

Older people benefit from investing in, offering experience, and hanging with younger folks.

When we get older, we want to get better. Sure, we will tire more quickly and more often than our younger selves, but that doesn’t mean we want our later years to be ones of boredom, solitude, and stagnation. Well, a recent study is showing the secret to a more fulfilling and happier life when you become a senior. The answer? Giving back to the youth.

A study published in the The Journals of Gerontology: Series B is showing that the majority of seniors that live healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives express a trait known as “generativity.” Generativity is a concern for people aside from family, most notably younger generations. It’s the desire to engage and guide with the “whippersnappers” on a societal level through social interactions and service.

Old man and younger woman tending to a vegetable garden.Older volunteers can help boost community projects, like a neighborhood garden, alongside younger adults.Photo credit: Canva

“Contrary to popular perceptions of old age as a period of decline and inactivity, a growing body of empirical research and the lived experiences of many people reveal a different reality,” said Mohsen Joshanloo, the author of the study and an associate professor at Keimyung University. “Old age can be a time of fulfillment, productivity, and meaningful social contribution, with generativity playing a critical role in promoting active and successful aging.”

The traits within older people who practice generativity are also ones that happen to make a person happier and more whole during their senior years. They are more energetic and active, usually due to having more social connections with people from different generations and thus being more physically active to keep up with them. Generativity also tends to make elders more open to new experiences and encourage curiosity, which in turn gives them more exposure to different kinds of people from different demographics. Their willingness to share their wisdom and experience with the youth promotes more cognitive function to keep up with them, and engaging conversations keep the brain more practiced and elastic.

In short, the best thing we can do for ourselves for our lives as we get older is to team up with folks who are younger!

Older man playing chess against a young womanThere is no real "us versus them" when it comes to generations (except in chess games).Photo credit: Canva

If you have scrolled through the internet on your phone, you are bound to have seen a wide variety of boomer versus Millennial versus Gen Z and back again articles, videos, TikToks, and other forms of content. You may have even read or seen some of them here on Upworthy. But while many of these articles are intended to be good fun in poking at the various generational “teams,” there are also many that focus on the division and derision among them.

But every generation eventually gets old. It’s for the best everyone involved to push aside stereotypes and look at what we can offer the generation below us. After all, in exchange for experience to the youth, the youth can provide knowledge of the new. A bit of senior wisdom can provide youthful energy and execution of that wisdom. Who knows, maybe age won’t be anything really but a number?

An older woman and younger man having coffee and pastries together in a cafeJust chatting over coffee can do wonders for people of all ages.Photo credit: Canva

So if you’re an older person, get involved! Join community volunteer groups with the youngsters. Have coffee with your 30-something-year-old neighbors next door. Teach that teenager across the hall how to play chess. Go to the local high school basketball game to cheer them on, even if you don’t have kids that attend there. Be “that old guy” in the yoga class.

The more exposure you have to the youth, the less likely you’ll develop preconceived notions about them. At the same time, they’ll have less preconceived notions about you in return.

Andy Wang has made it a personal mission to to clean up the streets of the Bay Area

During the COVID-19 lockdown, Andrew Y. Wang, known online as “Pengweather”, stumbled upon YouTube videos of people dedicating their time to community improvement projects and Bay Area volunteer initiatives. From cleaning up litter in Southeast Asia to unclogging storm drains, these efforts struck a chord. Andy found himself inspired, but it wasn’t until late 2021, while driving along I-580 between Livermore and Tracy, California, that inspiration turned to action. Seeing illegal dumping and trash lining this busy corridor gave him a sudden realization: “Greeting travelers with the presence of litter is not a good reflection of Bay Area values.”

What began as a solo community cleanup in California near Altamont Pass has since expanded into a Bay Area-wide mission to tackle illegal dumping and restore public spaces. Andy cleans everything from urban alleys to neglected natural areas, often using his own money to pay for landfill fees—sometimes up to $500 per trip. Alongside the physical cleanup, Andy also documents his work on social media, using striking before-and-after photos to motivate others to join the cause and shed light on systemic issues.

Andy’s impact has not gone unnoticed. Across Reddit and other platforms, Bay Area residents have rallied around his efforts, praising his dedication and calling him a local hero. “He’s such a GOAT around here! I swear he does more for the community than most elected local politicians,” one commenter wrote. His actions have inspired a ripple effect, with many people stepping up to clean their own neighborhoods.

Before and after images of a highway cleanup effort. Before and after Andy's Christmas Day 2024 efforts showing the impact one dedicated person can have.pengweather

From inspiration to action

Andy’s commitment comes from a deep desire to make his community cleaner, safer, and more welcoming. Yet his journey has not been without challenges. Early on, he faced hostility from motorists, including threats of violence, prompting him to shift his work to safer locations. Today, he cleans up a range of sites, often funding his efforts out of pocket.

Reflecting on his work, Andy shared a powerful moment that cemented his resolve. In November 2023, he cleared an illegal dumping site near the Napa River in Vallejo. “It was just a horrendous site with piles of litter that built up over several months, if not a year,” he recalled. After clearing the area, he revisited it weeks later to find it still pristine. Returning again on Christmas 2024, Andy was delighted to see not only the absence of trash but new grass beginning to grow.

"Greeting travelers with the presence of litter is not a good reflection of Bay Area values."

— Andy / “Pengweather”

A wave of Reddit praise

On Reddit, an enthusiastic chorus has gathered to applaud Andy’s volunteer work. One user highlighted his far-reaching impact by saying:

“He’s such a GOAT around here! I swear he does more for the community than most elected local politicians.”

Others emphasized the local legend status he’s earned, echoing remarks like:

“u/pengweather is a local legend in the SF Bay Area.”

Some revealed how Andy has personally motivated them, with one commenter noting:

“Honestly, you have inspired me to pick up trash whenever I am out working.”

Even beyond the Bay Area, people are amazed by Andy’s dedication and selfless approach to service.

Building a community of change

Andy’s story resonates with locals, many of whom have been inspired to take up cleanups themselves. One supporter even started a group called the Trash Pandas, which organizes monthly efforts at Oakland’s Grizzly Peak. “This is evidence that my work is achieving one of its goals, which is to be inspiring,” Andy says.

The community’s support fuels his motivation, but not everyone is convinced. Some critics argue that such work doesn’t address the root causes of illegal dumping. Andy doesn’t dismiss these concerns. “I fully understand,” he says, noting that he has worked tirelessly to promote low-cost, long-term solutions with local governments. Frustratingly, he’s often met with resistance or indifference. Despite the setbacks, Andy remains focused on making a lasting impact.

"Nothing warms my heart more than hearing about people who have been inspired by my work and decided to also volunteer."

— Andy / “Pengweather”

Looking ahead

Andy has big plans for 2025. His goal is to monetize his YouTube and Instagram platforms to fund his cleanup efforts and support local nonprofits, unhoused services, and more. He’s currently working to increase his video content, hoping to reach the required 3,000 watch hours to earn ad revenue.

In addition to expanding his own cleanups, Andy wants to highlight the work of other volunteers. Though he prefers to work alone most of the time due to his self-described introverted nature, he sees the power in showcasing a broader movement. “This effort may be minuscule compared to other initiatives, but it is something to start from,” he says.

"This effort may be minuscule compared to other initiatives, but it is something to start from."

— Andy / “Pengweather”

Inspired by Andy’s story? Here are a few ways to get involved:

  • Organize a cleanup: Gather friends or neighbors to tackle a local problem area.
  • Support volunteers: Donate gloves, trash bags, or funds to cover landfill fees.
  • Advocate for change: Push local governments to provide more dumpsters, lower disposal fees, and crack down on repeat offenders.

"I always tell people that you do not have to go out and physically volunteer to make a difference."

— Andy / “Pengweather”

Andy’s efforts prove that one person can inspire a movement. By taking small steps—like picking up a single bag of trash—you can contribute to creating cleaner, safer communities. Together, these actions add up, one block at a time.

Every watch, share, and subscribe helps ‘Pengweather’ fund more cleanups, donate to local nonprofits, and expand his efforts, so be sure to like and follow on YouTubeor Instagram.


Really should have appreciated some of these things.

Bob Dylan sang that the times are a-changin' back in the late 70s, and since then, they haven't ever stopped a-changin'. And yes, change has been a constant for all of humanity's existence, but things certainly seem to be progressing a whole heck of a lot faster, don't they?

Before ya know it, those once fashion-forward pants you purchased are now retro, you don't understand any of the slang the kids are spouting, and you're doing your taxes, grocery planning and work meetings all from your phone. You know, that device that once only…gasp…called people.

It certainly feels like more than simply growing older, too. Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, to the point where human beings are finally having a hard time keeping up. Combine that with uncertain economic times, and it's no wonder that some folks are left reminiscing about how, in some (not all or even most, but some) ways, the good old days really were good.

Take for instance this interesting question posed by u/zombiem00se over on Ask Reddit. They asked: "What was normal 20 to 30 years ago but is considered a luxury now?"

Oh yeah. Get ready for either some bittersweet nostalgia, or to shake your head at just how much you're probably paying for something that was once bought for pennies. Have fun!

1. "New furniture made out of real wood."


2. "Owning the software you purchased."


3. "Paying no more than 30% of your income in rent."


u/DaughterEarth added: "I lived in poverty housing and this was how they determined our rent. It was 30% of mom's income, regardless of how much she was making. That was 20 years ago, not sure what starving kids do today."

4. "Concert ticket prices."



u/CathedralEngine added: "17 years ago I spent $30 to see an internationally touring band play a concert, and I thought that was way too high. Now I’m spending minimum $20 to see local bands. Just on admission."

5. "Household products that don't break within the first few years of use. My grandma had the same fridge from 1993 before deciding to switch to a newer, bigger one two years ago. My mom's wedding cookware is still going strong 25 years later, but whenever she needs new pans, they start flaking Teflon into the food within a few months."


6. "Not being expected to be reachable 24/7."


7. "Being able to afford going out every Friday after work."



8. "Farmer's markets. You used to be able to go down and get fruit and vegetables cheaper than the grocery store. Now it seems like they charge 3x more than stores do."


9. "Single income families buying a home."


u/Mashy6012 read everyone's mind by adding: "Buying a home in general"

10. "Good quality fabric in clothing. I have clothes from the 90s (and 80s from my mother) that still hold up today. These days, I'm lucky if my shirt isn't saggy and misshapen within a year."

– u/TheMadLaboratorian


11. "Items not requiring a subscription each month."


12. "Legroom on an airplane."


13. "Free driver’s education classes taught in all high schools."


14 . "Family vacations. I remember going on road trips regularly as a kid and even flying once or twice. Now that I have kids, I cannot afford a weeklong trip to the Badlands, Grand Canyon, Disney/Universal Studios, etc. The best I can do is a day trip to the Wisconsin Dells maybe once a year."

– u/M5606


14. "Apartments. I could get a one-bedroom apartment in Wisconsin back in 1997 for under $500. Now that same apartment is at least $2,000."


15. "Affordable healthcare."


16. "People making friends with one another purely because they enjoy their companionship and not because of networking."


17. "Calling a company and getting a person on the other end of the phone.

– u/AnnieAcely199


18. "Drinking water from the tap without filters and softeners."


19. "Being able to dance and have a good time without having the risk that it will end up being recorded and put on social media."

– u/allbright1111


This article originally appeared last year.