
funny cat videos

People can't get enough of his feline shenanigans.

Sure, we love a sweet, cuddly, docile kitty. But real cat stans appreciate the pure and utter chaos that felines can bring to the table. They’re the embodiment of “I do what I want,” which often makes them incredibly entertaining.

And perhaps no cat knows this better than a tuxedo cat named Mischief, aptly named that way for the antics he’s conjured up all across Plymouth, a city in England. In a viral TikTok video that’s already racked up over 7.6 million views, Amii (@amii.illustrates) explains that things have gotten so out of hand that Plymouth locals “have set up a Facebook page to keep track of him.”

Amii first shows a map where folks have pinned Mischief sightings. It’s quite impressive just how far his adventures have taken him across the city—many spots are miles apart.

Amii then shares photos of spots Mischief has been known to pull some shenanigans, from interrupting classes to disrupting sports games to “buying a vape” and “gambling” in a casino apparently. While Mischief clearly doesn’t oppose any of the local haunts, his favorite thing to do seems to be “breaking” into people’s homes.

@amii.illustrates Mischief causing mischief 😩 I swear I always see him around my back garden so I have NO IDEA how he finds the time for all of this?? Or how he gets around?? *EDIT* he officially has TikTok!!! @Mischief's Adventures in Plym #fyp #mischiefthecat #funnycat #catsoftiktok #plymouth #lol #funny #funnyvideo #tuxedocat #funnyanimals ♬ Funny - Gold-Tiger

Amii herself wrote, “I swear I always see him around my back garden so I have NO IDEA how he finds the time for all of this?? Or how he gets around??” in her video’s caption.

Luckily, a photo showing Mischief in a cargo van offered a clue as to how this car gets around to so many places. He’s part feline, part hitch hiker.

“I also heard that he broke into Plymouth Naval Base twice,” said Amii.

But let it be known—this troublemaking feline does in fact have a home to return to after galavanting around. According to Plymouth Live, Mischief—along with his sibling, Chaos—belong to Tonie Blackmore, who admitted that “I have to ground him sometimes when he goes too far, I have to remind him he has a home.” However, this does cause him to get a bit “salty.”

As of March 5, the Mischief’s adventures in Plymouth Facebook has officially closed due to privacy concerns, meaning that Blackmore might not have folks keeping tabs on Mischief in the same way. But so far, this ne’er do well kitty has always managed to find his way back home. And hopefully the community of cat watchers stays together in other ways to take care of the little fella. It sounds like no matter where he wanders, he is cared for.


Man's foster cat is obsessed with him and it's turned into an amusingly toxic living situation

The cat demands all of the attention no matter what the human is doing.

Obsessed foster cat creates amusingly toxic living situation

Do you remember that song, Somebody's Watching Me from the 80s? Well, this new foster dad is probably feeling just like the guy singing the song, except about a cat that has taken to stalking and harassing him around the house. Bill found himself a sudden cat dad when his friend became sick and unable to take care of her cat, Teddy.

While Teddy behaved like a normal cat in new surroundings, (hiding under the bed and making himself scarce), it didn't take long before he started getting comfortable around Bill. Knowing that he was likely missing his mom and needed attention, the new foster dad gave Teddy all the chin scratches and love he could. It was beautiful...until the cat decided the attention he was getting was insufficient.

Now, instead of a finicky roommate, Bill had a stalker. Teddy follows the human wherever he is in the house to demand attention in pretty rude ways.

"He became obsessed with me. I gave him tons of attention, I played with him all the time but it was just never enough. He always wanted more," Bill tells The Dodo. "Anytime I would turn my attention to something other than him, he would scratch at me until I turned my attention back."

There were not just sweet gentle pawings, Teddy essentially hit and slaps Bill, grabbing pieces of his clothing as he tries to walk by and biting at him. But there's something there between the two and it's looking a lot like a love story in the making. Maybe one that ends in a kitty restraining order but Teddy's playful attacks have Bill a bit smitten.

Watch their love story unfold below:


Owner of 'cat burglar' is forced to own up to her kitty's obsession with criminal activity

She keeps a box outside with a note inviting neighbors to find their stolen stuff.

Cat won't stop breaking into people's homes to steal

Everyone knows that cats are interesting pets to own. Or maybe I should say live with because there doesn't seem to be any "owning" cats. They do what they want, whenever they feel like it and lucky for their human roommates, they're essentially born litter box trained.

As long as you scoop their poop, give them exactly 2.5 strokes on their heads at a 45 degree angle every fortnight, and keep them from ever seeing the bottom of their food bowl...they'll let you play owner. The second you deviate from their reasonable expectation of living conditions, they'll bite you. Given that cats do what they want no matter what their human says, it makes perfect sense that one woman found herself giving in to her cat's daily burglaries.

Cleo is a domestic black cat that has taken it upon himself to break into people's houses and cars to remove items he wants for himself.

Does a cat need expensive shape wear? No, because they don't wear clothes, but if you ask Cleo, he might just have plans to wear that cute dress he stole the week before. But the mischievous cat didn't always steal other people's belongings. Jean Weeks, the cat's human explained that he didn't start confiscating other people's belongings until they went on vacation.

"This summer we were traveling and he got pretty crazy about stealing," Weeks tells KNS 5. "A couple of the neighbors have told me that he's climbed into their house through their window."

Nothing seems to deter the furry thief, either. He's been caught on video, he's been scolded and even had a visit to the big house (aka the vet's office), to no avail. Now his human has a box of shame she keeps all of the things Cleo has collected inside so the neighbor's can stop by and get their stuff.

Check out the culprit below: