
parenting humor


“I don’t even know my plan! Do you know your plan?!”

Gentle parenting has been the anxious millennial antidote to the trauma caused by their boomer parent’s not-so-gentle approach to raising kids. This new wave of parents have become determined to not let history repeat itself, to usher in a kinder, more emotionally secure, more confident generation of humans.

And while that intention is certainly admirable, perhaps we millennials, with all our self-deprecating humor, can also laugh at ourselves a bit with just how gentle we strive to be.

A fun, tongue-in-cheek and instantly viral video created by 37-year-old mom of two Taylor Wolfe can help with that.

The clip, which racked up 5.8 million views in less than 24 hours, shows Taylor trying to teach her boomer mother Sandy Wolfe all the ins-and-outs of gentle parenting so that she may use these more compassionate tactics on her grandkids.

Let’s just say, many found her failed attempt completely relatable, not to mention hilarious.

Sandy’s well intentioned “Be careful!” to her granddaughter gets met with Taylor saying, “We don’t say ‘Be careful!’ anymore. Instead say, ‘What’s your plan here?’”

“I don’t even know my plan! Do you know your plan?!” Sandy retorts.

Cut to: Sandy says “Stop. Don’t hit your sister.” Suddenly Taylor pops up from behind a corner to instruct: “Don’t say, ‘Stop,’ say, ‘Gentle.’”

“‘Gentle’…what?” asks a confused Sandy.

“‘Gentle hands,’” quips Taylor, adding. “‘Gentle’ everything.”

Sandy can’t even catch a break when she says “I’m so proud of you.” because, as Taylor explains, “you’re not supposed to tell kids you’re proud of them anymore. That’s putting the focus on you.”

Then a classic comedy of errors ensues as Taylor advises Sandy to say “you should be so proud” and Sandy replies “I AM so proud!”

Viewers could help but laugh at their own perhaps overzealous attempts to bring gentle parenting into their life.

“I tried to gentle parent this morning but it turned into ‘OMG GET YOUR FORKING SHOES ON,”” one person wrote, while another added, “I always started with the Mary Poppins approach but sometimes you need to elevate to Judge Judy.”

Others felt like this perfectly depicted how gentle parenting sometimes misses the mark.

“I’m feeling anxious after observing gentle parenting,” one person wrote.

Another simply said, “I stand with grandma.”

This isn’t the first time Taylor and Sandy have given us a good chuckle comparing their different parenting styles. Here’s another funny video from August of 2023 where Taylor is flabbergasted to hear how her mother managed without Google:

Listen, gentle parenting is great for providing parents more mindful, less reactive responses to their kids, which can do wonders for everybody. But there’s also something to be said for not getting so wound up in the minutia of every parent-child interaction, thinking anything and everything could be threatening to a child’s development. As with anything, balance—and a sense of humor—is always key.

Follow along on more of Taylor’s fun and relatable content on TikTok.

This article originally appeared last year.


Baby has perfect faces while pretending to be a 'tall woman' on her mom's shoulders

She's totally an adult and not just a baby sitting three other children under a trench coat.

This baby has perfect timing while pretending to be 'tall'

Cartoons and TV shows always made it look like stacking three kids on top of each other under a long coat could fool anyone. "Move along folks, nothing to see here. Just an abnormally tall man with the face of a toddler," is the vibe those scenes gave off and somehow the trick almost always worked.

But it's really not something that's ever come up in real life. No rogue kindergarteners attempting to get into a bar by hiding under a long overcoat. It seemed like one of those things you'd encounter more often growing up, you know...like the quicksand problem that plagued the country. Children are simply much more supervised than cartoons would have you believe. But just because there's supervision doesn't mean there can't be shenanigans.

TikTok user, Messi Ross uploaded a video of her toddler pulling the old stack people to pretend you're an adult gag. Except, mom was in on it.

Well, technically since she's clearly a toddler, it's not like she could pull it off on her own. Ross hoisted her toddler daughter up on her shoulders to go shopping and hilarity ensues. As they walk through the store looking like a very tell lady with a tiny head, the baby's facial expressions somehow matched up with her mom's actions.

Tyla uploaded the video on Facebook with captions making the video even more hilarious. Commenters are enjoying the silly shopping experience, too.

"This remind me of a movie The Little Rascals stymie and Spanky dress as gentleman went to take out loan," one person writes.

"I would die of laughing if I saw this in person. So cute and funny," another says.

"This is so adorable!!! Put a big smile on my face!!! Thank you!!!," one person writes.

Watch the video below:


Mom's hilarious 'mom police' skits have mothers everywhere nodding and chuckling

The items she pulls out of her 'Molice' vest are perfection.

The "Molice" steps in when parents could use a little help.

Parenting is a long, tough gig no matter how you slice it. And if we don't approach the process with a healthy amount of humor, it's even harder. Being able to laugh about the pitfalls and woes of parenting is one of the keys to not losing your everlovin' mind as you strive to raise good humans.

Enter Bridgett Mack, mom, author, motivational speaker, pastor's wife … and friendly neighborhood "Molice" officer.

Practically every parent wishes they had someone on speed dial who could help us when we are at our wits' end or when our offspring are doing something we don't know how to handle. Someone with some kind of authority, who had the power and skill to convince our children to cease their tomfoolery. Someone these kids might listen to when they've tuned mom and dad out.

An officer of the peace in the parenting sense, if you will.

That's why Mack's mom police—or Molice, as she calls it—skits have gained a following on TikTok. Decked out in a Molice vest stocked with a two-way radio, a stationery pad, a dozen or so pairs of backup glasses, a spatula, a face roller, a fan and more, Mack plays the role to perfection.

Watch her pull over a speeding teen:


The Molice (mom police) pulls over speeding teen.

"The Molice knows everything." Yes. Yes. This is the kind of help we need.

How about calling in help for the teen who won't clean their room?


Episode 2: Teen won’t clean room #molice #bmackwrites

Her giggle at the end gets me every time.

The Molice does investigations as well, and hoo boy, is she thorough.


The Elders are still traumatized from Keisha’s last boyfriend. They have asked me to her current boyfriend before deciding on whether or not, he can attend the family Christmas party.

(There's a Part 2 and Part 3 as well.)

If only parents really could call in the Molice when we want to get to the bottom of something or need a little help straightening out our kiddos. Can we make this a real thing, please, Mama Mack?