Little girl thinks her mom is an alien from outer space after finding her passport
Maybe "Men In Black" was a little too real for the sweet girl.
Little girl is afraid her mom is from outer space.
When you're little, you don't understand a whole lot, mostly because you just got here a little while ago. Oftentimes, those little instances of misunderstandings turn into stories you laugh at when you're older and have more time on Earth under your belt. For Nala-Joye, her "when you were little" story will be a bit more hilarious because she mistakenly thought her mom was an alien from outer space.
That's right. She thought her mom, Shaakira Brandon, was an alien after she found her mom's passport and saw a picture of space on the last page. One can only imagine the things that went through her head. I'm sure she wondered if her mom was actually her mom and if that made her an alien too. Perhaps she was hatched from a slimy egg and was awaiting her own alien powers.
Who knows, but whatever was running through her head was clearly scary at the time because this poor girl was very upset at the thought of her mom being an alien. But it turns out the girl, who is 5 years old, had recently seen "Men in Black." I'm sure, thinking back, the mom wonders if that was the wisest choice for a little one with a wild imagination.
People in the comments also related to the girl's horror at the mistaken "discovery."
"My six-year-old used to like to change the month on the calendar but when we reached the end she freaked out and yelled 'This is the last one!! There's no more months! We're all going to die!'," one commenter wrote.
"I remember watching my dad sleep when I was a child, and then I saw his hairy arms and I started crying because I thought he was slowly turning into a monkey. I didn’t know what I was gonna do if I lost my daddy," another person wrote.
Thankfully, Nala-Joye's mom assured her that she is indeed not an alien, just a regular mom with a passport. Watch her reaction below:
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