


It's not as weird as it sounds.

When you become a parent, your nighttime routine gets thrown for a loop. The first couple of years are a rollercoaster of changes—when the kids go to bed, how often they wake up, how long they sleep. Things start to normal out after a while, but if you have a second kid, or a third, you can start the clock over again each time. Some couples live in nighttime chaos for years and years at a time.

Not only does this naturally cause a ton of sleep disruption and sleep loss in parents of young kids, it can also be a huge source of conflict within a couple. Who gets up with the kids at night? Who gets extra rest in the morning? With two sleep deprived, cranky parents, tempers can flare easily around the subject of rest.

One dad took to social media to come clean about how he handles the restless nights: He and his wife, parents to two young kids, don’t sleep in the same room anymore.

Rabeeh Moudallal, in an Instagram reel, discussed the couple’s “married but separate” sleeping strategy. He says he usually sleeps on a mattress on the floor in their toddler’s room, while his wife, Katie, handles any late night fussiness or feedings with the baby. In their arrangement, both parents don’t have to get woken up every time one of the kids does. It minimizes disruption and sleep loss, and let’s them take turns helping each other out if one of them has a particularly rough stretch. It may not be the most romantic set up in the world, but for this phase of life, it makes a lot of sense!

Watch Moudallal’s full reel here:

I can absolutely relate to what Moudallal is describing here. I have a 4-year-old with significant sleep issues and I’ve spent many long stretches sleeping on the floor in her room every night.

Although my wife and I don't usually sleep separately on purpose, during rough patches with the kids it makes sense to “divide and conquer” sometimes—there’s no reason for both my wife and I to suffer during those disruptive nights, after all! I think it's smart to play to the strengths of each person in the couple. If one partner is good at getting up early or but struggles to go back to sleep after being woken, and you know the other one doesn't mind taking the midnight shift and sleeping in a little later, why not use that to your advantage? Doing everything as a team often just means no one's ever rested and fresh.

gif of woman sleepily waking from a napDisrupted sleep can have a lot of consequences. Giphy

There was a palpable sense of relief in the comments section of the viral video, where dozens of parents were overjoyed to finally admit without shame that they did the same:

"This is legit our same set up ! It's good to see others are in the same boat! Just trying to survive it all"

"When we first done this 7 years ago I was too embarrassed and scared to tell anyone incase people thought it was so wrong, and it would ruin our relationship, but it’s about survival"

"I always say to hubby, we’ve got years to be together, the kids need us at the moment. It won’t be forever"

Studies say about a third of couples don’t sleep in the same room or bed regularly. It’s more common than you think and is nothing to be ashamed of.

This number used to be closer to 25%, but it's growing rapidly.

Couples with different schedules, for example, commonly sleep separately. But so do those who deal with one partner snoring or having restless legs or insomnia. They’re all perfectly valid reasons to sleep separately, which can reduce conflicts and help everyone get more rest. That leads to happier relationships overall, so it's easy to see why the trend is catching on.

Parenting young kids who constantly wake or cry in the middle of the night is as good a reason as any to sleep in different rooms for a while.

But a word of caution for baggy-eyed parents: Sleeping in separate beds for logistical reasons is one thing, but deprioritizing your relationship is another.

It’s easy to think you have all the time in the world for each other once this phase of early parenthood ends, but putting intimacy off for extended periods of time can have lasting consequences. And news flash, there will be another stressful phase of parenting waiting for you after the sleepless nights are over! It’s not going to get easier, just a different kind of hard.

Moudallal even admits this. “I kind of miss being able to roll over and talk to my wife at night instead of just texting her from her room," he says, jokingly calling the separation a "natural contraception."

Couples who are parents need time together, even when chaos with the kids is swirling all around them. It's no secret that raising young kids puts enormous pressures on relationships, and a lot of couples don't survive it. It’s OK to divide and conquer and not find that intimacy by sleeping next to each other, but just make sure you replace it with other ways of connecting instead of always waiting around for smoother sailing.

Someone shared the weird, hilarious things her husband has said in his sleep.

My wife occasionally talks in her sleep, but it’s mostly unintelligible grunts. If she actually spoke in coherent sentences of absurd one-liners, I probably wouldn’t get much rest. In a recent viral post, someone documented the weirdness their husband has said mid-snooze. Are these profound dream images, just waiting to be decoded? Are they merely nonsense? You be the judge.

The quotes, shared on Reddit, are presented in a screenshot from the notes app on the user’s phone. We’ll refrain from sharing some of the more explicit responses, but here are a few of our SFW favorites:

Homer Simpson snores loudly, and Marge looks concernedTrying To Sleep Season 13 GIF by The SimpsonsGiphy

- "Nugly ass face show on the road"

Not sure what to make of this, but it sounds angry.

- "Everyone gets a pirate eye"

This makes me laugh because "pirate eye" seems like it could be a reference to a pirate’s eye patch or a slurred version of "private eye"

- "I need a tunk tunk"

- "Go to the hen room, go to the hen room!!!!"

The sense of urgency is critical here.

- "Orange soggy tentacles"

Now I finally have a name for my awful psychedelic rock band.

- "Your home nightlight"

- "Weird al yancovichts [sic] I want him in my talent show I want him to eat all my food"

So much to unpack. Who’s hosting the talent show? Does this have something to do with "Eat It," Weird Al’s parody of the Michael Jackson hit "Beat It"?

happy wake up GIF by SkyGiphy

- "Cardi b I told you to be careful and make me coffee"

After someone asked for more info about this one, the OP clarified in the comments, "The best part is I’ve never even heard him speak the name 'Cardi B' awake, and she’s definitely not in our music rotation hahaha."

- "Oh wow wow wow"

- "I wanna have some rice"

- "Lock jaw 3"

This sounds like the sequel to a bad horror movie.

As you might imagine, the comments on this thread were pretty entertaining, and a few other people shared their own mid-sleep mutterings. One person shared that they sometimes record their sleep-talking, and some of their favorites include "I am a Scientologist... the finest" and “Give them back before I punch you in the back of the head.”

Someone else said they’ve been documenting their husband’s sleep-talk oddities, which include, "Thanks, no, uhhhh lifting weight. Competitive lifting weight," "You got bare feet," "Whoa, are you food aggressive?" and the highly unsettling "Sorry, babe, time’s up."

hey arnold sleep GIFGiphy

If you hear your partner rambling at night, it could be alarming at first. But according to WebMD, sleep talking (or somniloquy) is a "very common occurrence" and not usually considered a medical issue. The speaking typically lasts for no longer than 30 seconds, though some people will have many episodes per night.

"The late-night diatribes may be exceptionally eloquent, or the words may be mumbled and hard to decipher," the article notes. "Sleep talking may involve simple sounds or long, involved speeches. Sleep talkers usually seem to be talking to themselves. But sometimes, they appear to carry on conversations with others." Half of all children between ages 3 and 10 talk in their sleep, but that number shrinks to around 5 percent for adults.

a little girl sleeping in a bed with a blanket

One of the biggest battles all parents face is bedtime. Getting your kids to all asleep (in a timely manner) can be painstakingly difficult. Rather than being a time of peace and bonding, putting your kids to bed can be one of stress and dread. If you struggle each night at bedtime, there's a sleep hack you need to try.

Dr. Michael Milobsky (@dr_mikem), a pediatrician in Castle Rock, Colorado, shared a video with his followers on TikTok explaining the two-minute trick he learned from the Yale Department of Child Psychology to help anxious kids fall asleep in their own room.

"If you have a young child that struggles to fall asleep by themselves, try this new technique from the Yale dept of child psychology called, 'The Game'," he captioned the video.


If you have a young child that struggles to fall asleep by themselves, try this new technique from the Yale dept of child psychology called, “The Game” #preschooler #sleepproblems #toddlersoftiktok #sleepissues #parentingtips #pediatrics

Dr. Milobsky shares that according to Yale, this method is about 75-80% effective--and is meant for children 3 years of age or older.

"You discuss with your child that you're going to have them put on a show--show us what it looks like, like you're on a stage, to get into bed and fall asleep on your own," he explains. "You're gonna set the amount of time they're gonna do this. They (Yale) recommend starting at about 2 minutes."

Parents are instructed to leave the room for those 2 minutes, and your child will "go through the motions of what it looks like to get into bed and fall asleep." After those 2 minutes is up, if your child has not fallen asleep, they are free to get up and go where they please--including your bed. Parents will continue to do this every night for 1-2 weeks, increasing the amount of time to 4 minutes, then 6 minutes--working up to 15 minutes if necessary.

SleepTired Baby GIFGiphy

"What I have found in my office when I have given families this little formula is by the time you get past 10 minutes, a lot of kids are just falling asleep in bed. If they happen to wake up, the rule is that they can go wherever they want and go back to sleep. Once the child is falling asleep in their room by themselves playing 'The Game', you don't necessarily stop--you keep doing it in the same way."

Dr. Milobsky harps on the fact that it's all about giving your child positive affirmations. "You really praise the child for doing something that's hard, doing something that they're worries about--and being really excited about the accomplishment and accomplishing this milestone on their own."

Eventually, your child will get bored of 'The Game' after going through the same routine. "They just get more accustomed to getting in bed and falling sleep on their own and staying in their room," he adds.

What's more: Dr. Milobsky notes that for the families he offers this method to, he see a 90% success rate. After encouraging his followers to try 'The Game' with their children, many shared their experience after trying it in the comments.

"2.5 weeks in and my daughter just fell asleep for the 2nd time (non consecutively) on her own!! Game changer!!!" one wrote. Another added, "This is what we do but I tell her to just “pretend” she is sleeping for 10 minutes and I will come in to see if she is pretending really good. 🤪 Works every time 😂."

Representative Image from Canva

Wondering where she got that rested glow? She hurkle-durkled.

Hurkle-durkle might be the silliest word ever, but it could be the missing step in your self-care. Hurkle-durkling simply means to linger in bed long past the time when you “should” already be up. It’s a Scottish term dating back to the 1800s—-originally having more to do with sitting in a crouching position either for warmth or secrecy, but eventually taking on a more relaxed and positive connotation.

It’s a word that only the biggest etymology enthusiast would know, had it not been plucked from obscurity thanks to TikTok. The viral trend seems to have started with actress Kira Kosarin sharing it as her “word of the day,” joking that “I do be hurkling, and I do be durkling and once I’ve hurkled my last durkle in a given morning I will get up, but I’m a big fan of a hurkle-durkle."


hurkle-durkle, u deserve it <3

♬ original sound - Kira Kosarin

Kosarin’s clip prompted others to share videos of themselves enjoying a good hurkle-durkling, blissfully wrapped in their sheets, basking in the sunlight, leisurely reading, etc.

One woman hailing from Scotland even joked, “[The Scottish] knew it was so critical to well-being they made a whole term about it. So no I’m not being lazy or wasting my life. I’m practicing an ancestral right of passage. I’m connecting with my culture and heritage.”

At this point you might be thinking, wait, isn’t this just bed-rotting?

Bed-rotting, another TikTok trend about lying in bed, and hurkle-durkling are similar, but have very different contexts. Bed-rotting has more to do with symptoms of burnout and fatigue, whereas hurkle-durkling is a bit more hygge, if you will. It’s seen as a pleasurable activity meant to promote rest for overall well being. Plus a hurkle-durkle has an end in sight, whereas bedrotting can take up an entire weekend, or longer.

And now matter how silly hurkle-durkle sounds, it could be seriously good for us. Research has shown that sleeping in, even a couple days a week, reduce the chances of a heart attack or stroke by 63%, especially for folks who get less than 6 hours of sleep through the rest of the week. (So, everyone, basically). Not only that, but getting those few extra minutes of shut-eye from hitting the snooze can help increase alertness and boost our mood.

Really, as with any self care practice, balance is key. Experts warn against staying in bed as an everyday practice or to avoid responsibilities an uncomfortable feelings, especially as too much inactivity can worsen feelings of depression. But when done mindfully and moderately, it can be the rejuvenation we long for, that so many of us don’t grant ourselves.

In fact, Kristin Wilson, a licensed professional counselor and chief experience officer, told Yahoo Life that perhaps so many people are leaning into silly, catchy terms like hurkle-durkle because they make rest and self-care, activities many Americans "are hesitant to celebrate and fully embrace,” more accessible.

"Sometimes our bodies just need a break, and we don’t want to feel guilty about taking time to rest," she explained. "Giving this behavior a clever social media name can make it feel more socially acceptable and when it trends and becomes popular, it normalizes the need for relaxation within the community of followers."

So with that, show yourself some love with a little hurkle-durkle. It’s fun to say, and oh so important to do.

This article originally appeared last year.