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letter to stepdad

Stepdad shares handwritten letter from stepson 5 years after breakup

It's not easy being a stepparent. You're walking into a family that already exists, with children who don't look like you and may come with their own traumas from their biological parent not being there on a daily basis. Of course not all stepparent origin stories are the same.

Some children still have regular access to their biological parent maintaining a positive relationship. Others may only see their biological parent on occasion with a strained dynamic while others may not know their parent at all or the parent may have died. Very rarely are two situations exactly alike and each comes with its own set of issues to overcome.

But for the stepparents that have worked hard to make sure their stepchildren feel loved and supported by them leave a permanent mark that can't be undone whether the relationship between the two adults works out or not. One stepdad with the username u/javawong took to Reddit to share that he received a letter from his former stepson recently, though it's been five years since he and the boy's mother broke up.

Opening a letter from a stepchild years after the breakup with their mother could feel a bit like handling a grenade someone threw you before you noticed if the pin is pulled or not. But it seems the boy had a few things he deemed important enough to mail a handwritten letter to the man who once helped parent him. The names are redacted but the letter reads as follows:

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"I appreciate everything you have done for me and continue to do for me. You have been such a great dad to me, [redacted] and [redacted]. I will always be grateful for you being so involved in my life and not just taking a back seat like you could have. I hope you are doing well. I hope you know how much love and appreciation I have for you. I am proud to call you family."

The sweet letter was completely unprompted and unexpected according to the stepdad who updated in the comment section to provide more context for those curious.

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"A little context is needed. Lots of questions. My stepson is 20 and off in college (his penmanship needs work lol). We are still very close and I consider him my son. In fact, his bio dad and I have become very close the last couple of years as we have a lot in common. He is also very close with his son. I was married to his mom for 12 years and helped raise him with his mom during those years. She and I split up almost 5 years ago and I stay around to watch him grow up; as well as his older brother and half-sister (my biological daughter). He mailed me this letter completely randomly which I received today. Just brought a tear (many) to my eye," the proud stepdad shares.

He wasn't the only one the note struck a chord with, others shared with the stepdad exactly how much it means to kids when their stepparents are involved.

One person shares, "From one dad to another, cheers in having made a strong impact on that kid's life."

"As I read once on reddit, and repeat as much as I can : Everybody can be a father. Being a dad is an earned title," someone shares.

"This. It’s very surprising to see a “kid” of this age acknowledge something as complex as being a good “step” parent. Good people all around in this story. OP is a Rick[sic] star. The son seems like a great young man. The mom didn’t go the petty route and try to block contact after divorce. Bio dad didn’t try to destroy the bond OP has with his son. Great family dynamics," another person chimes in.

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"You have no idea how much your post has moved me. I was in a similar situation. I was in my step son's life since he was 2 and have raised him as my own. His mom and I split up a year ago and I only hope he feels the same way. We haven't had any communication since due to her actions. Including my son. I just hope I get a chance to do the same with my own son. Thank you for this. This has given me a lot of hope. May you continue to be the dad he can look up to and share with his own children when the time comes. Thank you for setting the right example. Bless you," one heartbroken dad shares.

The stepson's letter just highlights the important role stepparents can play in a child's life, even if that child isn't theirs biologically. It sounds like this family is doing all the right things to make sure the kids feel safe and loved by all parents involved.