
cow with five leg

How a cow's extra leg that grew from his head saved his life

Cows are pretty interesting creatures. Most people are familiar with their best impression of a field of statues who occasionally eat the grass they're standing in. Their majestic eye lashes would make L'Oréal jealous and it's beyond cute when they decide to frolic through the meadow every once in a while. But not all cows get to live out their cow dreams in a field with their besties mooing at the passing cars.

Some of these gentle giants are sent off to slaughter so humans can enjoy steaks, hamburgers, or brisket. Connecting the adorable cows we see lazily grazing in grassy fields to what shows up on someone's dinner plate can be uncomfortable to say the least. But while we know this is simply the way things go, we still root for them to escape the inevitable—and Manny the cow was able to do just that thanks to a unique flaw.

Manny, the beautiful black and brown cow, was born with a leg on his head. The cow has exactly four legs holding him up to stand but a fifth leg sprouts from his forehead like an odd unicorn horn. As strange as it may sound, the extra leg also has a hoof that dangles just out in front of the peculiar cow's nose. It was that fifth leg that saved his life, making him one lucky bovine that just happens to look a little funny.

gif of a cow in a wigHair Wind GIFGiphy

The condition Manny has is called Polymelia which is a rare condition that leads to an extra limb being formed somewhere on the body before birth. Manny's extra limb just so happened to sprout from his head, which is called Cephalomelia. But Manny doesn't know he's any different. He is a cow after all and the dangling appendage doesn't slow him down.

Manny is an Aberdeen Angus cow who was born on a beef farm but due to his glamorous extra gam, the farmer didn't believe the slaughter house would accep thim. Good thing, too, because Manny is much cuter as a plucky cow with the zoomies than he ever could be as an Angus beef burger at Burgatory. Lucky for us and luckier for the furry pasture dweller, he was spared the slaughterhouse and picked up by Uncle Neil’s Home, a sanctuary in Bridgeton, New Jersey.

gif of a cow looking at the cameraCow Beef GIF by Nutrena FeedGiphy

"This condition, people say horrible things about or make judgements about him, and it granted Manny the chance to live. When we took in Manny, we wanted to see if he was healthy, if he was in any pain. Our vet came and did X-rays, and everybody agreed and concluded that Manny was happy, healthy. He didn't know any different. He didn't know he looked any different," the sanctuary told The Dodo.

After arriving at the sanctuary, Manny had to be under quarantine so they tried to make sure he had lots of attention and treats. But the cow wasn't interested in nibbling on hay bales; he wanted to practice his WWE moves. The five-legged cow would body slam himself up against the hay bales, happily bucking and pushing it around the pen. He even played games of catch with one of the workers where the worker and Manny would take turns pushing the hay bale back and forth to each other.

Before long, quarantine was over and it was time to introduce Manny to the cows without extra legs growing from their heads. If you thought the cows rejected him, you'd be wrong. The cows were so excited to see a new friend that the entire herd got the zoomies and began excitedly running around their enclosure. Cow zoomies has to be up there in the top ten of random adorable things animals do, though you probably don't want to be inside the enclosure when these 1,000 plus pound animals get to running around wildly.

Manny is settling into his home nicely and has a best friend that he spends a lot of his time with. They two cows are often near each other eating, playing, or just standing around. Manny is proof that different doesn't mean less, and happy endings can happen no matter who you are or how many limbs you have.