
funny pet videos

Photo by Laya Clode on Unsplash

Cockatoo chases around family while laughing maniacally.

Animals have their own personalities no matter what kind of animal they are, but rescue animals can sometimes take a while to let their personality shine. When they do, their humans better be prepared for whatever might come. A rescue cockatoo named Molly was very subdued and a bit skittish when she was first brought into her human family. But her entire attitude changed once she met her new human brother, and now visitors might be in for a slightly terrifying surprise.

Molly has a habit of chasing her humans around the house laughing like an evil supervillain as they playfully run from room to room. She may not be in cahoots with fellow feathered friends to try to take over the world...yet…but her laugh is hilariously maniacal. The family is all on board for Molly's games, too. They not only play hide and seek with the bird but they quite literally take her everywhere they possibly can.

Molly rides in the car for coffee runs and even goes hiking through the woods with her humans. There seems to be few things the family doesn't do without their laughing bird. While Molly doesn't startle strangers with her sinister laugh, she does randomly scream loudly when she's in public, which is probably more startling.

But it's the time she spends with her favorite brother that warms hearts.

"Molly wasn't always such a fun, vibrant bird. When we got her she didn't trust us," Betty tells The Dodo. "But she was really in love with my older son from the minute she met him. He could pick her up, comfort her, she was not afraid of him at all."

The cockatoo even hunts for her brother when she knows he's in the house, going from room to room knocking on doors with her beak, saying, "Hello," and waiting for an answer. It's such an adorable bond they share and the maniacal laughter is something you have to hear for yourself.

This article originally appeared two years ago.

Family's dog is best friends with a life-sized duck

Many dogs like children have favorite toys. You can usually tell it's their favorite because it's the one toy that somehow never loses the stuffing and they always know where it's located. They often play with it in a much gentler way, gnawing on it instead of biting and tucking it away in a safe place so no one else gets it. Dogs really are invested in their favorite toys so what dog wouldn't love a life sized version to play with?

Charlie a happy-go-lucky golden retriever is living every dog's dream with a life-sized animated stuffy of his favorite dog toy. His humans bought a costume that looks just like his favorite toy, a stuffed duck by the name of Mr. Quackers. The family went viral March 2022 when they revealed their dog's reaction to giant Mr. Quackers but they've since uploaded a new video showing all the things the giant duck and Charlie do together.

It's almost as if with the right theme music the pair could make the perfect sitcom all about a life-sized duck who has a goofy pooch as a pet.

In a video uploaded recently, Mr. Quackers is being the perfect responsible owner. The duck takes Charlie on a walk, gives him a bath and of course plays with the excited dog. Of course, Charlie surely smells his mom or dad in the costume which probably makes the experience even better but commenters can't seem to get enough of their shenanigans.

"Had a bad day but now I can go to sleep happy and with a smile on my face. Keep spreading the love big smiles from Germany," someone writes.

"I love this. It’s totally bonkers but look how happy your dog is. It’s made me smile," another commenter says.

"You are the kindest, most loving dog people ever! And your dog is certainly the happiest in Dogland! I love this so much," someone else comments.

Everybody loves Charlie and Mr. Quackers! Hopefully there will be more adventures uploaded to their official Instagram page so their fans can continue to follow their odd couple love fest. In the meantime, you can check out the video of Mr. Quackers doing all of the things for his favorite golden retriever.

Woman copies her cat's behaviors in hilarious videos

It's not a surprise to pet owners that sometimes pets get on your nerves. Every pet has their own personality and can sometimes be a pain in the posterior when their quirks clash with yours. But you're the human and the one with opposable thumbs so you adapt to their weird habits while continuing to be the one to open their treats.

Surely there are things about humans that pets probably don't like but since they can't talk, we will likely never know. It doesn't make their behaviors any less annoying so one cat mom decided to get back at her cat Aurora for all of her cat behaviors–like biscuit making.

Of course it would be much more beneficial if the biscuits Aurora made were real, edible and brought in a decent income but alas they are not. They're simply imaginary biscuits made on the soft smushy flesh of humans.

Cats "make biscuits" or kneed when they're feeling happy and feeling secure according to Cornerstone Veterinary Hospital. It's a sweet show of affection that can be painful for the person on the receiving end. It's also an activity that seems to be timed for maximum inconvenience so Aurora's mom decided to return the favor.

She waited until the cat was sleeping to make her move, sneaking up on the comfy feline to make biscuits on her belly. The pay back shenanigans didn't stop there, though. Aurora's human wanted the cat to get the full affect of what it was like to be interrupted with the goings on of felines so in another video, she had to get a hairball out right next to the resting cat's head. You know, it wouldn't come out anywhere else.


NOT SO FUN NOW IS IT #catsoftiktok #cattok

"I didn't see her spring into action and tote you off to a safe place to expel your fur ball," a commenter writes.

"Ugh they're so dramatic when you do anything back to them," someone comments.

In one video, Aurora's mom gets random nigh-time zoomies during the day. Annoyingly running quickly back and forth, spinning in circles as the tabby cat looks unamused.


I awoken the locus outside 😂 #catsoftiktok #cattok

The cat was equally unimpressed with her mom's hunting skills when she brought Aurora a dead bug as a gift. Maybe she thought the gift could've been bigger or maybe she didn't like mom encroaching on her hunting territory. The world will never know.

"She's like how dare you think I'm a bad hunter," one person laughs.

"She said this is why I bring you food and not the other way around," another person says.

You can follow Aurora and her human on their TikTok page roro.cat to see some of the latest shenanigans they're up to and maybe join in on their fun.


I think she liked it! #catsoftiktok #cattok

Dog waits patiently for human after being caught in couch cover

Dogs are certainly entertaining if they're nothing else. You never know what sort of nonsense they're going to get into while you're away or even down the hall. Dogs have dug holes in couches to play in the foam, spread trash all over the floor because they smelled an empty peanut butter container. Some dogs have even found their way to their owner's roofs for no apparent reason outside of getting closer to the birds.

One dog and his dog sibling were snoozing away while their owners were out. The couch one of the dogs was sleeping on had a fitted sheet or couch cover draped over it...until the dog got startled almost rolling off the couch. While the brown pooch was attempting to correct himself so he didn't land on his back, the couch cover decided to turn the poor dog into a burrito.

He successfully got turned around in time to gently hop onto the floor but everything went black.

The dog was completed wrapped up in the blanket totally not freaking out at all. Okay, maybe he was freaking out a little bit but his brother was actually planning to rescue him...until it wigged him out too and he was left to figure it out on his own. But it didn't take long at all for him to realize that maybe being a couch cover ghost wasn't so bad after all. Thankfully after his quick stint as a Halloween decoration, humans walked through the door to free him. The video was shared by LADbible Australia and commenters got a good belly laugh.

"Well I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time," one person writes.

"Bless the dog who decides to sit and patiently wait for the blanket to be removed," a commenter says.

"The fact the dog sat and accepted its fate," another person laughs.

Other commenters pointed out the more serious side of this common situation dogs can find themselves in. One person writes, "Well hopefully now you know that's a danger to the pups when you leave them alone at home and don't do it anymore."

Another says, "Poor baby! While it's hysterical and the baby is safe, it's still scary to know what could have happened had their humans not arrived home so soon!"

Dogs often behave like unsupervised toddlers. They're still trying to figure out the world with their disadvantage of non-opposable thumbs halfway up their wrists. That means that they sometimes get into hilarious but sticky situations that require human intervention. So while this video will certainly tickle funny bones, it's also a great reminder to secure your couch covers or securely crate your pup while unsupervised.