "Nobody even told us, even though that they knew. Really and truly, I wasn't expecting it to be like that, to be honest."

Americans voting in the 2024 election

The 2024 election was an emotional rollercoaster for millions of Americans. Those who voted for Trump have reason to celebrate, while those who supported Harris or a third-party candidate are probably deflated and need a while to recover emotionally.

The election was notable because there was a significant shift in voters from the Democratic to the Republican ticket over the 2020 election. So many people may now find themselves on opposite ends of the aisle with friends or loved ones with whom they previously agreed.

A lot of folks have to deal with the fact that their friends or family members voted differently than them, and, honestly, it can sting a bit, especially when hot-button issues are on the table, such as women’s rights, immigration, the economy, health care, LGBTQ rights and more.

2024 election, mental health, trump, harrisA woman displaying her "I voted" stickervia Flickr/Bethraebel

Regardless of who you voted for, you may feel a twinge of animosity toward a loved one who chose someone different and may not be sure how to get over your feelings. Upworthy spoke with Jessica McCarthy, Psy.D., a clinical neuropsychologist, clinical psychologist and certified school psychologist, to help our readers repair their relationships after the election.

McCarthy is also the Founder and Clinical Director of Elements Psychological Services.

“What’s interesting is that regardless of the political spectrum, people’s emotions are the same—frustrated, angry, passionate, betrayed, dismayed, scared, hopeful, determined, bewildered,” McCarthy told Upworthy. “People’s personal values and viewpoints are something that they hold near and dear to them—and if it’s a deal-breaker issue, the reactions are more extreme in scale if the opposing view is from a loved one.”

In the aftermath of the election, you may want to distance yourself from the people who voted differently than you, and McCarthy believes that’s acceptable. However, it would be best to communicate how you’re feeling, instead of mysteriously dropping out of their lives without notice.

“Sometimes, people need space to sit and process—this, again, can be done through communicating about readiness and willingness to connect,” McCarthy told Upworthy. “Space and silence should never be weaponized in a relationship, but that need for space can also be honored in a way through effective communication about limits and when both parties can reconvene and communicate.”

2024 election, mental health, trump, harrisA man displaying her "I voted" sticker.via Jimmy Zo/Flickr

Instead of disappearing from your friends’ lives altogether, text them, saying, “I need time to sort through my emotions after the election. I'm looking forward to talking with you when I am ready.”

McCarthy says that maintaining relationships with people you disagree with can be challenging because people need to have their viewpoints heard. It can be stifling for people to feel forced to keep their mouths shut around loved ones.

However, some relationships can thrive when firm rules of engagement are in place. For example, you and your friend can agree that you shouldn’t talk about politics to preserve the relationship.

“I have plenty of patients in my practice who have friends who have differing stances in the aforementioned areas, and the health of the relationship is determined by the ‘rules of engagement’—either directly or indirectly agreed upon rules that serve as guidelines for how to navigate these topics (and often, it’s agreed upon not to discuss them),” McCarthy says. “These relationships work because there is tremendous value and enjoyment in other areas of the relationship from which both parties mutually benefit.”

There’s nothing wrong with feeling let down by a loved one who voted differently in the election. People’s political views are closely tied to their moral values, so it’s understandable to have big emotions over people you love making a different value judgment. The key to keeping the relationship going on a new, healthy path is to share how you feel, listen to your loved ones and agree on the best path forward. “Anytime there has been a rupture in a relationship, there needs to be communication as to how to proceed and what repair might look like,” McCarthy says.


Big study finds conservatives are happier, but liberals enjoy this aspect of life more

The way we see the world has a significant effect on our psyche.

Some Trump supporters and a Harris voter.

Identifying as a liberal or conservative means a lot more than simply voting Democrat or Republican. These views stem from a difference in worldview and values and they significantly affect how satisfied we are with our lives.

Generally speaking, American conservatives believe the political system is fair and provides a stable foundation for people to pursue their dreams. They also value tradition, stability, conformity and safety. American liberals, on the other hand, are concerned about the political system's fairness and are more comfortable with ambiguity, nuance, diversity and new experiences.

This difference is evident in the places where liberals and conservatives choose to live. You’re much more likely to find liberals residing in metropolitan areas full of diversity and culture. In contrast, conservatives prefer rural areas that are culturally homogeneous and steeped in traditional values.

conservatives, liberals, studiesA farmer and his hay.via Canva/Photos

Who’s happier, conservatives or liberals?

Multiple studies, including a new one published in the Journal of Personality, have found that happiness and meaning are more associated with conservative views because they believe in the system and are satisfied by hard work.

The Journal of Personality is the American Psychological Association’s top-ranked peer-reviewed journal on personality and social psychology.

“Across six studies, we largely replicate earlier findings that happiness was associated with slightly more political conservatism,” the researchers wrote. “Happiness was also associated with system justification, or the tendency to see the current political, economic, and societal systems to be fair and defendable. Meanwhile, meaning in life was consistently associated with Protestant work ethic, or the view that hard work will lead to success in life.”

Why are conservatives happier than liberals?

Simply put, conservatives believe that America is a meritocracy where anybody who works hard can make it, giving them a sense of happiness. This also means that they feel less responsible for those who do not make it because they believe it is due to their own choices or a lack of work ethic.

However, liberals are more likely to think that the system isn’t a meritocracy because there isn’t an equal playing field for women, people of color, those with disabilities, immigrants, or people who are born into economically disadvantaged families. The feeling that you live in an unfair world, whether you are a member of a privileged group or not, can create a sense of constant unease.

So, it makes sense those who think the system is fair are happier than those who do not.

conservatives, liberals, studiesA couple protesting for free healthcare.via Elvert Barnes/Flickr

How are liberals different from conservatives?

On the other hand, the researchers found that liberals live a much more psychologically rich life than conservatives, mainly because they are more open to new experiences. Liberals are likelier to live abroad, experience different cultures and read fiction. The researchers note that liberals are much more open to broadening their perspectives than conservatives and see it as an opportunity for personal growth. Conservatives may see new experiences as threatening to their safety or traditional beliefs.

The study makes an interesting point: People who believe they live and work in a fair system are bound to be happier than those who feel it’s unjust. However, it also shows that those who value tradition and stability highly may miss out on much of the richness life offers.

“We are not claiming that a psychologically rich life is by any means better than a happy life or a meaningful life,” the researchers concluded. “Indeed, it is clear that a happy life and a meaningful life are desirable lives, associated with stable social relationships, prosocial behaviors, and health.”

Donald Trump and Shai-Hulud.

“Dune: Part 2” has been a smash with filmgoers and critics alike. It earned nearly $370 million in its first two weeks of release worldwide and has an impressive 93% Fresh Rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

The film centers around Paul Atredies's (Timothée Chalamet) journey from royalty to a new life on the desert planet of Arakkis, whom the inhabitants believe may be "The One Who Will Lead Us to Paradise.” Paul’s journey is treacherous, as he must battle his sworn enemies, the Harkonens while trying to avoid being gobbled up by 400-yard-long sandworms with knife-like teeth.

But, in the end, it’s all about the spice.

A comedian who goes by Tom on Twitter made a fantastic video as Shai Hulud, a giant sandworm, being played by former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump. In the video, he rails against “Pesky” and “Little” Paul Atredies and says he will get a better deal on the spice trade with the Harkonens.

The video works because it’s funny to hear Trump speak about the "Dune" universe and the simple eyes and nose on the face of a sandworm are right out of early ‘70s Saturday morning TV.

"I'm going to see this on Sunday and can already tell that this video will ruin the entire film. 'Pesssky Paul' in my head, every other scene," David Paul joked in the comments. I think I’ve watched this 20 times now, and the ‘We’re gonna have paradise on Arrakis’ line gets me every time. Perfection," Ben Page added.