“A balm for the soul”
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mexican food


Husband gets hilariously upset after finding out his wife ate Mexican food without him

"I don’t know if you’ll forgive me after I tell you what I did."


Husband is utterly devastated when he finds out his wife had Mexican food without him

Some relationship "betrayals" hit right to the core. Like Netflix cheating, where one partner secretly watches the next episode of a show they had been watching with their significant other.

Or perhaps even worse—when one partner eats delicious food without telling their spouse.

This was apparently the sin committed by wife Shelby to her husband Dylan, a married content creator duo better known online as Shelb and Dyl.

And Dylan’s melodramatic reaction to the devastating news that she ate at his favorite Mexican food restaurant—without him— is pure relatable comedy.

“I have a confession,” Shelby sheepishly says in the viral clip. Though wary, Dylan still retorts with, “whatever it is, I love you.”

“...I don’t know if you’ll forgive me after I tell you what I did,” Shelby continues. That’s when Dylan’s eyes go wide,

“How bad could it be?” he asks, growing more concerned.

That’s when Shelby makes her confession that she ate her husband’s favorite cuisine in secret.

First, as with most cases of grief, comes denial..

“No you didn’t” Dylan says, in utter shock and disbelief.

Then come the other stages. Anger (“my belly could be full of Mexican right now!”), bargaining (“I realize I can be a little stingy with our money but MEixnac’s my favorite and you know that”) depression (wailing “aaaaah!” with his head in his hands). And finally…acceptance.

Watch the drama unfold below. If anything, just to hear Dylan say “you’re hurtin’ my heart” in a thick southern accent.

@shelbanddyl He was a little upset 😅 #husbandreacts #couple #mexicanfood #husbandwife #fyp ♬ original sound - Shelby & Dylan

But at least with all the pain she caused, Shelby was kind enough to bring him leftovers. Sadly, that might not be enough to repair the relationship. For when she asks if Dylan can forgive her, he soberly replies “I don’t know if I can.”

Most viewers couldn’t help but empathize with Dylan a bit, saying they would feel the same way if their partner committed such a heinous act.

Despite this little bump in the road, Shelby and Dylan seem to have a pretty wholesome relationship, with plenty of videos showing how much fun they have with one another and making each other laugh.

So it feels safe to say that Dylan will, in fact, be able to forgive…though he may never forget.