

A curious sign in the Dallas-Forth Worth International Airport.

A brilliant LGBTQ rights advocate in Texas found a clever way to skewer the state’s anti-trans politicians by creating a fake sign stating that the state government was verifying people’s genitals through AI. The signs were posted in bathrooms at the Dallas Fort Worth International Airport. The prank was a great way to show travelers that when trans rights are under fire, everyone's rights are, too.

The signs look precisely like a government warning and infer that the toilet's flushing sensor holds some device to photograph bathroom user’s genitals. Taking pictures of someone’s genitals is a massive violation of people’s privacy, but if the state wants to monitor if trans people are using the bathroom, how else could it tell?

The prank warning sign has a phone number for people to call to have their photos removed from the database, and it goes to Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick's office. Back in 2016 and 2017, Patrick pushed for a law that would limit transgender people's ability to use the bathroom that matches their identity.

Here's what the prank sign reads:

Electronic Genital Verification (EGV)

Your genitalia may be photographed electronically during your use of this facility as part of the Electronic Genital Verification (EGV) pilot program at the direction of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor. In the future, EGV will help keep Texans safe while protecting your privacy by screening for potentially improper restroom access using machine vision and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in lieu of traditional genital inspections.

At this time, images collected will be used solely for model training purposes and will not be used for law enforcement or shared with entities except as pursuant to a subpoena, court order or as otherwise compelled by a legal process.
Your participation in this program is voluntary.

You have the right to request removal of your data by calling the EGV program office at (512) 463-0001 during normal operating hours (Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM).

Michael Dear, a security camera expert, posted about encountering one of the signs at the airport.

The prank even caught the attention of the DFW airport. “This is not a DFW-produced or authorized sign, and we have no information about its origins,” DFW media relations manager Cynthia Vega told Snopes. “However, we are investigating to ensure that none is posted, and we will remove any unauthorized signs if found.”

The idea of the government inspecting its citizen's genitals seems outlandish and totalitarian. However, a bill that made it through the Ohio State House of Representatives in June 2022 calls for just that. The bill would have required high school athletes to prove their gender by submitting to intrusive inspections of their genitalia and other invasive tests. Although the bill was never signed into law, it begs the question: What poses a more significant threat to high schoolers, transgender female athletes (less than 100 people nationwide), or statewide government genital inspections?

Sometimes, the best way to expose hysteria is not to shout back even louder but to encourage everyone to laugh at it. Kudos to the creator of the genital verification prank for using humor to make an essential point about privacy.


Daughter disguises Brussels sprouts as chocolates for her Dad in best Christmas prank ever

"I know his retribution will be swift and terrible, but no Christmas gift could be greater than this."


Why save the pranks for April 1st?

Christmas might be a time for sentimentality and love and all that gushy goodness, but it can also be a time for unbridled antics. After all, it’s the one time of year when our inner child spirit is supposed to come alive, right? Some people’s inner child just happens to be a bit mischievous.

Singer Judy Louie Brown falls into this category with her hilarious, meticulous and downright diabolical prank played on her dad involving some delightful Ferrero Rocher chocolates…and brussels sprouts.

As Brown shared on X, formerly Twitter, that in 2012 she came up with an “ingenious” way to wind up her dad, something described as her “favorite pastime.”

Brown’s plan was simple: unwrap the chocolates. Wrap Brussels sprouts in the chocolate package. Close the box. And then play “the waiting game.”


Though Brown didn’t divulge her father’s reaction to unwrapping a cruciferous veg in a place of smooth creamy chocolate, it’s safe to say that the prank was a success. In fact, dad was so “spooked” that the next year he wouldn’t touch a Ferrero Rocher. Which is fine, because Brown had bigger plans in store.

“I decided to play the long game & didn’t tamper with the confectionary: spooked by the year before, he would not touch a single Ferrero Rocher (which was great because he usually inhales them at 750mph) so there were Ferreros aplenty for the rest of us. I bided my time,” she wrote on X.

Cut to two years later, Brown has “the devil at her elbow” as she reveals her “most audacious sprout prank yet.”

Her post is accompanied with a photo of some Ferrero Rochers, brussel sprouts, a bar of chocolate and a bag of mixed nuts.

“While he was out I dipped the sprouts in chocolate, rolled them in chopped hazelnuts, and did all I could to replicate the iconic Ferrero,” she wrote, adding, “I re-wrapped and (this is crucial) re-sealed the box with its original tape and a tiny dab of glue. Then secreted it amongst a bag of tasty gifts from my Aunt and retired to watch from afar.”

Thank goodness Brown uses her intellect for dad pranks and not crime.

Of course, dad was still suspicious at first, and only viewed the bag on Christmas Eve. But then on Christmas morning, he couldn’t resist. After all, “He quite likes a post-brekkie Ferrero.”

Brown waited in the kitchen, trying to avoid “spooking” him. In here words, here’s what happened:

“He EXAMINED. He unwrapped. He examined FURTHER. Fears allayed, he popped the whole thing in his mouth. His face played a symphony of emotions: satisfaction, triumph, smugness, consternation, confusion, realization, horror, disgust.”

On Dec 12, Brown shared that the Brussels sprouts saga has endured as a holiday tradition that she describes as “an even-sided conflict, with both resorting to greater nefariousness & descending to even more underhand deception each year.” For example, when Brown hid the sprouts on her father’s toothpaste one year, he apparently retaliated by filling her bedsheets with them.

More recently, Brown showed eager readers how she managed to sneak them into packaged mince pies.

With each new hilarious idea Brown comes up with, she earns her online moniker of “evil genius.”

Maybe it’s okay to be a little naughty for Christmas, especially when it brings such intense joy.


Mother and son duo who constantly prank each other are parenting relationship goals

"Honestly don't know how they haven't given each other heart attacks or destroyed the house."

Mother-son duo's hilarious relationship is parenting goals

Parenting can be pretty tricky at times. It's like a string of endless pop quizzes and no one knows what grade you're going to get until 18+ years later. It's not until they grow up that you get to take in all of your hard work in raising a productive human. But there's one part of raising kids that doesn't get talked about enough, and that's when they've reached the age of being able to be your friend.

One mom and her adult son are going viral on the internet for their admirable bond and ability to keep the belly laughs coming. The duo is truly parenting relationship goals. In a compilation of videos shared by VT, Jonah Bolona and his mom spend clip after clip pranking each other or just getting into family friendly mischief.

Bolona has been sharing videos of the silly nonsense he and his mother get into on his TikTok page, The Jonah Bolona, and has amassed nearly 2 million followers.

But it was the compilation video that took some of their funniest moments and mashed them together showcasing their fun relationship. In the very first clip, you know you're in for...something. Bolona's mom appears to be sitting on the floor patiently in some sort of black trash bag sealed up to her neck as he attaches a vacuum hose. Somehow mom falls over as the vacuum sucks all of the air out of the bag sealing her inside as Bolona runs away.

The entire compilation is just keeps getting more amusing and commenters love their dynamic.

"Ha ha his mum is a legend," one person writes.

"Honestly don't know how they haven't given each other heart attacks or destroyed the house XD Guess it's just a norm for them," another comments.

"This is an extremely HEALTHY relationship!!! I love it," someone else says.

Some people were quick to point out that there's nothing wrong with living with your parents, especially when the relationship is healthy. While other's clarified that it's his house and it shouldn't matter what others think as long as they're having fun, which clearly they are. You can see their hijinks below for your own chuckle.


Dad pranks daughter with a fake job interview filled with lies and she can't stand it

"I get up at 4 a.m. Every morning, I go for a run—and I run for about 12 miles.”

Andrew Terry pulls a prank on his daughter Abby.

Every parent knows that young children will believe just about anything you tell them, within reason. Part of being a parent is becoming a master of the white lie to distract your kids from things they aren’t quite ready to hear or to have some innocent fun.

But when 6-year-old Abby, a popular TikTok personality, heard her dad telling whopper after whopper on a fake job interview, she wouldn’t stand for it. Abby, now 7, is the star of the Along Came Abby TikTok channel with over 3.9 million followers.

Abby’s dad, Andrew Terry, set up a fake job interview with a potential employer where he told lie after lie with his daughter sitting beside him. The point of the prank was to get a reaction out of her. The good news for the Terry family is that she’s obviously a girl with a solid moral compass because she couldn’t stand hearing her dad’s constant lies.

Andrew indicated that the potential employer wanted to see one of his children, so he had Abby sit next to him in the interview.


Fake interview #fyp #fake #interview #funny #honest

“I dress like this every day,” Andrew says, sitting properly in his tan suit with a blue tie. “I get up at 4 a.m. Every morning, I go for a run—and I run for about 12 miles.” At the onset, Abby looks beside herself, but she keeps her composure until her dad notes that he washes the dishes every morning before his wife, Abby’s mom, Lissa, even gets up.

Abby can’t stand it, so she jumps up and yells, “Cut!”

“Shhh… Abby, Please,” Andrew tells his daughter under his breath. “That’s not true!” Abby retorts.

Andrew regains his composure and then goes on a jag about how after he does the dishes, he bathes the dog so that when his wife gets up, “everything is done.” This is too much for Abby. “Bye!” Abby says before storming off.

But Andrew is able to coax her back for more of his whimsy by noting that his potential employer "is going to hear this." He then reveals that he only eats vegetables and never any pizza.

“Come on! You eat sugar all day,” Abby tells her dad.

Abby can no longer stand the charade after Andrew admits that when he met her mother, he played centerfield for the New York Yankees. At that point, Abby walks off camera, never to return.

Since being released in November 2022, the video has had over 9.3 million views and has received over 22,000 comments.

"Her moral compass is STRONG," CylynG2020 wrote.

"I hope you told her how awesome it is that she didn’t want to stand for the lies. She is awesome," j friend:) added.

The video is fun because it shows how even young children pay attention to their parents and know their daily habits. It’s a good reminder for parents everywhere that their kids have an eye on them and to beware of the subconscious examples they’re setting for them on a daily basis.