A woman drew a hopscotch-with-a-twist on her sidewalk and captured people's childlike joy
Humans can be so delightful.
You're never too old for a little hopscotch.
From what's happening in the world at large to the details of our individual lives, there's a whole lot to worry about on a daily basis. Life can be difficult and people can be complicated, but sometimes the simplest things can remind us that joy is only a step or two away.
For instance, take this woman in Trinidad, Louann Kristy, who transformed people's day with just a piece of chalk and a desire to see people dance. A video shows a woman drawing a classic hopscotch grid on a sidewalk in front of her house, but with a little twist. In the final half-circle, she wrote "DANCE" and just before the first square she wrote "Have fun!" Then she waited for a camera to capture people passing by it.
Sure enough, random pedestrians got to the hopscotch and skipped across it like they probably remember doing as children. And then, when they got to the end, some of them launched into a brief dance, dutifully shimmying and wiggling their hips. Watch:
@louannkristy Stay tuned! Carnival is coming and that can only mean one thing !! Carnival hopscotch is back 2025 edition! #hopscotch #pavementhopscotch #trinidadandtobago #trini_tiktoks #fyp
It's almost a social experiment of sorts. Who will do the hopscotch and who will walk right over or past it? Who will dance at the end and who will feel too self-conscious? Are people more likely to dance if they're by themselves or with other people? Are the people who dance enjoying themselves more? Would more people or fewer people dance if they knew a camera was on them? Who knows.
What this video does demonstrate is how easy it is to do something that brings childlike joy to people's day, even just for a moment, and the comments show how much other people love seeing it.
"I loved when there were three guys in a row and the guy at the back kind of got stopped and came out the side instead. But then he saw that the end said dance so he did the butt wiggle anyway."
"Humans love a lil butt wiggle."
"It makes me wonder…are we all predestined to wiggle? I need some scientific articles."
"Born to wiggle, forced to walk."
@louannkristy The last clip is pure energy, so stick around to catch that! And if you’re in Trini, jump in and show us your moves! Hopscotch will be up on Friday until Carnival Tuesday if it survives! 😂 #HopscotchChallenge #TriniVibes #wholesome ##pavementhopscotch #trinidadandtobago #trini_tiktoks #hopscotch
"I loved how the runners seamlessly did it without losing any momentum."
"(Jogger) "Runrunrunrun...OH! HOPSCOTCH! (Bounce bounce bounce) runrunrunrun..."
"Like sleeper agents being woken up to perform their duty."
"I can imagine most of those adults running have a million thoughts going through them either from stress or life in general. Even if it was for a few seconds, seeing this hopscotch made them forget everything there was about being an adult. No stress, just play. Have fun. It's always the little things that bring us the biggest joys in life."
@louannkristy Who’s ready to jump in and try this? If you spot my hopscotch in Trini, you know what to do! #HopscotchChallenge #GetCreative #trinidadandtobago #trini_tiktoks #fyp #pavementhopscotch #hopscotch #wholesome #LiveOutlandish
It's true, little things like this can literally turn someone's day around and it's not that hard to do. If it's not a hopscotch, maybe it's a sticky note left in a library book or a compliment you pay a stranger. Playfulness can look like a lot of different things, too, from inviting the person sitting next to you on the train to a rock-paper-scissors contest to dancing to the 80s music in the grocery store aisle to leaving a bucket of chalk in front of your house for other people to draw with. It doesn't take much, just a little creativity and willingness to set aside your own self-consciousness. Giving yourself permission to be playful gives other people permission to play also, which is good for everyone's well-being.
As one person wrote, "We need more things like this in the world. Get out there, put the phone away, touch grass, and just enjoy the experience of being alive type things." Indeed, playfulness is a great way to tap into childlike joy and wonder, and all it takes is someone willing to make it happen.