

A photo of Kurt Cobain.

We often view the 90s as a golden era of optimism, a “simpler” time when we weren’t so disconnected by technology, when the economy was booming and the cultural landscape was rich in great music, movies, television, you name it.

But, as with any decade, there were a great many cons to go along with those pros. Folks who were adults (or at least close to it) during the 90s can easily recall plenty of darker moments. So when they were asked, "What was bad about the '90s?" people didn’t hold back.

Interestingly enough, there weren’t as many mentions about the shifting political landscape—the paranoia set in from 9/11, the Gulf War Recession (which paved the way for Bill Clinton winning the presidency), Rush Limbaugh laying the groundwork for Fox News and thusly the Republican Party we know today, etc.—but rather, people focused on how day to day life felt.

1. For one thing, as folks mentioned, 90s diet culture was…intense. Let’s not forget that the word “heroine chic” was coined (and normalized!) during this era. And because thinness was the only body type deemed “attractive” by the media, it led to some really questionable foods that were somehow deemed healthy. Of course, diet-obsessed or not, a lot of foods that were mainstream at the time are now a bit perplexing.

"Female celebrities were shrinking to child sizes and getting praised for it. 'Thinspo' was a thing. ALL my friends group from high school and college, including myself, had eating disorders — Marlboro Light and Diet Coke for every meal. Our idea of sports was extreme cardio only. We were SO unhealthy. Thank God we were young enough to bounce back to normal without major issues."

"Maybe it was my house, but everything was 'low-fat' or 'non-fat' and tasted like sh*t. As it later turned out, the fat wasn't the problem but the sugar they put in everything."

"The 'poison food' era — full of dyes, sugar, preservatives, and artificial ingredients, packaged and microwaved in plastic for your convenience. The nutritional guidance was so bad it kicked off an obesity epidemic we’re only solving now, thanks to breakthrough medication."

2. And let’s be honest, women were not only dealing with terrible beauty standards, but misogyny as well.

“I was grabbed in various situations, pushed in corners, kissed involuntarily from the time I was 11 years old, etc. As a girl, you just had to live with it. "

"Belittling, discouraging comments towards women, especially young ones, were normal; society expected its women to be pretty and available at all times but saints and virgins in their minds and bodies. So, basically, like today."

"There was a lot of media pitting girls against girls and framing other women as competition, not friends."

"People would say the most unhinged things about my (and others') looks and hobbies, and it was socially acceptable for them to do so. It was wild that being a mean girl was encouraged. I’m so glad we’ve moved past that as a society; the '90s were a brutal time."

3. Life wasn’t so great for the LGBTQ community either.

"Between AIDS, 'don't ask, don't tell,' the Defense of Marriage Act, Matthew Shepard's murder, etc., coming out of the closet was scary as hell. We made some gains, and it felt like we were closer to acceptance, but there was so much backlash and fear."

"Growing up as a queer kid in the '90s meant I had no LGBTQ+ role models to look up to, so I learned to lie about myself in order to survive. I came out when I was in high school in the early 2000s, and more than half of my 'friends' stopped talking to me.

In middle school in the late '90s, the school psychologist tried to force me to come out so she could shame me in front of my parents. She also interviewed all my friends to try to find out if I ever acted 'gay' around them and even wanted to know if I had ever tried to kiss them; the school knew all about this. One of my friends was sent to a conversion camp, and we didn't hear from him again until Facebook became popular.

I sometimes still wonder how the hell I survived, but I'm glad I did."

“Where I grew up in the 90s we used homophobic slurs all the time to describe basically anything we didn't like for any reason. I did, everyone else did, it was just completely ubiquitous.”

4. People were also quick to note how drastically different attitudes were towards mental health. We might have seen the beginnings of shifts towards community-based care, increased focus on medication, and growing efforts to reduce stigma at this time, but it was still a stark contrast to the openness of conversation and access to resources that we have today.

"Being a child diagnosed with autism in the '90s, I was lumped in the special education classes despite not needing them, and it sucked. Back then, anyone who was autistic was typically thought of as 'slow.'"

"I never heard the words anxiety, depression, coping strategies. Everyone in my family was drinking their feelings away and denying the feelings existed."

"Mental health support was still stigmatized as something only 'crazy' people got. My dad died in '97, and I had a complete psychotic breakdown in '99. My mom cried while asking if I wanted to see a psychiatrist. Going to therapy was viewed as a death sentence."

5. On the subject of health, let’s keep in mind that smoking indoors wasn’t banned until the late 90s/2000s. And drunk driving? Pretty damn acceptable.

- YouTubewww.youtube.com

"Cigarette smoke was everywhere — stores, malls, you name it. Smoking sections in restaurants were sometimes on the left side of an aisle as if that helped. It was so weird when my parents quit smoking because I stopped being nose blind to the smell. That sh*t REEKS."

"When I was a teenager, we moved, and while packing, we removed the pictures on the wall and noticed white squares left where they had been hung. The change was so gradual that none of us noticed it — so nasty. Until that point, both of my parents previously stopped smoking IN the house but still smoked elsewhere. That was the final straw that caused my father to fully quit."

"Drunk driving didn't have the stigma it does today. It took a long campaign waged by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) to shift public perception on how dangerous drunk driving is."

"When I was a child, we had a group of family friends whose kids were all around the same age. The parents would throw house parties, taking turns hosting and partying hard while the kids played. At the end of the night, they’d all load the kids in the car and drive home absolutely hammered. Everyone was like this—not just my parents’ friend group. I’m sure it still happens today, but I haven’t seen it."

6. Raising kids in the 90s certainly had its cons, as comments mentioned the media-fueled fear of child abduction, prevalence of child abuse, gang violence, and the first school shootings.

"Columbine deeply altered my worldview. I was a kid in the '90s, and until 1999, at the age of 13, I was never concerned about a school shooting — it just wasn’t a thing…I went 13 years without the remote concern of a school shooter. Who can say that now?"

"The constant fear of being kidnapped. My mom always told my sister and me to stay close to her when we were out because too many kids were getting taken. I remember seeing posters of missing children at the supermarket, and it was sad and scary."

"Gangs were rampant in the 90s — everywhere. I grew up in a suburb, but we still had ESL, aka 'Bloods,' Crypts, New Wave, Skinheads, etc., represented. Kids were pressured into joining these gangs when they were young. I witnessed my first major gang fight in eighth grade when thirty kids began brawling after school. The next Monday, I had friends on crutches; one kid got sliced with a knife, thankfully not deep, and four others had broken bones in their hands, etc. No one talked to anyone about anything, so there were no suspensions."

"If a parent grabbed a kid by their hair, hit them, or screamed obscenities at them, the public at large would just mind their business or even jump in to defend the parents' 'right to discipline,' and teachers were allowed to beat us at school. Any adult could hit a child, and people would just stand there and agree with it. Most friends I had growing up were 'latchkey' kids and neglected at home from super young ages. They had to walk home from elementary school, cook dinner for themselves, feed their siblings, and care for the house. Parents didn’t seem to care about their kids. At night, commercials asked: 'Did you hug your child today?' And 'It’s 10 p.m. Do you know where your child is?' Those commercials/PSAs started decades before, but they continued throughout the late '90s."

7. While the 90s was obviously a pivotal moment for technology, most cutting edge items weren’t fully accessible to the general public. There are just many modern-day conveniences we take for granted now.

"If your family lived in a rural area and wasn't rich enough to immediately buy a computer, you could be lonely in a way that people can't even comprehend now. I spent the last two years of high school doing nothing, watching TV and playing 16-bit RPGs repeatedly because I couldn't get anywhere or do anything."

"And yes, I know that sounds super chill nowadays, but back then, it could be very depressing — especially when you knew that the kids who had cars were going to concerts and coffee houses while you were just home alone doing nothing. It was maddening."

Nothing was chargeable. You needed batteries.”

It may sound strange but not having cell phones meant if you planned to meet someone somewhere and they were late, you had no idea if they were just around the corner or going to be an hour late or at the wrong place and you had to just stand there staring into space because you didn't have reddit to scroll through while you waited.”

“One of my best friends from grade school moved away. He wrote his phone number down on a piece of paper so we could keep in touch. I lost it. Never spoke to him again because I had no way to contact him.”

8. Lastly (and this one might hurt for Kurt Cobain fans) not everyone was a fan of 90s music.

"Everyone loves the music from the '90s, but it’s all so bleak. Most of the grunge bands were singing about addiction, severe depression, and barely coping. I think a lot of that bled into mainstream society. The 'alternative' music scene was rife with gut-wrenching lyrics.""

"I was in high school/college then, and I can’t go back and listen to bands like Alice In Chains, Mad Season, Nirvana, and Pearl Jam anymore. Back in the day, I listened to it constantly, and I loved it, but in hindsight, I think it harmed my psyche. Thank God I found The Grateful Dead when I did."

1989 video brings back strong memories for Gen Xers who came of age in the '80s.

Hey, remember the eighties?! Specifically, 1989, a year that some say was among the best, or at least the most memorable, ever: It was the year we saw violence in Tiananmen Square but also the dismantling of the Berlin Wall. The year we got Meg Ryan in "When Harry Met Sally" and Michael Keaton in Tim Burton's "Batman." The year "Seinfeld" and "The Simpsons" debuted on TV, with no clue as to how successful they would become. The year that gave us New Kids on the Block and Paula Abdul while Madonna and Janet Jackson were enjoying their heyday. It, coincidentally, is also the year the great Taylor Swift was born.

The jeans were pegged, the shoulders were padded and the hair was feathered and huge. It was 1989—the peak of Gen X youth coming of age. A viral video of a group of high school students sitting at their desks in 1989—undoubtedly filmed by some geeky kid in the AV club who probably went on to found an internet startup—has gone viral across social media, tapping straight into Gen X's memory banks. For those of us who were in high school at the time, it's like hopping into a time machine.

It's so wild to think that the kids in this video are in their fifties today.

The show "Stranger Things" has given young folks of today a pretty good glimpse of that era, but if you want to see exactly what the late '80s looked like for real, here it is:

Oh so many mullets. And the Skid Row soundtrack is just the icing on this nostalgia cake. (Hair band power ballads were ubiquitous, kids.)

I swear I went to high school with every person in this video. Like, I couldn't have scripted a more perfect representation of my classmates (which is funny considering that this video came from Paramus High School in New Jersey and I went to high school on the opposite side of the country).

Comments have poured in on Reddit from both Gen Xers who lived through this era and those who have questions.

high school, 1980s, eighties, 1989, gen x, nostalgiaThe hair!Giphy

First, the confirmations:

"Can confirm. I was a freshman that year, and not only did everyone look exactly like this (Metallica shirt included), I also looked like this. 😱😅"

"I graduated in ‘89, and while I didn’t go to this school, I know every person in this room."

"It's like I can virtually smell the AquaNet and WhiteRain hairspray from here...."

"I remember every time you went to the bathroom you were hit with a wall of hairspray and when the wind blew you looked like you had wings."

These were not isolated trends. A video yearbook from Jericho High School in New York confirms it — the eighties were everywhere!

- YouTubewww.youtube.com

Then the observations about how differently we responded to cameras back then.

"Also look how uncomfortable our generation was in front of the camera! I mean I still am! To see kids now immediately pose as soon as a phone is pointed at them is insanity to me 🤣"

"Born in 84 and growing up in the late 80’s and 90’s, it’s hard to explain to younger people that video cameras weren’t everywhere and you didn’t count on seeing yourself in what was being filmed. You just smiled and went on with your life."

Which, of course, led to some inevitable "ah the good old days" laments. When this video was captured, we were still a good decade or so away from mass popularity of cell phones, cable television, and every house having the Internet. Can you believe it? What did these kids do all day?!

"Life was better before the Internet. There, I said it."

"Not a single cell phone to be seen. Oh the freedom."

"It's so nice to be reminded what life was like before cell phones absorbed and isolated social gatherings."

It was a different time, alright. And not everything was 100% for the better:

"My freshman year of high school there was a huge uproar when, on the first day's assembly, admin informed everyone that the smoking lounge for students would indeed be closed permanently."

Probably for the best that we left things like smoking lounges for students or playing real fast and loose with seatbelts in the past.

nintendo, 1980s, eighties, 1983, 1989, kids, nostalgiaThe Nintendo Entertainment System came out in 1983 Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

But perhaps the most common response was how old those teens looked.

"Why do they all look like they're in their 30's?"

"Everyone in this video is simultaneously 17 and 49 years old."

"Now we know why they always use 30 y/o actors in high school movies."

As some people pointed out, there is an explanation for why they look old to us. It has more to do with how we interpret the fashion than how old they actually look. Outdated styles and aesthetics trick our psychology into dating photos and people, making them appear older than they are.

Ah, what a fun little trip down memory lane for those of us who lived it. Was it a better time, or a time we'd rather forget? It all depends on what your own experience was, but in any case, it's hard not to look back and smile at what was certainly a simpler era. (Let's just all agree to never bring back those hairstyles, though, k?)

This article originally appeared three years ago.

The moon nearly had a man-made crater on it.

Over the past 70 years, scientists have created detailed maps of the entire surface of the moon in minute detail, right down to every crater and rock formation. But those maps almost looked a lot different, considering the fact that the United States wanted to detonate a nuclear bomb on the surface of the moon a decade before we sent the first humans there.

That's right, Project A119 (which might as well have been called Project Nuke the Moon) was a real U.S. Air Force project to send an atomic bomb to the moon and detonate it in a spot where the explosion would be seen from Earth. Why? Because we could, and because we wanted the Kremlin to see that we could, in a nutshell.

That team of scientists working on the project included a young graduate student named Carl Sagan. Yes, that Carl Sagan, who became one of the most famous and beloved cosmologists and science communicators of all time. If you're wondering whether he thought nuking the moon was a whackadoodle idea or not, apparently he was at least somewhat on board with it. He thought it might reveal information about possible microbes or organic compounds on the moon.

- YouTubewww.youtube.com

Let's step back for a minute here. This was the 1950s, a time when much of our scientific advancements and nearly all of our space research was inextricably linked to the Cold War. Support for science was largely dictated by political and military aims, which left scientists to mold their own goals and aims around the projects the government wanted to explore.

If the military wanted to create an explosion on the moon big enough for the Kremlin to see it and feel intimidated, scientists would make the most of the opportunity to learn what they could from it. Some of the team were interested in what the detonation would reveal about the chemical makeup of the moon. Others were interested in studying the seismic effect of the blast on the moon's subsurface structure.

The top-secret project, known by the benign title "A Study of Lunar Research Flights," was launched in 1958 and led by physicist Leonard Reiffel, who would eventually become deputy director of NASA's Apollo Program. To his credit, he did try to explain to the government why nuking the moon might not be such a great idea, scientifically speaking.

"I made it clear at the time there would be a huge cost to science of destroying a pristine lunar environment," Reiffel told The Observer. "But the US Air Force were mainly concerned about how the nuclear explosion would play on Earth."

The plan was to detonate a bomb on the Terminator Line, the border between the light and dark side of the moon, which would be the location most visible from Earth. And as asinine as it might sound to us now, the goal of this enormous undertaking really was just to flex our muscles—to show Russia that we could best them in both the space and the arms race.

"It is a pretty interesting window into the sort of American mindset at that time," Alex Wellerstein, a historian of science and nuclear technology, told the BBC. "This push to compete in a way that creates something very impressive. I think, in this case, impressive and horrifying are a bit too close to each other."

Reiffel himself told The Observer in 2000, ‘It was clear the main aim of the proposed detonation was a PR exercise and a show of one-upmanship. The Air Force wanted a mushroom cloud so large it would be visible on Earth."

Would it have even worked, though? According to Reiffel, they could have gotten the bomb within two miles of where they wanted it and could have detonated it, creating a big enough flash bang to see from here. However, there wouldn't have been a mushroom cloud, since there's very little atmosphere on the moon. Without the resistance of a dense atmosphere, the dust and debris from the explosion would just keep expanding outward; it wouldn't curl back inward into any kind of formation like it would on Earth.

Ultimately, nuking the moon didn't happen, though the reasons the project was scrapped are classified and have never been revealed. Thankfully, we went ahead with sending humans to the moon instead of our most notorious weaponry. Can you imagine how much bombing the moon would have changed our approach to space exploration?

astronaut, moon, NASA

As British nuclear historian David Lowry said according to The Guardian, "It is obscene. To think that the first contact human beings would have had with another world would have been to explode a nuclear bomb. Had they gone ahead, we would never have had the romantic image of Neil Armstrong taking 'one giant step for mankind.'"

It was "one giant leap for mankind," actually, but who's counting? Let's all just be grateful we got that giant leap instead of a big ol' nuclear crater that would forever change the way we see the moon, literally and figuratively.


So all teenagers are awful. Got it.

Ever find yourself lamenting about how bratty, vain, entitled, whiney [insert any additional insult you wish] teens today are? True, maybe our generation didn’t have screen-addicted Sephora kids, but let’s admit that we had our fair share of insufferable-ness. As did teens before us, and teens before them, and so on and so on. Because let’s face it, teen angst is an integral part of life, likely existing throughout every chapter of human history.

In fact, we have a historical artifact proving just that. In a video recently shared to TikTok, Dr. Esmé James (@dr.esme.louise), whose page is dedicated to (often kinky) history, we learn that recorded evidence of teen angst dates all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia in the form of a letter.

The letter—translated from a clay tablet by A. Leo Oppenheim in Letters from Mesopotamia: Official Business and Private Letters on Clay Tablets from Two Millennia—is, as James explains, “essentially just this brat of a teenage boy complaining to his mother about the quality of his clothing.”

@dr.esme.louise brat anthem of the Ancient World 💚 #KinkyHistory#stitch with @Pat Mandziy Translation: Oppenheim, A. Leo (1967). Letters from Mesopotamia: Official, Business, and Private Letters on Clay Tablets from Two Millennia. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. #AncientWorld #History ♬ original sound - Dr. Esmé Louise James

In it, the young man bemoans the fact that “From year to year, the clothes of the young gentlemen here become better,” but mom apparently “let [his] clothes get worse from year to year.”

“Indeed, you persisted in making my clothes poorer and more scanty. At a time when in our house wool is used up like bread, you have made me poor clothes,” he writes. Sick burn, kid.

He then does what all teenagers do…he complains about not having what the cool kids have. “The son of Adad-iddinam, whose father is only an assistant of my father, has two new sets of clothes, while you fuss even about a single set of clothes for me. In spite of the fact that you bore me and his mother only adopted him, his mother loves him, while you, you do not love me!”

As one viewer pointed out, this is more or less the equivalent of “all the kids at school wear Jordans but you make me wear Reeboks, you don’t love me.”

Lastly, the tantrum letter ends with either a 180 turn into politeness, or the most passive aggressive line ever: "May the gods keep you forever in good health…for my sake.”

And this all brings James to her very astute conclusion, that “humans have always been human. The centuries may separate us, but brattiness remains.”

Down in the comments, people had a good chuckle, particularly at the fact that this was no willy nilly angry text. The kiddo had to literally chisel this letter out. Talk about commitment.

“Carved into STONE. Boy was fuming,” one person quipped.

Another echoed, “he immortalized his angst on a TABLET OF STONE.”

Goes to show how “kids these days” will never be a phrase that goes out of style. And of course, it shines a light on what our own parents probably had to deal with during our teen years. Maybe they weren’t so terrible after all. And for the parents currently in the throes of raising teens…just remember that you probably were just as ridiculous once upon a time. Godspeed.