

Image via Canva

Representative image of a person cutting a cake

There are a few types of people who always show up around the dining room table when the birthday cake arrives. There's the dutiful person who is nice enough to volunteer to cut and serve the cake for everyone. There's the person who begs for the piece with the most frosting. Then there's the person who wants as little frosting as possible.

There's also the party-goer who asks for the little sliver of cake and the guy who has no problem taking a slice as big as his head. Let's not forget the cake pusher whose job it is to make sure you take some extra slices home. "Please take some home so I don't eat it," they beg, patting their tummy.

Making everyone happy during the ceremonial cake cutting is no easy task.

birthdays, birthday cake, life hacks, hacks, how to cut a birthday cakeA group gathers around a birthday cakeImage via Canva

But now, a game-changing video on TikTok has completely changed the cake-cutting conversation. It eliminates the cake server, long knife, serving plates, spatula, and replaces it with joyous anarchy.

A TikTok video with over 460,000 likes shows a family celebrating a woman's 20th birthday, and after she blows out the candles, each person takes out a wine glass and scoops up a mound of cake.

It's an easy, streamlined way to make sure everyone gets what they want without having to bother anyone to cut and distribute the pieces. Everyone gets to grab the slice they like and in the amount they desire, without having to negotiate.

It's also a fun way to do things as a group. It would be savage to have a bunch of people scooping up cake with spoons, but with wine glasses, it's fancy.

The only drawback is that this technique really favors the pro-frosting constituency.

Duff Goldman, "Ace of Cakes" star and executive chef of the Baltimore-based Charm City Cakes shop, told Bustle the idea is genius. "Each person can come in with their own cup and get their own serving — it's a nice communal experience where each person can interact with the cake and each other," he said.

"This is a game-changer," one person said on TikTok.

"This is blowing my mind. Why have I never thought of this?" said another woman, who called it "genius."

"A cake hack that I can get behind," another added. "I will never eat cake another way."

The cake hack is a great idea, but one has to be sure that the cake is at room temperature. This could get downright dangerous if used on an ice cream cake or one with a hard filling. Also, you probably want to avoid using super-expensive Tiffany wine glasses that could easily shatter or eating out of the glass with metal utensils.

Ok, TikTokkers that hack was brilliant, your next challenge is to figure out how to eat pie with a wine glass.

This article originally appeared three years ago.

Pop Culture

Jennifer Garner got adorably surprised by childhood crush, Donny Osmond, for her 50th birthday

Just thinking he'd sent her a video had her stunned. Then he showed up in the flesh.

Jennifer Garner's inner child got the best surprise for her birthday.

Jennifer Garner is beloved as an actress and a human being for her genuine relatability. She manages to maintain superstar status while staying seemingly grounded in the real world, which is a tricky balance. From her funny "pretend cooking show" videos to her simple service suggestions any of us can do (such as making cookies for frontline medical workers or making Ziploc bags of essentials to give away to people in need), Garner seems like the kind of person anyone would love to hang out with or be neighbors with.

She's also someone who has the means to buy pretty much anything she wants, so a gift would have to be pretty special and unique to blow her away. Something thoughtful. Something she couldn't just go to a store and purchase. Something that she wouldn't expect.

Something like her childhood celebrity crush dropping in to surprise serenade her.

In all the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, it's easy to forget that celebrities are just people, most of whom didn't grow up in the world of the rich and famous. Garner had a "normal" childhood in West Virginia, growing up as a middle child of working parents who took the family to church on Sundays and Garner to ballet class (which she loved). When she decided to become an actress, she had to work as a waitress to make ends meet.

And like most of us, she was starry-eyed about certain celebrities. Born in 1972, Garner is right in the prime Gen X age group where Donny Osmond held practically god-like status. The "Donny & Marie" show was a staple across America, and Donny Osmond was the heartthrob of an entire generation in the late '70s and early '80s—including, apparently, Jennifer Garner.

Garner shared a video on Instagram of a pre-birthday surprise in which she's sitting in a restaurant, holding a phone in one hand, with her other hand over her mouth. Donny Osmond is singing to her for her birthday on a video, and she's visibly stunned.

What she doesn't know is that Donny Osmond is there in the restaurant. He walks up behind her and starts singing in real life, and Garner just melts right into her hands.


"My first (pre)birthday surprise was a doozy—the one and only, legend in his own time, object of my childhood adoration and devotion—@donnyosmond showed up to knock my purple socks off," she wrote. "He took an hour and a half of his day to sit with me, sing my favorites, and to give me a master class on how to be a class act. Thank you, Donny. 💜 Hi, @marieosmond. ☺️ I hope to meet you someday, Debbie. ♥️ " (Debbie is Donny Osmond's wife of 44 years.)

The "I'm so hot, can I just take my sweater off" comment is the perfect example of Garner's genuine relatability. She's been in award-winning shows, she's walked the red carpet, she's been married to celebrities—and yet Donny Osmond joining her for her birthday blew her away.

Garner is all of us in this video, living out a childhood dream she probably never imagined could possibly come true. (Also, how about that singing voice she's been sitting on? Dang.)

Happy 50th, Jennifer Garner! So happy you got to celebrate another trip around the sun with so much joy.

Whirlpool Congrats Parents

When you think of teenagers, "grateful" is probably not the first word that comes to mind.

In fact, teenagers often have the opposite reputation — spoiled, entitled, and selfish. Fittingly, advice for parents of teenagers frequently focuses on how to deal with bad attitudes.

However, labeling all teens inherently ungrateful isn't totally accurate. Many teenagers actually do appreciate their parents’ hard work, whether it’s cooking, doing their laundry, or helping them study for next morning’s algebra test.Of course, it might be hard to see that gratitude, especially when teens are busy hanging out with friends, texting at the dinner table, or slamming the occasional bedroom door during a disagreement.

Photo via iStock.

So, for parents who are feeling doubtful about whether or not their kids appreciate their hard work, here are five stories of teens who were just waiting for the right moment to show their gratitude.

1. Without money for a gift, this single mom's daughter made a touching gesture.

When Kira Allen's daughter Vivian was 17 years old, Kira didn't think she'd be getting a gift for Mother's Day.

"As a single mom, I've always done my best to meet our necessities," the California mom explains. She liked to cook for her kids, especially her delicious homemade blueberry-apple crisp.

But that year, Kira says, "We were too broke for gifts."

Kira was just returning to work after medical leave for issues including severe anemia, sleep apnea, and a high risk for stroke. She'd originally only planned to take two weeks off, but once she got to the bottom of her medical needs, she realized she was in "a battle for survival," so her medical leave went on for another three and a half months.

However, even though they were short on money, Vivian didn't want to disappoint her mom by leaving her empty-handed on Mother's Day, especially after the year she'd had. So, she wrote Kira a heartfelt note.

Vivian's note to her mother. Image via Kira Allen.

"Dear Queen," she began. "Without you there is nothing. No sun, no moon, no stars — in my world."

Today, Vivian is 23 years old and away at college, and she's missing her mom's blueberry-apple crisp. But her note is still where she left it, on her mom's nightstand. "It still means more to me than anything she could have ever purchased," Kira says.

2. A tattoo went from giving a dad a scare to being his greatest gift.

Photo via iStock.

In April 2018, Richard, a dad from New Jersey, thought he was getting the shock of his life when his 18-year-old son Jonathan sent him this text: "Guess what dad I'm getting a tattoo."

Richard worried that Jonathan was making a rash decision. However, when he saw what his son chose for his new ink, he was surprised in the best way. Jonathan's tattoo was a set of Roman numerals marking the day that his dads adopted him.

"I was so taken aback," Richard told the parenting website Gays With Kids. Jonathan was 5 years old when he was adopted, and as the years passed, his father wondered if he'd forgotten the date. But now, Jonathan's first tattoo will always remind him that his son is forever thankful for the day they became a family.

3. This daughter's personalized messages to her mom fit every occasion.

[rebelmouse-image 19534387 dam="1" original_size="3804x2562" caption="Sarah Davis (left) with her mother, LaTonya. Photo by Holly Pohl Photography, used with permission." expand=1]Sarah Davis (left) with her mother, LaTonya. Photo by Holly Pohl Photography, used with permission.

Sarah Davis was 17 years old on Mother's Day in 2017, and she wanted to give her mom, LaTonya, something unique — a gift LaTonya could enjoy for years to come.

Sarah had recognized the sacrifices that her mom made for her while growing up. In fact, as a teenager, she had even begun taking on some of LaTonya's household tasks herself in order to give her mom a little extra help. For example, when LaTonya was having a bad day, Sarah would clean the fridge, the pantry, or other common areas.

But to do something really special for Mother's Day, Sarah wrote a collection of personalized notes along with instructions on which note to read when, such as "when you need a smile," "when you can't sleep," and "when you're missing me."

As soon as she saw the instructions, LaTonya had a touching realization: Her daughter must have put a lot of thought into this gift.

Sarah's instructions for her gift to her mom. Image via LaTonya Davis.

"I haven't opened all of the notes yet because I feel like it's the gift I don't ever want to end," LaTonya says.

She continues, "[Sarah] regularly shows appreciation for all of the opportunities afforded to her, but this reminded me that she sees me not only as a mom but as a whole person."

4. A birthday gift got one mom's unique wishes exactly right.

"Birthdays have always been a source of conflict for me," Asha Rajan says.

Growing up, she was raised to believe that being a girl or a woman meant making yourself "small" by avoiding drawing attention to yourself. She carried that belief into parenting, often sacrificing her own moments of celebration to make sure her kids received attention instead of herself.

And that's exactly what made Asha's 2018 birthday so memorable — her teenage sons, Nik and Milan, got the celebration just right. The day included breakfast by Nik, an ice cream cake with candles, and a homemade card that Milan decorated with a painting he'd made in fifth grade.

Asha with her sons, Milan (left) and Nik (right), in 2014. Image via Asha Rajan.

"Having my teens recognise [my] quandary and celebrate me with love and humor while still not making it too much about me made me feel understood," she says.

“I adore being the mother of teens — all the smelly sports clothes and wet stinky towels notwithstanding!”

5. This college freshman's sweet tribute to his dad went viral in his first week of school.

Every year since kindergarten, Charles Brockman III's first day of school started out the same. His parents, Sherry and Charles Jr., would walk him into school and take a photo.

At times, he found the tradition embarrassing (especially while in high school), but once he left home for the first time to go to college, he actually missed his parents' annual display of support and encouragement.

So after the 17-year-old settled into his new dorm room as a freshman at Mississippi State University, Charles wanted to say a simple thanks. He tweeted side-by-side photos of his dad walking him to school, along with the words, "From the first day of kindergarten to college move in. Thank you dad."

By the time classes started, his tribute had been retweeted more than 64,000 times and liked more than 263,000 times.

"[My parents] have pretty much supported me in everything I do," Charles told NBC News a couple of weeks later. "Knowing that makes me want to be successful and make them proud. I don't mind sharing that."

No matter how big or small, a teen's gesture of appreciation is a reminder to parents everywhere that their love, care, and sacrifice has huge meaning.

Image via iStock.

And kids aren’t the only ones who’d like to celebrate all of the hard-working parents out there. Whirlpool has created  "Congrats, parents" as part of its Every day, care® campaign in order to share uplifting messages for the parents of the class of ‘18.

After all, the class of ‘18 wouldn’t have made it to graduation day without the sacrifices that so many parents make for their kids. Throughout the journey towards graduation, those parents have put their time toward preparing their kids’ meals, making sure they always had clean clothes, and keeping the house in order along the way.

That’s why, even when teenagers are caught up in their own lives or when they don't have money for lavish gifts, they can still find unique ways to reveal just how much they care about their parents. These gestures can appear when you least expect it — which, in turn, makes them all the more meaningful.

Tennessean Bailey Sellers lost her father about five years ago, when she was just 16. Before he passed away, however, he arranged for a very special delivery to come her way every year on her birthday: a bouquet of flowers and a heartfelt letter.

Sellers' flowers arrived, as expected, on Nov. 24, 2017.

Photo courtesy of Bailey Sellers, used with permission.‌

Predictably, it came with a heart-wrenching letter — but this year, the note from her dad packed an especially meaningful punch.

Sellers' father arranged for his letters and flowers to arrive only through her 21st birthday. So this birthday, she received his final gifts.

Photo courtesy of Bailey Sellers, used with permission.‌

"Bailey, this is my last love letter to you until we meet again," her dad began the note, which Sellers shared on Twitter.

His letter continued (emphasis added):

"I do not want you to shed another tear for me my baby girl for I am in a better place. You are and will always be the most precious jewel I was given. It is your 21st birthday, and I want you to always respect your momma and stay true to yourself. Be happy and live life to the fullest. I will still be with you through every milestone, just look around and there I will be. I love you boo boo and happy birthday!!! Daddy"

Along with the flowers and letter, Sellers also shared an old photo of her and her dad from a trip to the beach.

Photo courtesy of Bailey Sellers, used with permission.‌

In the few days since Sellers shared the photos, her post has amassed over 1.5 million likes and over 360,000 retweets.

Its powerful message struck a chord with many people — especially those who've lost a parent as well.

Sellers' dad's letter may be pulling at heartstrings extra hard considering the time of year. The holidays can be tough, after all. Many of us have complicated or strained relationships with family and friends, and — compounded with the stresses of presents, parties, and lots of baking — the true gift of the holidays can get lost in the shuffle.

But Sellers' story shows why it's so important we cherish the ones we have in the short time that we have them.

"Every year I looked forward to my birthday because I felt like [my dad] was still here with me but this is the last year I get them so it's so heart breaking," Sellers wrote in a follow-up tweet in the thread.

"Makes sense, Bailey," a supportive user responded to her. "But I hope you can also see the message he likely intended by stopping [his letters]. He believes in you. He believes that you are capable of wondrous things. He believes YOU are ready to be without the flowers even if you don't know it yet." ❤️