
funny dogs

Narcoleptic dog named Toast falls asleep when he's excited

There is nearly nothing cuter than a sleeping dog. They do their little snores, dream boofs while their legs twitch like they're trying to run. They're just adorably sweet when they're sleeping, kind of like toddlers. They're not getting into anything and it's a moment for you to sit back and look at this adorable creature that has occupied your heart.

But all naps are not created equal, a doodle named Toast falls asleep unexpectedly when he gets excited. We aren't talking he has a big stretch and yawn after playing with a new friend at the dog park, no. Toast literally just sort of flops over like a fainting goat at the first sign of a little excitement coming his way. The cute doodle has doggy narcolepsy which causes him to take impromptu naps when he's happy about something.

It can be things as small as going outside in the snow to play or having dinner served, both of those things mean a brief nap-time for Toast. The poor dog doesn't even get a few bites in before his head starts drooping and he's out like a light.

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"On any given day, Toast will fall asleep at least 100 times," his mom, Laura tells The Dodo. "It really just means that when he's extra happy and excited he needs to take a little break or a nap.

According to VCA Animal Hospitals, narcolepsy is a disorder of the nervous system that affects younger dogs, "In a narcoleptic episode, an animal may abruptly lose consciousness, fall on its side or stomach, and lie perfectly still, as if napping. Like in deep sleep, rapid closed eye movements (REM) may occur and muscles become slack, but the dog may still be aware of his surroundings. Often, the dog will abruptly come out of an episode after auditory or physical stimulation."

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VCA emphasizes that narcolepsy in dogs is not dangerous or life-threatening, nor is the condition painful but owners of narcoleptic dogs should be aware of the signs of an episode to ensure the dog is in a safe place to abruptly fall asleep.

Toast's mom knows what triggers him to get excited and it seems his sister, a dog named Laney does as well. Laney, knows Toast gets overly excited and falls asleep when they play and she doesn't mind one bit. The two dogs go at it for a couple minutes, Toast takes a brief nap and hops back up to finish wrestling with his sister. He often lays right on top of Laney to nap or just chew on her ears even though he's as big as she is. The doodle's antics don't seem to have any affect on his big sister, she lets him get out his excitement even when she's not in the mood to play.

"Toast has to be wherever Laney is. He is obsessed with her. She just allows him to lay on top of her, chew on her ears, and she may chew on a toy or just rest and let him do what he needs to," Laura shares with the outlet.

Toast appears to be living his best life and is completely unbothered by the frequent interruptions of surprise naps. He doesn't let it slow him down and his mom makes sure he's napping safely, even if she has to move his face out of his food until he wakes up to finish eating. Narcolepsy doesn't impact a dog's lifespan so Toast is expected to live just as long as any other doodle with just a few extra naps throughout his days.


'Stealthy' dog gets around the house by tiptoeing everywhere and it's strangely adorable

He started tiptoeing as a puppy to sneak things, and now he does it all the time until someone makes eye contact.

Photo by Cierra Voelkl on Unsplash

Dog gets around the house by tiptoeing.

Dogs can be weird. They've all got their own personalities and sometimes we owners have to raise an eyebrow and scratch our heads trying to figure out what they're thinking. Milton, a family's pit bull has taken to sneaking around his house for no real reason. Or maybe there is a reason, but he keeps getting caught before he can finish his diabolical plan.

Danielle Tholen told The Dodo that he started tiptoeing to get to his own food bowl when he was about 7 months old, so she took him to the vet thinking something was wrong with the puppy. Turns out, he's just really bad at sneaking...well, kinda. Milton is so quiet that you can't hear him on the hardwood floors, but he's also a fairly large dog who tiptoes right in front of people.

But shhhh...he's a stealthy boy.

"He legitimately does it to try to steal food, or make himself available in case I drop some food or he can steal it from the trash. He's sneaky," Tholen says in the video.

Milt's owner goes on to explain that the constant tiptoeing started about two or three years ago, but when he was a puppy, it was just every once in a while. It's certainly an interesting way to get around the house. I suppose if you're constantly tiptoeing, then eventually your silent movements will land you with a stray spoil of vittles as your reward.

But Milton moves so slowly while he's attempting to stealthily sneak forbidden treats that it looks like someone has accidentally hit slow motion on the remote. His peculiar behavior is adorable and seems to keep his owner laughing.

Watch Milton creep around below: