
donald trump


People are donating thousands to a waiter who received a racist message instead of a tip

Things did not turn out well for the woman who wrote the racist message.

A woman wrote a disgusting note on her receipt at a Mexican restaurant.

Over 800 people donated money to show their support for Ricardo, a waiter who received a racist message instead of a tip on Sunday, March 2, at Cazuelas Mexican Cantina in Columbus, Ohio. After a photo of the receipt went viral, a GoFundMe campaign was started to recoup the tip. The story is an excellent example that for every person who does something wrong in this world, hundreds will try to make it right.

Ricardo was serving a woman who works as a real estate agent and after she received a bill for $87, she didn’t leave a tip, instead she left a racist message: “ZERO, YOU SUCK” on the line where tips are added. Below, the signature line read, “I HOPE TRUMP DEPORTS YOU!!!” Richardo is of Latino heritage, born in the United States.

"We were deeply disappointed by the offensive message left on a recent receipt, which goes against our values and the welcoming environment we strive to create,” Cazuelas Mexican Cantina said in a statement to ABC 6. “There is no place for hate in our restaurant.”

Cazuelas Mexican Cantina; a statement from the restaurantA statement from Cazuelas Mexican Cantina.via Google and Cazuelas Mexican Cantina

"It was a normal Sunday. Things got a little busy so that the wait could have been a little longer than usual, but we aren't really sure what made her write that,” Fabio Oribo, the head of marketing at Cazuelas, told The Colombus Dispatch. "From what I hear... she wasn’t happy about a coupon or something like that," Oribo told News 19. “It’s just not right, just not right.”

“He’s a really good person," Oribo said of Ricardo, who has two jobs and only comes into the restaurant on Sundays. "We all... come here every day to do our job, which is to serve people and have a good time... Thankfully, all the community has been really supportive."

The story went viral on Monday, March 3, after one of Ricardo’s coworkers posted about it on Facebook. “Y’all love our food but hate us. Shame on you, Stephanie, for not having the courage to say it with your chest,” she wrote in a post that has since been deleted.

The post, which had information identifying the 49-year-old woman, went viral, and her employer, Century 21 Real Estate, promptly fired her, and her profile page on its website was deleted. “We are aware of the situation with the agent in question. Hate has no place within the CENTURY 21 brand, and we are taking this very seriously," a spokesperson from CENTURY 21 Excellence Realty told PEOPLE in a statement. “After investigating the situation and connecting with the respective broker, as all companies affiliated with the CENTURY 21 brand are independently owned and operated, we can confirm that this agent is no longer affiliated with the brand.”

Anna Overman created a GoFundMe campaign so that Ricardo could be compensated for the missing tip, and the response has been overwhelming, earning $23,000 in just three days. The outpouring of love wonderfully shows that the number of good people in this world far outweighs the bad ones. Overman noted the irony of people leaving a racist message at the restaurant. “In case it's unclear: THESE PEOPLE WERE EATING AT A MEXICAN RESTAURANT,” she wrote on the campaign’s website.

A week after the incident, on Sunday, March 9, Cazuelas is hosting an event to celebrate Ricardo’s hard work and present him with a check for the funds raised for him.

New citizen breaks down in tears over voting for first time

Every four years there's an election for president of the United States of America. Of course there are other elections taking place for congressional seats, the House of Representatives every two years, Senate every six years. Aside from federal level elections there are a lot of local elections constantly happening that directly impact the lives of American citizens within cities, counties and states.

Every election that takes place allows Americans to have a say in their daily lives by choosing who will directly govern them from city council to school boards, up to state legislatures and beyond. But not everyone living in America can participate in one of the greatest civic duties entrusted on the citizens of this country.

The ability to vote in elections is one thing that many Americans can take for granted but for Vivaldi, it's a privilege he's waited a long time to gain.

Vivaldi who goes by the name Whistling Vivaldi recently shared that he voted for the first time in an emotional video. The Haitian American man has clearly been crying before he turns on his camera to hit record, clearing his throat to say, "I'm going to try my best to get through this. I do not know if natural born citizens know what this feels like."

a hand holding a red button that says i vote Photo by Parker Johnson on Unsplash

Before he could finish his thought he immediately got choked up again. Vivaldi explains that his family came to America when he was a child in 1999 which was followed by several major events, including the towers of the World Trade Center coming down.

"There was nothing you could really do, things were just happening and you were trying to overcome. Be that 9/11, be that Katrina, be that Sandy Hook, be that the overturning of Roe, be the overturning of affirmative action, be that Citizens United, be that the Patriot Act, be that the housing crash, everything, right? These things were occurring, they were altering the trajectory of people's lives and if you weren't a citizen and you couldn't vote, you really just had to suck it up and take what you got," Vivaldi says.

polling station poster on clear glass door Photo by Elliott Stallion on Unsplash

Without a vote there aren't many options to affect change in your city, county or country. Running for office even at local levels are reserved for people who are registered to vote in most places. Outside of speaking at a city council or school board meeting, immigrants have no meaningful way to do their part to make their voices count, whether they're tax paying or not.

For Vivaldi, he says social media was his only way to get people to hear him in an attempt to affect change. That's when he's completely overcome with emotions while trying to finish his announcement.

red and blue building illustration Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

"After 20 years, I guess 26 years," the emotional man takes a deep breath. "I finally got to vote today, for the first time," Vivaldi couldn't stop the tears from flowing. "And maybe, just maybe, I was able to affect the trajectory of not just my own life but that of my family, that of millions, probably even billions of people around the world. Hopefully alleviate some sort of suffering."

Once Vivaldi composed himself he directed his attention to Americans who think their votes don't matter to remind them that it does matter.

"But there are people like my family that have left everything behind. That have spent thousands and traveled across oceans for just the maybe, just the possibility," and with that he encourages everyone to go out and vote.

The emotional video struck a lot of people including immigrants who were recently naturalized getting to vote for the first time this election cycle. Support for Vivaldi was overwhelmingly positive as his tears reminds others what some Americans take for granted.

"You are everything this country was meant to be. I felt this to my core. I cried with you. I am so glad you and your family are here. Embrace every emotion. Every moment. You are part of the change," one person praises.

A fellow immigrant shares, "after 19 years in America, I became a citizen 1 year ago. On Teusday[sic] I will be voting for the 1st time. I feel this deep."

Vote Voting GIF by The Drew Barrymore ShowGiphy

"THIS is what being American means. You’re amazing and I’m so happy you’re here and we should all be proud and grateful you and your family are here," another shares.

"You made me cry like a baby! Thank you for taking this right and responsibility so seriously. Congratulations," someone else chimes in.

"I feel this in my soul. I’m 47 just became a citizen last year and voted this week for the first time and it is an emotional experience. Thank you for sharing this message," another person shares in the emotion.

This year millions of people across America will be exercising their right to vote and for those recently naturalized participating for the first time, may you feel immensely proud of the ballot you cast.


People share the person they wish would actually run for president

Some popular names got people excited, but descriptions of the ideal president were most telling.

Jonny Kim, Dolly Parton and Jon Stewart were all suggested as POTUS candidates.

As we ramp up to the November 2024 U.S. presidential election, many Americans are feeling less-than-enthused about it. In our de facto two-party system, we will realistically have a Republican and Democrat candidate to choose from, and this year both of the top candidates are struggling to inspire a great deal of confidence or support.

While Joe Biden and Donald Trump will most likely be duking it out come November, people are imagining who they'd really like to see on the ballot. A Reddit thread asked, "Who do you WISH would run for President of America?" and the answers span from ideal descriptions to hilarious hypotheticals to actual people who have the knowledge, skills, experience and character to be a good presidential candidate.

Here's how people responded:

A good, smart middle-aged person

By far, the most popular answers for who they wish would run for president revolved around being a good, responsible, humble person who is somewhere in the middle-age range.

"I am in my 60’s. I would like a 40-60 year old who is honest, intelligent, moral, and has a sense of balance. Not a perfect person who never made a mistake, but someone who made mistakes and learned from them. Someone who has overcome hardship. This will allow them to have empathy for others. Someone that will make sure the tax burden is shared evenly, based on one’s income. Someone who can work with other countries and promote partnerships and be strong against corruption, violence, and war. Someone who understands they won’t ever fix all of societies problems, but strives to make our society better. Should I go on. Young people out there who want to make the world a better place, we need you to step up." – No-Grapefruit-83

"Some random 40-56 year old guy, who no one knows, has worked quietly in government for years, understands how it works and how to navigate it, with a smart wit and who just wants to help people.

And he has no desire to be POTUS because he'd rather do some nerdy hobby with his wife. But if elected he would feel he had to do the duty." – kirbyfox312

"This is so pie in the sky, but someone who loves this country but also understands we are a small part of a big world. Someone who is intelligent. Someone who is like in their 50's? (maybe) Someone who is not an asshat, but also not weak. Someone who reads. Someone who is willing to listen to all sides.

Is this too much'? Probably." – Catalyst886

Some fun suggestions

More than a few responses were pure comedy.

"With absolutely nothing to do with his politics, but senator Sheldon Whitehouse. I just want news anchors to have to say “president Whitehouse” with a straight face for 4-8 years as though it didn’t sound like something out of a cartoon." – nothomelandersacct

"The mayor of Idyllwild, CA, is a golden retriever named Max. I think it’s time for him to make the step up to the national stage." – piray003

"The guy who owns Arizona Ice Tea." – MumpsMoose

Although, that one may not be a joke, considering:

"I just saw an interview with him where the reporter asked him why not raise the prices, and his response was fantastic. Basically said they're doing well and have all their bases covered so why make it harder for struggling people to enjoy their products when there's no need? That alone gives me mad respect for him." – MindOverMedia

Personal recommendations

Some people offered up people they know personally who would make a great president.

"My stepdad. He has done truly impressive things for the university where he is president. He grew up dirt poor in eastern Kentucky. Worked his ass off to put himself and several siblings through college. He came from nothing to get a PhD. He is fair and kind and wise. He is extremely generous. As an example of one of the many reasons I find him qualified: He once sued the state of kentucky on the grounds of unconstitutional funding of public education (as a board of education member representing the poorest school in the state - with only a bachelor’s in accounting) and WON! He is an incredible human being and he is one of the only people I would trust to run this country." – Ok-Parfait-

"My 7th grade social studies teacher, he's tite." – luxury_yacht

"My mom. She’s awesome." – Miss_Medussa

A few fictional possibilities

If we're going to play an imaginary game, we might as well bring in some imaginary players, right?

"Aragorn, son of Arathorn." – Lord_Battlepants

"Pedro... I think he would get votes." – Pinorckle

"Josiah Bartlet." – VoteForLubo

"Leslie Knope. I feel like we would all be better off it she was in charge." – Odd_Mix_8675

"If I could Thanos snap my fingers and make Jean Luc Picard an American politician in the present day, I would have done it by now." – RiflemanLax

Real people who will likely never run

Lots of names were thrown out, but a few of the most popular ones were:

Jon Stewart

"He has expressed specific disinterest in being president.

Which makes him the ideal candidate." – DigNitty

Dolly Parton

"I especially love Dolly Parton's stance on early childhood literacy. She has worked to improve it." – leannmanderson

Jonny Kim

"Jonny Kim:

- Harvard doctor
- NASA astronaut
- Navy SEAL (Bronze Star and Silver Star: rescued wounded Iraqi soldiers in the face of enemy fire)
- Navy flight surgeon and naval aviator
- Grew up poor in south Los Angeles
- Dad ran a liquor store
- Mom was a substitute teacher
- He went to public school. He went to University of San Diego as an undergrad (summa cum laude in mathematics)
- He was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of his father
- The police killed his father in their attic
- Married with 3 kids
- is 40 years old

He understands poverty, being a victim, intimately familiar with police engagement in domestic situations, being a POC, going through the public school system, understands numbers, military, healthcare, and bleeding edge science. and invested in the future of our country with 3 young children."

Hank Green

"Hank Green, absolutely. We need a scientifically literate president." – WildLudicolo

And yes, some politicians, too

Many people did name some people in politics that they'd like to see run, with the most popular names being Secretary of Transportation Mayor Pete [Buttigieg], Kentucky governor Andy Beshear, Congresswoman Katie Porter, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro, California governor Gavin Newsom and Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth.

Each of those established politicians received multiple shout outs with people praising the qualities they felt they had that they felt would make them a solid candidate among the current crop of lawmakers.

Will any of these folks actually run for president in the future? It's entirely possible. As we've learned, when it comes to modern American politics, literally anything is possible.

Donald Trump and Shai-Hulud.

“Dune: Part 2” has been a smash with filmgoers and critics alike. It earned nearly $370 million in its first two weeks of release worldwide and has an impressive 93% Fresh Rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

The film centers around Paul Atredies's (Timothée Chalamet) journey from royalty to a new life on the desert planet of Arakkis, whom the inhabitants believe may be "The One Who Will Lead Us to Paradise.” Paul’s journey is treacherous, as he must battle his sworn enemies, the Harkonens while trying to avoid being gobbled up by 400-yard-long sandworms with knife-like teeth.

But, in the end, it’s all about the spice.

A comedian who goes by Tom on Twitter made a fantastic video as Shai Hulud, a giant sandworm, being played by former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump. In the video, he rails against “Pesky” and “Little” Paul Atredies and says he will get a better deal on the spice trade with the Harkonens.

The video works because it’s funny to hear Trump speak about the "Dune" universe and the simple eyes and nose on the face of a sandworm are right out of early ‘70s Saturday morning TV.

"I'm going to see this on Sunday and can already tell that this video will ruin the entire film. 'Pesssky Paul' in my head, every other scene," David Paul joked in the comments. I think I’ve watched this 20 times now, and the ‘We’re gonna have paradise on Arrakis’ line gets me every time. Perfection," Ben Page added.