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little boy pooper scooper service

6-year-old starts poop scooping service to pay for cat adoption

There likely isn't a child alive that hasn't bargained with their parents about getting a pet, even if they already have one. When kids are determined to get a new animal, they can come up with some pretty wild compromises. Offering things like giving away all of their toys if they can get just one snake or they'll never misbehave again if their parents bring home a puppy for Christmas.

You name it, they've thought about it. But the request for a pet can be especially adorable when the child asking is still little with a big plan on how they can afford the pet on their own. A little boy from Rhode Island was determined to get his own cat from a local animal shelter as well as help the other animals in need. Luca Arpin is just 6-years-old but he's got big plans to earn the adoption fees needed to get a kitten.

Luca put on some gloves and decided to earn some extra money by starting his own pint-sized business with the cutest name.

Poopa Scoopa Luca is the name of the first grader's business and he's made himself available to scoop the poop so his neighbors don't have to. The little boy says cleaning is one of his favorite things to do, unlike most kids his age. But his love of cleaning extends beyond his pooper scooper services. According to his mom, Luca likes to go to work with her at the animal shelter where he jumps right in to cleaning out kennels, the walking area for the dogs and even helps fold laundry.

white and black cat on white metal frame Photo by Anna Kumpan on Unsplash

Luca and his mom are no strangers to having animals in their home. Not only do they work at the animal shelter (Luca unpaid), but they've fostered over 90 animals, finding them all homes, though Luca's dream is to have his own cat. The problem he ran into was the cost. Not only would the little guy be in charge of coming up with the adoption fee, but he would also be responsible for all the additional costs that come along with owning a pet.

shallow focus photography of black kitten Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

That's a lot of responsibility for a 6-year-old, but Luca is undeterred. He's working hard to earn what he needs to adopt his very own kitten while keeping his prices competitive. The little boy tells NBC 10 WJAR that he charges $15 for clean up after one dog and $20 for two or more.

Luca comes to the homes fully prepared with gloves and trash bags. Of course with him still being so little his mom is his chauffeur, supervisor and helper but he does the clean up all on his own. Mom only helps him tie the bag around his gloved hand to make things a little easier for him.

After just a few jobs, Luca was able to bring his kitten, Pebbles home from the animal shelter but that hasn't slowed down his drive. He's still out looking for more pooper scooper jobs so he can continue to raise money to help other animals in the animal shelter. Luca's early exposure to the animal shelter has turned into a passion for helping animals in need and his mom is doing everything she can to continue fostering his love of helping.