


Dad follows his daughter during her 5 A.M. jog for the sweetest reasons

“I have whatever the opposite of daddy issues are.”

Running in the dark raises safety concerns.

A woman going out on an early morning run is showing everyone what being a good father looks like. Social media fitness influencer Orey shared a TikTok praising her father’s protection and motivation to achieve her goals.

“I have whatever the opposite of daddy issues are because my dad drives behind me during my 5 A.M. runs to make sure that I’m safe,” said Orey in the video’s caption. In the video, Orey gives her dad a fist bump through the open driver’s seat window before running off into the dark streets as her dad monitors her from his car.


he’s a GOOD man savannah !!!! #run #runningmotivation #running #fyp #runningcommunity #runninginspiration #runhappy #runnergirl

Most outdoor joggers prefer to get their run in early in the morning to avoid traffic and pedestrians that would clog up city streets. It’s also a more comfortable time to run for people who live in warmer climates that get significantly hotter during the day, such as in Los Angeles where Orey resides. Unfortunately, though, such runs aren’t always safe.

Running outdoors when it’s dark can be risky, especially for women. There have been several news stories over the years about how runners being harassed or assaulted while running alone on the streets or in a park. While there should be a conversation on how to permanently ensure the safety of the public while they exercise, it’s currently necessary to actively find ways to protect yourself. Or, in Orey’s case, reflect upon how special it is that someone steps up for you.

The commenters on Orey’s TikTok shared similar stories from their parents:

“My dad finds parking in the Bronx for me and moves his car when I come home. 🥺”

“I didn't have my dad, but my mom would follow me to work when I would have to be there at 5 A.M. to open and stay until another employee showed up.”

“My dad would walk to the beach a block from our house at 2 A.M. after his night shift to check on me on my night 'walk' and walk me home…I was in my 30s. 🥰🥰🥰🥰”

Parents often protect their children through limitations, even when they’re grown. “Don’t do that at night.” “That’s too dangerous of a commute.” “You could get hurt, best to forget about it.” While well-intentioned, that approach can create a boundary in the relationship and a lack of trust in an offspring’s ability to be independent. If Orey’s dad had that mentality, it could create resentment from Orey and he would still be worried for her if she decided to run before dawn.

Instead, Orey’s dad did something great parents do—he participated. It’s special when anyone inconveniences themselves to support their loved one’s goals. If he was going to feel restless knowing that his daughter was going to run at 5 A.M., might as well go along with her, right?

“Let me drive you there and back.” “Let’s make a plan together in case the worst happens.” “Can I do it with you?” This approach not only creates peace of mind for the parent but also strengthens the bond with the child as a wonderful side benefit. And it isn’t just applicable for parents and their kids, but also between spouses, partners, and friends, too. You not only help keep them safe as they pursue their goals but are actively there when they achieve them.

It’s an unfortunate reality that safety is never 100% guaranteed, but providing protection in tandem with support creates something special between those that love one another. That alone is worth an early alarm each morning.


Woman accidentally creates massive women's walking group by trying to avoid going to bars

"I didn't want to go to happy hours, eat and spend money all the time."

Woman accidentally creates massive women's walking group

Saving money seems to be on the top of everyone's to-do list nowadays. Whether it's because you're trying to save up for something or you're trying to get to the next paycheck with a little something still in your bank account, cutting spending is on the top of the list for many. There's also the reality that meeting new friends is difficult if you're not willing to go out and spend a little money to go where adults go to hang out.

Going to bars, out to eat or participating in activities like pickleball requires some sort of investment that can add up. This is exactly what prompted Jas, who goes by Ms. Juicyy on TikTok, to put out a public call to see if any women would like to go walking with her one evening. It was an innocent request for a little companionship while she got in a few steps and avoided spending unnecessary money.

"If you live in Vegas and you're a girl, and if you're free on either Tuesday or Wednesday nights, you should come with us. We do this thing called 'hot girl walk.' We literally just walk for about an hour and by the time you look it's been already 3 miles. I started this because i didn't want to go to happy hours, eat, and spend money all the time. I love doing those things but every now and then it's cool to just be active," Jas explains in a video promoting her accidental walking club.

a group of people running down a dirt road Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

The woman put out her first call for women to walk with in August 2024 and two other women showed up. By the next time the three went walking, three other women came along. The group continues to grow and now it appears to be hundreds of women walking, chatting and making new friends.

People are bringing baby strollers, pets, and evidently a friend or two when they come out to the walks. Jas shares in a recent video posted to her TikTok a seemingly unending line of women walking along a sidewalk in the dark with her caption saying, "i guess it’s safe to say we’re a walking club now 😍 thank you so much for coming! It made my whole week to meet you guys!!"

Women in the comments of the video showing the massive turn out can't seem to get enough of what the woman created just by trying to find something else to do that didn't involve spending money.

One woman writes, "That’s the only way I’d feel safe walking anywhere."

Someone else chimes in, "I just moved and have been struggling to meet people and also get outside because I work from home I'm so glad this came up on my fyp!!!"

Another person shares their excitement, saying, "OMG I love this. safety in numbers."

"I love seeing the strollers too," one person cries.

Many people that live locally were asking for details, pretty soon the weekly walk is going to turn into a group large enough to look like a parade. But it seems as if there will be no shortage of women connecting and meeting new friends. If you're in the Vegas area, you can follow her Hot Girls Walk on Instagram.


6 things women put up with in the gym, and why they shouldn't have to

Harassment in the gym takes many different forms, and it's a serious problem.

John Arano/Unsplash

Finding the motivation to go to the gym isn't easy for anyone. But it can be much harder for women, for reasons that have nothing to do with actually working out.

Knowing they're likely walking into a hornet's nest of people (men) who will bother, critique, stare at, or otherwise harass and annoy them is an unfortunate reality for many female gym-goers.

woman standing surrounded by exercise equipment Photo by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash

About 14% of women say they're intimidated by the possibility of men leering or judging them while they work out, according to research done by Cosmopolitan Body in 2014.

The problem gets even worse in the weights section, which is typically overrun with men. The survey discovered almost half of all women found the area intimidating because of "the people who use it."

Anecdotal evidence backs that up. Reddit and fitness discussion forums are rife with women asking for advice on dealing with men at the gym who gawk, flirt, interrupt, or even harass them. The common (and quite depressing) responses: develop a "resting bitch face," learn to be super rude, get better at ignoring people, or report these men to gym management.

Instead, we ought to be reminding men they don't own the gym; women shouldn't have to "put up with" rude behavior or "find a way" to not attract attention. Wouldn't it be better for everyone if women didn't have to deal with harassment at all?

So, fellow dudes and fellow gym go-ers, I implore you, think for a second about the gym harassment women have to go through.

And if you catch yourself or your friends doing any of this stuff, please cut it out.

1. Women can tell when you're staring at them, and it's not as flattering as you think.

Making a woman feel "on display" by leering when she's just trying to get a workout in is a surefire way to make her feel uncomfortable or even scared. And no, tight pants and sports bras aren't an invitation.

Think a lingering glance here and there isn't a big deal? Upworthy reader Meredith Cantrell says many of the women she knows actually drive to "gay neighborhoods" to work out so they won't be gawked at.

Totally unnecessary if guys can learn to keep our eyes to ourselves.

2. Women go to the gym to work out (like everyone else) — not speed-date between sets.

It's not that you can't meet that special someone at the gym, but there's a time and a place. Flirting with a woman at the gym when she's in the middle of lifting weights or grinding out miles on the treadmill is neither the time nor place.

Not only is it super rude to interrupt (honestly, you're not going to get a good response doing this anyway), it's also pretty dangerous to distract someone while they're, say, holding the equivalent of their own bodyweight on their back while doing squats. Yet, incredibly, it happens all the time.

A good rule of thumb: When someone's wearing headphones, it usually means they don't want to talk to anyone. Even you, handsome.

3. When women lift heavy weights, guys around them get insecure and lash out.

Reader Emma Johnson writes that one day, while working with her trainer, she hit a pretty impressive 250-kilogram leg press (over 550 pounds — go Emma!). A jealous guy standing nearby couldn't help but chime in, "Yeah, but you're doing it wrong."

Look, guys, women are strong. Sometimes they will be stronger than you. Deal with it like an adult and get back to work on your own fitness goals.

4. Unsolicited advice isn't helpful. It's insulting.

When people want help, they'll ask, or they'll hire a personal trainer. In the meantime, worry about your own "form." OK?

Laurna Robertson says she was talking to a "persistent guy" in the sauna at her gym one day when the subject of running came up. After sharing their respective half-marathon times (Laurna was faster, by the way), the man "generously" offered to coach her. What a guy!

Sophia Bromfield adds, "I have a corner in the gym to hide while I lift," but one day a dude stood next to her until she took her headphones off, then insisted on teaching her proper lunge form.

This is the gym version of mansplaining. It's annoying and insulting. Don't do it.

5. Some guys just don't know when to go away. Others are straight-up bullies.

Being "overly friendly" with questionable motivations is one thing, but some women find men at the gym can be downright nasty, purposefully intimidating them or boxing them out so they'll leave.

The gym is a shared space. Other people pay money to go there, just like you. If you don't want to be around other humans, buy a home gym.

Also, beware of unconscious behaviors like "manspreading," taking up more room than you need, or stealing someone's weights before they're done with them.

6. These behaviors aren't just annoying. They can be extremely intimidating.

At a certain point, these behaviors cross the line from rude and inappropriate to downright scary.

Ashley Loshbough writes that a man once came up to her (asking her to remove her headphones, which, just ugh) and said, "Wow, I wish I had beautiful [pale] skin like yours," stared for a moment, then walked off.

It might sound funny and harmless, but this is the kind of thing that has women looking over their shoulder in the parking lot and wondering if they should ever come back to that gym again.

A little empathy goes a long way, fellas.

Do you want someone gawking at your butt while you're on the treadmill? Interrupting you while you're holding heavy weights? Impatiently waiting inches away from you until you finish up on a machine?

Let's work together to keep this crap out of the gym and make it an environment where we support others to reach whatever their health and fitness goals are.

Even if that means just leaving each other alone.

This article originally appeared on 4.6.17


Struggle to run a mile? Don't worry, so does Olympic medal-winning sprinter Gabby Thomas.

Total vindication for those of us who hated running the mile in gym class.

Photo credit: jenaragon94

Gabby Thomas won three gold medals in track at the Paris 2024 Olympics.

Running a mile has long been viewed as a barometer of fitness, particularly in American schools. For decades, students had to a run the mile as part of the annual Presidential Physical Fitness Test, and some schools still incorporate how long it takes a student to run a mile into their P.E. grade.

For kids who are natural runners or who play sports that involve a lot of running, jogging a mile isn't that difficult. For those who aren't and don't, it can feel like torture. Struggling to run a mile, especially when it's being used as a measure of your fitness, can make you feel like like an out-of-shape failure.

That is, until you find out that the obviously in-shape Olympic track star Gabby Thomas also struggles to run a full mile.

In an interview talking about her training, Thomas explained that she only runs a mile once a year and it's tough for her.

"The furthest I will run is one mile," Thomas shared in an interview on the TODAY Show. "We do a mile in the fall. It's a gut check. So we do it to tap into your mental side—can you finish a mile? And I know it's funny because for you guys, you're like, 'Oh, a mile.' No, it's really difficult for us."


Gabby Thomas may be one of the fastest women in the world, but she doesn't run more than a mile! The 3x Olympic gold medalist shared why training is different for sprinters. 🥇 #TODAYShow


Gabby Thomas may be one of the fastest women in the world, but she doesn't run more than a mile! The 3x Olympic gold medalist shared why training is different for sprinters. 🥇 #TODAYShow

Let's let that sink in. This woman is a professional runner. She ran her way to three gold medals at the 2024 Paris Olympics. Not only does Gabby Thomas only run a full mile once a year, but it's literally a physical and mental test for her to do it.

She's also not alone. Usain Bolt's agent shared that the famous Jamaican who has held the "fastest man alive" title for 15 years has never run a mile all at once. Arguably the most famous track star of a generation, and he's never run a mile? Incredible.

Does this put a whole new spin on the middle school shame some of us felt at not being able to run the whole mile, or what? Like maybe running a mile is not a great way to evaluate fitness for everyone? Maybe it's possible to be in peak physical condition and still struggle to run a mile?

Not that most of us are in Gabby Thomas's shape either, of course, but the point stands that there are many different ways to be fit. Sprinting is basically HIIT (high-intensity interval training) exercise—exerting fully for short bursts rather than keeping your exertion at a moderate level for a longer period of time—which has become all the rage in the fitness world. The idea that someone should be able to run steadily for any specific distance in a certain amount of time is an awfully narrow box to put people into.

In fact, I'd argue that running a mile is as arbitrary as expecting someone to be able to bend over and put your hands flat on the ground or be able to dunk a basketball or other feats that some people can naturally do easily while others can't. Yes, most people can train to run a mile, but why do that if it's not something you actually want to do and when there are so many other ways to be fit? Our bodies are not the same, the ways we use our bodies are not the same, and using any specific ability to evaluate of physically healthy someone is will always miss the mark for many.

Imagine how many kids who had a hard time running the mile in school told themselves they just weren't runners or weren't athletic? How many internalized the message that their bodies weren't capable when they might have been quick sprinters or agile tennis players or powerful shot putters or good dancers? The point of physical fitness is to move your body, and there are so many ways to do that that don't involve running a mile or more.

If even Olympic medalist runners struggle to run a mile, it can't be that important. Take that, middle school gym class.