“A balm for the soul”
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second chances


City councilman stops a burglar but instead of calling the police, he helps turn his life around

"You just need a shot and I'd be remised if I didn't give you that shot."

City councilman stops burglar and helps turn his life around

In life, everyone makes mistakes and thankfully for most people the missteps are minor even if the lesson feels hard at the time. But sometimes people make bigger mistakes that can lead to prison time and it could change the trajectory of their life. While some crimes are committed out of desire or impulsivity, others are committed out of desperation due to lack of resources.

22-year-old Rashaan Turner found himself in the second category when he made the decision to burglarize a non-profit run by Harrisburg, Pennsylvania city councilman Ralph Rodriguez. Surprisingly, it was Rodriguez who caught the would be burglar and scared him away and even though the person was caught on doorbell video, the image was so grainy he likely would've gotten away. But the young perpetrator decided to reach out to Rodriguez and confess, giving him his name.

Turner was ready and willing to face the consequences of his actions, except the city councilman had another idea. Once Rodriguez found out the man was was struggling to help his father meet basic needs and acted out of desperation, he did something radical. The councilman decided to extend an olive branch and help the man who tried to break into his non-profit.

The story really is remarkable. Other people would've informed the police and went on without much of a second thought until the court date came around. But Rodriguez saw that the man who had no previous criminal record needed community not punishment so he employed Turner at the same non-profit he tried to break into. He even started giving him money to help make ends meet.

"What he doesn't need anymore is any more disappointments. I'm pretty sure people have told him things in his life and dropped the ball 10 out of 10 times. It's just not what I'm prepared to do," Rodriguez told CBS Sunday Morning.

Watching the incredible story below: