
missing mom


Missing injured mom survives six days in ditch by using her hoodie to reach water

She fell asleep at the wheel and woke to a crash that seriously injured her legs and wrists.

Missing injured mom survives by using her hoodie to reach water

Getting into an accident typically isn't on the top of anyone's list of things to do for the day. Most people work very hard to avoid experiencing the trauma involved with colliding into another vehicle or careening off the road. But being human means mistakes are made and car accidents are bound to happen from time to time.

Brieonna Cassell, 41 recently lived through a harrowing accident after she fell asleep at the wheel resulting in serious injuries that left her stranded for six days in her car. It wasn't easy for passersby to spot the vehicle due to her ending up in a ditch under a bridge, though she could hear the nearby cars passing her by.

The Indiana mother of three was unable to escape the car with the extensive injuries to her wrists and legs. Phoning for help was also out of the question since her cell phone was dead under one of the seats in her car. All Cassell could do was scream for help and hope by some miracle someone could hear her cries. But after nearly a week of no one coming to her rescue, she resigned herself to dying there in the ditch.

car in a ditchWhat happens next is a miracle. Photo credit: Canva

Cassell was unaware that her family was searching extensively for her. They'd even included volunteers in the effort to find the missing mom. Her photo was widely circulated in the area in hopes to locate her before it was too late. Still, from Cassell's view, she was running out of time. With nothing to eat or drink and no way to get to sustenance, she had to be resourceful to buy herself more time until someone could find her.

The seriously injured woman used her hoodie to lower it down into the water that collects in the ditch. Once the hood was saturated, she would pull the hoodie back into the car and suck the water out of the material. Finding access to water is what likely kept her alive until the sixth day when a man driving a tall tractor working for a drainage and excavation company noticed her car.

"She was stuck in the car and could not get out. But she was able to reach the water from the car. The only way she was able to survive was using her hoodie and dipping it into the water in a ditch and sucking the water, or bringing the the water into her mouth from the ditch," the woman's father Delmar Caldwell tells ABC News.

Thanks to the diligent efforts of her family and community members to make sure everyone knew her face, the tractor operator, Johnny Martinez, recognized Cassell when he saw her. The woman was flown to a hospital in Chicago to be treated for her injuries and is listed in serious condition. But, she's in good spirits.

gif of firemen saving someone from a crashed carChicago Fire GIF by Wolf EntertainmentGiphy

Jeremy Vanderwall, assistant chief at a local volunteer fire department tells the outlet, "She said, 'I didn't think anybody was gonna find me. I thought I was gonna die in this ditch.'"

Thankfully for all involved, Cassell's grim predictions didn't come true and Martinez was able to call for help, which included his boss, Vanderwall, getting her the urgent care she needed.