

Cat learns to run on two feet after front leg amputations

Babies are really adaptable. The same can be said for baby animals and it's likely because they just don't know any other way of life so they just go with it. But even knowing that, it's still hard to imagine a kitten getting around with no front legs.

Cats essentially use everything from their whiskers to their tails to balance, so how would one walk without two of it's four legs? The answer is, carefully at first. Duck is a kitten that had to have both of her front legs completely amputated after she was rescued and while she was wobbly at first, she quickly adapted.

Duck's human, Cody shares her daily shenanigans on his Instagram page aptly named Purrasic Duck. But recently he told Duck's story to The Dodo revealing her rescue story and the kitten's quick moves. If you're having a hard time picturing a two-legged cat on the run, it looks a lot like a furry velociraptor chasing a laser pointer.

"I ended up naming her Duck because she kinda waddled. She'd kinda take it slow, she waddled trying to figure out her balance," Cody tells The Dodo.

Before long though, Duck was off to play with her much larger dog brothers. Her pug brother even offers her a little assistance in the face cleaning area since Duck doesn't have paws to do it herself. No worries, she returns the favor by cleaning his face too. It's an adorable relationship but if you want to see a furry velociraptor chase after cat toys, you'll need to watch the video below.

This article originally appeared two years ago.

We get to see the world through Mr. Kitters' eyes.

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a cat? To watch the world from less than a foot off the ground, seeing and hearing things humans completely miss, staring out the window for hours while contemplating one of your nine lives?

Well, thanks to one person, we need wonder no more—at least about the what-they're-seeing part.

The TikTok channel Mr. Kitters the Cat (@mr.kitters.the.cat) gives us a cat's-eye view of the world with a camera attached to Mr. Kitters' collar. The result is an utterly delightful POV experience that takes us through the daily adventuring of the frisky feline as he wanders the yard.

In a video titled "Spicy cats," which has more than 74 million views on TikTok, we begin with the cutest cat sneeze ever. Then we hear Mr. Kitters' meow as we walk with him through the grass before the scene switches to a thrilling, yowling cat chase he witnesses across the yard (while tucking himself even more securely under the bush he's in).

The best is seeing his kitty paws as he walks and then digs in the mulch. And there's apparently something very exciting that needs to be pounced on right along a chain link fence.

Watch and enjoy:


Spicy cats 🌶️ #fyp #cat #meow

The commenters made their delight known.

"I love how he saw the cat fight and was like that's not my business today," wrote one person.

"WHEN HE DIGS WITH HIS LIL PAWS," declared another.

"People: Cats only meow at humans." Mr Kitters -Meows at everything-" wrote another.

And of course, countless people responded simply to the sneeze with "Bless you."

Mr. Kitters has other POV videos as well. This one demonstrates how chatty he is and shows his black cat buddy as well.


“What do you want?” “Nothing!” #fyp #cat #meow

It really sounds like he says, "Let me in," doesn't it?

And this "extreme sports" video is riveting.


Extreme sports 💀 #fyp

It's funny how something as simple as putting a camera around the neck of a cat can draw in tens of millions of people. We're all so curious about the lives of the creatures we see every day, and the adorable quirkiness of cat behavior is a big part of why we keep them as companions in the first place. Seeing the world through their point of view is just one more way we can enjoy and learn about our pet friends.

This article originally appeared two years ago.


Cat decided a delivery driver was her new dad by clinging to his leg and refusing to let go

This is the Cat Distribution System at work, and it shall not be questioned.

A cat picks her new owner in the most unmistakable way.

If you've never heard of the Cat Distribution System, then you probably don't own a cat, or you do, but you acquired your cat in a standard way. You know, like at an animal shelter or from some nice lady on social media who had a box of kittens. Most people get cats that way, and it's one thousand percent a valid way to attain cat parent status.

But some lucky folks get cats through the Cat Distribution System (or CDS for short). Is this system real? Only cats really know for sure. They're also the ones that run the system, so the rules and the way in which you attain your purr machine may be a bit wonky. You may wake up with an unknown cat in your bed even though all of your windows are closed, or you just may be like this delivery driver.

The driver was out picking up orders when a cat came out of the CDS and jumped on the man's leg as he attempted to get back to his car. Thanks to his dash cam, you get to see CDS at work, and so did his mom. The video currently has over 2.8 million views on TikTok.

When the driver asked his mom if he could keep the cat, at first she said no. Then she saw the footage of the cat aggressively and desperately choosing her son to be its new cat dad—and that's how you get a cat through the CDS. Once the cat realized she made the right choice, she snuggled up on her dad's lap as he drove her home.

"We are not cat people," reads the text overlay. "My youngest son was out making deliveries last night. A cat kept following him. Then jumped on his leg and would not let go."

I have news for you, Mom: you're cat people now. It's how the Cat Distribution System works. They train their recruits to turn non-cat people into cat people, one unsuspecting human at a time. If you don't make it to the end of the video, yes, they kept the cat and her name is Venus. That's how the system is designed.

Watch the CDS at work below:


#catrescue #catrescueroftiktok I am not a #catperson but maybe now I will be after today. I #Love my #son has a #huge #compassionate #heart #momsoftiktok #rescate #gato

This article originally appeared two years ago.


Studies show dogs and cats are equally as intelligent. Here's why people think cats are smarter.

"Cats have some cognitive abilities that may make them seem smarter than dogs."

Are cats smarter than dogs? Researchers have an answer.

There's a debate on the difference in intelligence between cats and dogs that have likely been going on since the two animals were domesticated. Cats aren't particularly known for doing tricks or even consistently responding to their name for that matter. But dogs on the other hand are often eager to please their owners, seemingly showing off their knowledge of a wider range of vocabulary.

Studies have shown that dogs and cats both possess similar levels of intelligence but people still mistakenly think cats are smarter. While dogs outwardly show their intellect by following commands and doing tricks, they're often getting into mischief. They also seem to forget consequences quickly resulting in them repeating the same behaviors.

People tend to see cats as more calculating creatures who know exactly what they're doing, oftentimes causing people to believe they do things out of spite. They may not respond every time you call their name but you know, and they know that they in fact do know their name. Their thinking just appears to be more complex devoid of the need to please their humans, though these things are all just assumptions made by cat owners.

Cat Omg GIFGiphy

But according to studies, while cats and dogs share the same level of intelligence, their smarts show up in different ways. Cats are problem-solvers and will keep trying to solve a puzzle for a much longer period of time than dogs, and they're often quicker at figuring things out like how to open latched food containers and kitchen cabinets, according to Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary.

Cats also have a more developed hippocampus which helps them remember things for longer periods of time while dogs have more neurons. Dogs also have a larger brain due to their larger heads which allows for more self-control–that could explain why cats knock things off counters.

Cats Reaction GIF by Hill's Pet Nutrition EMEAGiphy

Cat owners may also incorrectly think cats are smarter than dogs because cats are more self-sufficient while dogs depend heavily on humans for their survival. In a study where scientists attempt to compare cats with dogs, it was quickly proven that cats simply do what they want when they want, and for lack of understanding.

The study was trying to find out if both animals have the same level of body awareness. Dogs sat attentively waiting for commands while cats had to be coaxed with treats, toys and pspspst, only for some of the cats to be eliminated for walking away and refusing to participate. There's not a cat owner in the world that wouldn't expect that response from a feline being told what to do.

Dog Reaction GIF by TikiIndiaGiphy

None of the studies prove cats are smarter than dogs or vise versa, though. The studies and articles that do comparisons of the two pets consistently show that the animals have similar intelligence levels but they have strengths in different areas. Having both a cat and a dog for a pet may make for complimentary companionship between the two animals. But given that they both have opposite strengths, they may combine forces to get into higher level hijinks.

Instead of trying to figure out which animal is smarter, we can appreciate each for what they add to the lives of humans. But in full transparency, when it comes to comforting humans, dogs blow cats out of the water on their level of emotional intelligence, so keep that in mind when Scout knocks over the trashcan for the fifth time this week.