


Someone criticized a middle school teacher's behavior. Her comeback was an A+.

When a person commented, "your a teacher act like it," Amy Allen hilariously took the advice to heart.

A rude commenter got a lesson from Ms. Allen.

Being a teacher isn't easy. Teaching middle school students is especially not easy. Teaching middle school students who spent several of their formative years going through a global pandemic in the age of smartphones, social media and a youth mental health crisis is downright heroic.

If you haven't spent time in a middle school classroom, you may not fully grasp the intensity of it on every level, from the awkwardness to the body odor to the delightful hilarity that tweens bring to the table. When you connect with your students, it can be incredibly rewarding, and when you don't…well, we all read "Lord of the Flies," right?

Skilled teachers bring out the best in young people, and that can be done in many different ways. For Amy Allen, it's by making her middle school classroom a fun, welcoming place to learn and by bonding with her students.

"I love teaching middle schoolers because they are awkward, and I’m awkward, so we get along," Allen tells Upworthy.

She plays games with students, gets rambunctious with them and creates opportunities for them to expend some of that intense pre-and-early-teen energy in healthy ways. For instance, she shared a video of a game of "grudgeball," an active trivia game that makes reviewing for a quiz or test fun and competitive, and you can see how high-energy her classroom is:


If this looks like fun to you, pick up my grudgeball template (🔗 in bio) #qotc #grudgeball #10outof10recommend @Amy Allen ☀️ @Amy Allen ☀️ @Amy Allen ☀️

"I think for teachers, we always want to create moments for our students that are beyond the standard reading, writing, memorizing, quiz, 'traditional learning,'" Allen says. "Games are a great way to incorporate fun in the classroom."

Allen clearly enjoyed the game as much as her students—"I love the chaos!" she says— and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Fun keeps teachers sane, too. But one person took issue with her classroom behavior and commented, "your a teacher act like it." (Not my typo—that's exactly what the person wrote, only with no period.)

Allen addressed the comment in another video in the most perfect way possible—by acting exactly like a teacher.



Replying to @كل الكلبات تريد مني Come see me if you have any further questions. #qotc #iteachmiddleschool #weDEFINITELYdonthavefuninhere @Amy Allen ☀️ @Amy Allen ☀️ @Amy Allen ☀️ #Inverted

There are two solid ways to handle a rude comment without making things worse—you can ignore it or you can craft a response that makes the person look like a fool without being cruel or rude yourself. Allen's grammar lesson response was A+ work, right down to the "Come see me if you have any further questions" caption.

In fact, the person apparently went back and deleted their comment after the comeback video went viral, which makes it all the more hilarious. The video currently has more than 4 million views on TikTok and over 18 million views on YouTube.

"What’s funny is I left my correction on the board accidentally, and the next day, students asked me what that was all about," Allen says. "When I explained it, they thought it was cool because 'why would anyone go after Ms. Allen'? At that point, the video had maybe 10,000 views. I never imagined the video would go viral."

Two days later, as the video was creeping toward a million views, she upped the stakes. "Some of my students are my ultimate hype people, and they were tracking it harder than I was," she says. "I made a 'deal' with my fifth period if it reached 1 million during their class, they could sit wherever they wanted the entire week. During lunch, I checked, and it reached 1 million. So when they came back from recess, I announced it, and it was like I was a rockstar. They screamed and cheered for me. It was an incredible moment for me."

The irony, of course, is that Allen was acting like a teacher in her grudgeball video—an engaged teacher with engaged students who are actively participating in the learning process. Just because it doesn't look like serious study doesn't mean it's not learning, and for some kids, this kind of activity might be far more effective at helping them remember things they've learned (in this case, vocabulary words) than less energetic ways of reviewing.

Allen has her thumb on the pulse of her students and goes out of her way to meet them where they are. Last year, for instance, she created a "mental health day" for her students. "I could tell they were getting burnt out from all the state tests, regular homework, and personal life extracurricular activities that many of my students participate in," she says. "We went to my school library for 'fireside reading,' solved a murder mystery, built blanket forts, watched the World Cup, colored, and completed sudokus. Is it part of the curriculum? No. Is it worth spending one class period doing something mentally rewarding for students? Absolutely."

Teaching middle school requires a lot of different skills, but perhaps the most important one is to connect with students, partly because it's far easier to teach someone actually wants to be in your classroom and partly because effective teaching is about so much more than just academics. A teacher might be the most caring, stable, trustworthy adult in some students' lives. What looks like silly fun and games in a classroom can actually help students feel safe and welcomed and valued, knowing that a teacher cares enough to try to make learning as enjoyable as possible. Plus, shared laughter in a classroom helps build a community of engaged learners, which is exactly what a classroom should be.

Keep up the awesome work, Ms. Allen, both in the classroom and in the comment section.

You can follow Amy Allen on TikTok and YouTube.

This article originally appeared last year.


Every once in a while, when chatting with strangers at bars or working the room at a party, we'll run into an interesting person with a unique talent. They may be able to do a Rubiks Cube in just a few seconds, lick their elbow, or show off their double-jointed thumb. Silly icebreakers are an amazing tool to have in your back pocket when schmoozing with people you don't know well — especially if you're not naturally great at small talk — so I'm always fascinated when I come across a new one.

Sometimes, you'll meet someone who asks what your birthday is and then can immediately tell you what day of the week you were born. Judging by viral X posts and never-ending Reddit threads on the topic, people never cease to be astounded by this skill.

With holiday parties galore and New Years celebrations just around the corner, you too can learn this trick and wow your friends and family! You just need to be able to remember 14 numbers, and do a little bit of mental arithmetic.

Here's how to know exactly what day of the week any given date falls on.

calendar on computer Photo by Waldemar on Unsplash

There are a lot of different methods for this popular trick, but here's the basic approach according to Farmer's Almanac. Figures the farmers would have figured this one out first!

Let's say we want to know what day Christmas 2025 will be. We'll use December 25, 2025 as an example.

1. Take the last two digits of the year (2025 = 25)

2. Divide by four, discard any remainder, and add it to the original two digits (25/4 = 6, 6+25=31)

3. Add the day of the month (31+25=56)

4. Add the Month Key Number — this is where a little memorization comes in. Each month of the year has a corresponding value for the formula, with January and February having alternate values if it's a leap year. Don't panic, it's only 14 numbers to remember!

January = 1 (0 if leap)July = 0
February = 4 (3 if leap)August = 3
March = 4September = 6
April = 0
October = 1
May = 2November = 4
June = 5December = 6

So for December, we'll add 6 (56+6=62)

5. Modify your sum for the century. If you're looking for a date from 2000-2099, subtract 1 from your total here. Dates from 1900-1999 don't require any modification. 1800s get +2 and 1753-1799 gets +4. Weirdly, this trick doesn't work for dates before 1753.

Don't forget this step! For our example, 2025 gets a minus one. (62-1=61)

(When it comes to any dates in the year 3000... I wouldn't worry about it.)

6. Divide by 7 and determine the remainder. The remainder is your day of the week, with 0 being Saturday, 1 being Sunday, 2 being Monday and so on.

61/7 = 8 with a remainder of 5. 5 is Thursday, so our formula tells us that Christmas 2025 will fall on a Thursday.

Let's check the calendar for 2025 and see how we did:

Google Calendar

We nailed it! Christmas in 2025 will be on a Thursday, and it only took 6 steps to figure it out!

The shortform formula for reference is:

Day of the Week = The remainder of (2 year digits+(2 year digits/4)+Month Key+Day+Century Modifier) / 7

Admittedly, this will take a little practice to do in your head (especially after a glass or two of champagne.) But it will be worth the effort if you can master it.

People who can rattle these dates off without a second thought have probably put a lot of time into memorizing and practicing, or they just have exceptional brains.

There are only 14 possible calendars: one for a year beginning on each day of the week, and alternate versions for leap years. So with enough reps, you can definitely start to get the hang of this and get a feel for how the different calendars lay themselves out.

This is an especially cool trick and a good icebreaker because it comes with the added bonus of allowing you to get to know other people. You can ask about birthdays, anniversaries, or other special days in their lives and wow them with your mental math, afterward finding yourself in a great and genuine conversation.

That's the secret behind a good party trick, and why we all love them so much. Sure, some people do them for the attention, but the real ones learn little tricks and games to better connect with people in social situations. A surprising talent or skill is so much better at breaking down walls of polite but stiff conversation and getting you right to genuine, deeper interactions.

As an introvert, when I was younger I gravitated toward magic tricks and card tricks. Some of my favorites to this day are the dumb, easy ones that almost anyone can learn! Because at their core, they're just a fun way to break the ice and laugh with new people.

Give the day of the week trick a try at your next gathering and you'll soon find yourself in all kinds of fascinating discussions about great dates in history, what the future will be like, and important moments in people's lives. Plus, people will think you're a genius, which isn't a terrible side effect.


Little secrets to be found.

Half of the Internet learned that Jeep vehicles have hidden 'Easter eggs' on them. Apparently, the other half already knew but didn't bother to tell us.

As Joel Feder of Motor Authority explains, Jeep vehicles have had these little surprises since the 90s. Hired as a designer in 1989, Michael Santoro decided to slip an Easter egg into the Wrangler TJ. Since then, pretty much every vehicle has included at least one Easter Egg. According to Mopar Insiders, the Easter eggs can be found on each of the brand's cars.

Not everyone was aware of this fact, though, as a TikTok by jackiefosterrealtor recently revealed. The user discovered a spider hidden in his fuel tank and decided to share the Easter egg in a video.

"So I bought my first car, and a fun fact about Jeeps is that they have a hidden animal which is called an Easter egg," the user said. "I couldn't find my Easter egg for the longest time, and one day I was pumping my gas, and I saw this spider coming at me, and I thought 'oh my god', and then I realized it was my Easter egg."

@nkyrealestate 🕷JEEP WAS REALING TRYING TO GET ME.🕷🤦🏼😂 #fyp #jeepsoftiktok #spider ♬ original sound - Jackie

Now, TikTok users have been looking a little closer at their jeeps to discover the Easter eggs hidden in their cars. Most of them posted @jackiefosterrealtor's original narration over their videos to explain what was going on.

This user found a cute little lizard.

@katepetersonn Bruh wut #fyp ♬ original sound - Jackie

This user found multiple Easter eggs, including Bigfoot and a miniature grill in the headlights.

@jazzy._.boo i never realized these were easter eggs😳 #fyp #jeeprenegade ♬ original sound - Jackie

Others found jeeps on their jeeps among other Easter eggs.

Some people have even found a tiny pair of flip flops on their cars.

@micaelaaaraeee welcome home to the love of my life 💕🥺👉👈 #2020 #jeepwrangler #jeepwranglerjl #wrangler #jeep #jl #jeepeasteregg #orange #car #fyp ♬ original sound - Jackie

Everyone is having a lot of fun trying to find their Easter egg.


We searched the trackhawk for 30 minutes before I found it in the headlight

♬ original sound - Jackie

So. Many. Animals.

@jackieforesterrealtor even found two more Easter eggs on the front and back windows of his Jeep.




If you can't find the Easter eggs in your vehicles, NowCar.com put together a handy guide that seems to cover most of them.

Hopefully everyone can have some fun searching their cars for hidden animals and objects.

This article first appeared four years ago.

This foot and finger trick is mind-blowing.

Our bodies are so amazing and weird. The fact that human beings have gone from banging rocks together to creating the most intricately detailed works of art is a testament to what our bodies can do. Just think about the kinds of physical feats we (well, some of us, anyway) have mastered, from brain surgery to playing musical instruments to Cirque du Soleil-style acrobatics.

Humans are marvels. Through coordination and balance and muscle training and practice, there are so many incredible things our bodies can do. But honest to goodness, I cannot make my foot not change direction while doing this stupid physical trick. It goes like this:

Sitting in a chair, lift your right foot off the ground a few inches and rotate your foot to the right (clockwise), making a circle in the air. While making that circle, use your right finger and draw the number "6" in the air.

I tried this a dozen times. A full 12 in a row. And every single time, no matter how hard I would concentrate, my foot would change direction as soon as I started to draw the "6." I tried it fast. I tried it slow. I tried concentrating only on my foot or only on the "6." It didn't matter. My finger influenced what my foot was doing no matter what.

It's not a new trick, but it was new to me and to the people who responded to a tweet sharing the trick with various iterations of "What is this sorcery?!?"

If you are one of those people who were able to do it without any problem, congrats. You have some kind of superhuman coordination.

That's what I'm telling myself, anyway. My teen and young adult children were somehow able to keep their foot going clockwise. One of them is a musician and one is left-handed, so maybe that's why? Drummers and ballet dancers in the comments said they didn't have any problem with it.

As it turns out, there is a scientific explanation for why it's pretty much impossible for most of us.

The Curious Crew folks at Michigan State University explain why it works:

"The cerebellum part of the brain manages body movements, like the circling of the foot or the drawing of the number 6. However, the nerve fibers from the right side of the body cross the brain stem and connect with the left side of the brain, just as the fibers on the left side of the body connect with the right side of the brain. When you try to draw the number 6 with your right hand, those signals are coming from the left side of the brain. Even though circling your foot is easy to do in either direction, you cannot rotate your foot in the opposite motion of the drawn six at the same moment. The left side of the brain cannot manage two opposite movements in the same moment, so the brain combines the movement to a similar motion. When you switch to the left foot, there is no problem because the right side of the brain controls your foot movement, while the left side can focus on drawing the number 6."

So there you have it. The old brain controlling the two sides of your body thing. Clearly, there must be a way to train yourself to not have your foot wig out when making the "6" in the air, so pardon me while I spend the next six hours trying to make my body do my bidding.

This article originally appeared two years ago.