

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
a man holding a baby in his arms

This time of year, the pediatrician is a parent's best friend. Moms and dads are making *frequent* trips with their sick kids. So when the usual 'parent on duty' (which according to Pew Research Center, is more commonly mom) delegates the trip to dad, it can lead to an amazing feat of teamwork–thanks to meticulous and thorough instructions and notes she prepares for her spouse on their kid's symptoms meant to be shared with the doctor. Dr. Greg GulbransenGreg Gulbransen, DO, a pediatrician in Oyster Bay, Long Island, shared a hilarious compilation video on Instagram featuring the dads that come to his office strapped with lists, notes and details from their wives to get the best care for their sick kiddos.

"Dear Mothers, have you ever wondered what your husbands look like when they arrive at the pediatrician’s office with your instructions? They read your lists like legal documents, terrified of making mistakes. True confession; SO AM I🤪," Dr. Gulbransen writes in the video's caption.

The video begins with with Dad #1 reading from his phone exact notes from his wife. "Woke up in the middle of the night. Felt warm. Had a headache and stuffy, runny nose." Dad #2 enters the chat: "So he started not feeling well on the 8th. Diagnosed with Mono on the 15th. He had a high fever and sore throat." In another clip, Dad #3 is holding his sick daughter while reading from his phone: "Past couple days has had a fever, congestion, a bad cough and a rattle in her chest." Dad #4 follows suit: "Please tell them that he went to school complaining of small tummy ache." And Dad #5 explains, "She told me 2 o'clock he had a fever...can we still go to Florida?!" And Dad #6 ends the clip with a zinger: "My wife sent me in with a list. If you like I can just send it to you and you can read it," as Dr. Gulbransen jokes, "Just give me this thing", as the dad hands his phone to him.

Dad lifeSick Get Well Soon GIF by All Better Giphy

The interactions are praised by Dr. Gulbransen, who focuses on encouraging the dads who come into his office for stepping up and stepping in to help their families–even if it's with assistance. "So this is particularly true on the weekends when dads do the chores," Dr. Gulbransen explains. "We want them to be happy, so we give them fist bumps and 'Dad, we've got this!' We run all sorts of tests, give them prescriptions. They leave happy, and at the end of the day it's an honor to be a part of the whole thing and it's a privilege to be taking care of your children. So let's hope all we have ahead of us is good health and happiness!"

#1 dadCelebrate Fathers Day GIF by Adventure CommunistGiphy

And Dr. Gulbransen's video garnered an emphatic response from wives. "I have even sent my husband with a list of instructions for when he goes to the doctor for himself! #SooooTrueeeee," one wrote. Another added, "So accurate 😂 Good on these dads!" And another wrote, "lol this is sooo accurate! And if you ask a question that’s not on the list ie:’would you like your child to get cuz vaccine while you’re here?’ Blank stare from dad. Along pause. Then, ‘let me call my wife.’ 😂😂😂" Another viewer noted, "Then mom calls the clinic to clarify after care instructions lol."