
dog videos


Family stages an intervention for their dog that only misbehaves around Grandma

“I’m noticing that when your mom is at work, your behavior is getting worse.”

Photo by Michael G on Unsplash

Family stages intervention for their misbehaving dog

Dogs are toddlers in little furry bodies, or at least that how they behave sometimes. They constantly get into things they shouldn't and act like they're hyped up on a batch of Pixy Stix when they are excited about something. Their uncontrollable zoomies can have dogs crashing into walls, furniture and people, without a care in their tiny dog world.

And just like toddlers, their behavior can change based on who's supervising them. In one family, a pit bull named Bishop Ace keeps giving Grandma a run for her money any time she's charged with babysitting him. Jayla doesn't have any human grandchildren and Bishop Ace is her only grand-dog so you'd think he would be nicer to his grandma, especially since he knows how to behave.

Turns out that the pittie has exquisite manners with his mother, Shauna. He loves cuddling with her and listens the first time he's asked to do something, but as soon as mom goes to work, Bishop runs amuck.

But Shauna doesn't believe her sweet little dog could ever do anything as wild as grandma reports, which is exactly why grandma started recording Bishop's hijinks. This is what seems to have led to an intervention with the hyperactive pit bull.

"We want to have a conversation with you," Jayla says. "Because I'm noticing when mom is at work, your behavior is getting worse. You don't listen when grandma says 'drop it,' you run."

Bishop Ace refused to make eye contact for much of the intervention, and when Grandma was done speaking, Shauna gave the obviously guilty dog scratches and denied it was him causing the problem. Even with the video evidence, Bishop Ace is still his mama's baby and can do no wrong in her eyes, so all of Grandma's intervention efforts never work. But if you want to see some adorably hilarious "bad dog" shenanigans you can check out the video from The Dodo below.

This article originally appeared two years ago.


Neighbors surprise their dogs by building tiny door in fence so their dogs could have playdates

The two pups were desperate to play together, now they're living their best lives.

Screenshot permissions via fritz_the_emotional_dog

Neighbors surprise dogs by building tiny door in fence

With as social as dogs are it's not surprising that they can form close bonds with other pets, even if those pets don't live in their home. A dog can have a best bud at doggy daycare, a local dog park or in their own backyard, well...sort of. Dogs that share a fence because their humans live next door to each other can become fast friends. It's the dog they see every day, they know their smell, their bark and may even sneak toys under the fence to share.

The four-legged fur balls are creative when it comes to finding ways to play with other dogs that they can't physically reach. But eventually the lack of physical connection gets a little frustrating and since dogs don't have thumbs or access to tools, they rely on their humans to set up playdates. This is what happened when two neighbors realized their dogs were the very best of friends and would not stop trying to bust out of their shared wooden fence for some playtime.

The neighbors shared their dogs' shenanigans on their respective social media pages showing how their dogs were desperate to be playmates. One of the dogs can be seen dramatically lays on the ground with half of its head and a singular paw pushed under the fence to look at his friend in the most pitiful way possible.

Dog Show GIF by Westminster Kennel ClubGiphy

The humans behind the accounts fritz_the_emotional_dog and fun_with_grump shared their adorable surprise for their clearly deprived dogs (insert heavy sarcasm) with Upworthy. In the video complete with Celine Dion singing "All by Myself" in the background, you see the dogs continuously trying to get to each other.

Shortly after a few clips showing the canine friends' antics, the video cuts to a small door built into the shared wooden fence. When one of the owners opens the new door, the dogs explode with excitement at the realization that they can finally get to each other.

The duo follow each other through the door running and playing from yard to yard while their owners speak in high pitched squeals as they watch the dogs play. People cannot get enough of the sweet gesture the owners did for the two pups.

One person writes, "This is by far the nicest thing I’ve ever seen . Total love absolutely big love. These neighbours are brilliant to do this for their dogs … well done!!!"

Another says, "This is just the most beautiful thing you guys did for those 2. love it."

"Omg this is just wonderful....how happy they both are xx," a commenter shares.

vriendjes joho GIF by JongehondenGiphy

"My neighbor did this for our dog. I would sometimes come home from work. I would hear my dog barking as I was unlocking the front door but it would be silent in my house. Then I would realize the neighbors had opened the fence hatch (that they made) and my dog was barking from next doors living room window," someone else recounts.

The two dogs still continue their playdates via the tiny door in the fence and you can follow along with them on their owners' TikTok pages, fritz_the_emotional_dog and fun_with_grump.

Nosh freaked when he found out they were going to see Safta and Boppa.

Eagerly anticipating a trip to the fun and doting grandparents' house is something we think of children doing, but one couple's doggo proves that visiting the "grandpawrents" is just as exciting.

In a TikTok video that's been viewed nearly 30 million times, dog owners Skylar and Deko are nearing the end of a 20-hour drive from Phoenix to Kansas City, Missouri. Their good doggo named Nosh, sits in the backseat, looking out the front window.

Suddenly, Skylar asks Nosh if he wants to go visit Safta and Boppa, the nicknames of his grandparents, and he immediately reacts. You can practically hear him say, "Whut? Grandma and Grandpa? Are you serious?!? OMG, I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!!! When are we gonna get there?!?" only it comes out as a series of squeals and whimpers and sneezy woofs of joy.

Seriously, what did Safta and Boppa do to earn this kind of reaction to their names being spoken?



The other video got a “sensitive content warning” because of the end… but why?? 😂 #repost #dogsofttiktok #dogs #australiancattledog #blueheeler #acd #heeler #cattledog

That flop for the belly rub immediately upon seeing Grandpa? And the "I'm so excited to see you I gotta pee" moment? Too much.

"He always reacts like this to his grandparents," Skylar told Newsweek, "whether it's been months or only a few hours since he has seen them last."

She said they waited until they were five minutes away to tell him, and he acted like this for the full five minutes until they arrived. It's no wonder they waited until they were almost there to tell Nosh where they were going. Can you imagine making him wait any longer?

Skylar shared another video that demonstrates the love between Nosh and his favorite people.


Anyone else’s dog love grandma and grandpa more than anyone else? 😂❤️ #blueheeler #australiancattledog #acd #dog #heeler #cattledog

In case you're wondering what kind of dog Nosh is, he's an Australian Cattle Dog, also known as a Blue Heeler. (A real-life Bluey, if you will.) You can see even more videos of his excitement over going to the grandparents' house on Skylar's TikTok channel here.

This article originally appeared on 12.16.23

Dog refuses to walk with Mom, but her legs work with Grandma.

What gives dogs the right to have such big and hilarious personalities? It seems like these dogs have found a way to make their humans laugh while also annoying them until they're ready to come apart. It's truly a skill that only dogs and toddlers seem to possess in great quantities.

Zoe is a pit bull with a bombastic side-eye that makes it clear that she only tolerates her mother, Raven, but adores her grandmother, Yonika. There is no confusion about who her favorite person is, and Zoe's grandmother only seems to encourage the behavior. The two of them are the best of friends, and Mom...well, she's the third wheel.

Sure, Zoe likes her mom a little—she does feed her, after all—but the verdict is still being determined if love can be claimed. Raven can't even convince the sassy pittie to go on a walk with her.

Zoe lays on the ground like a chubby little pancake any time her mom tries to take her for a walk. Raven has even pulled on her leash, slowly dragging the dog down the hallway, but Zoe insists that her legs do not remember how to work. But as soon as Grandma takes the leash, a miracle occurs. Suddenly Zoe is a spry whippersnapper with four working legs and a happy tail.

"She refuses to walk whenever I take her outside," Raven explains. But that's just not the case for Grandma, and there really doesn't seem to be an explanation for it other than preference.

"When I'm around, she is an absolute angel. She listens," Yonika says.

In fact, Raven says when Grandma is around, Zoe completely ignores her so she can continue getting Grandma cuddles.

This dog has mastered the side-eye, and Grandma is only assisting in her snubbing her mom in the cutest way. It's something you have to witness for yourself to fully appreciate, so check out the video below.

This article originally appeared on 7.19.23