

A woman feeling sick in her bathroom.

It’s easy to tell if mold is growing in your bathroom: you notice the black stuff growing on the caulk that lines your bathtub or near the bottom of the hot and cold water handles on your sink. But have you ever seen a ring of pink slime accumulating around your sink drain or on the bottom of your shower curtain? Most people think it’s mold, but it’s actually something worse.

U.K.-based surgeon Dr. Karan Rajan explained the pink slime phenomenon in a TikTok video that’s received over 640,000 views. “You've seen this pink slime lurking in your bathroom, it's not mold, it's bacteria,” Dr. Rajan says. “Specifically one called Serratia marcescens. And it vomits hot pink all over your bathroom.”

Yes, that’s not soap that has turned a bubble-gum color on the bottom of your shower curtain or Pepto Bismol that didn’t go down the drain. It’s bacteria vomit.


Pink slime

The interesting thing about this bacteria is that the products you use to clean your body in the shower or wash your hands in the sink are what it loves to eat. Pink slime feeds on fat and mineral deposits from soap scum and shampoo.

If you’ve found some pink slime in your home before, you know it’s much grosser than you originally thought. But is it dangerous? “[To] the average person, it's pretty harmless, even if you come into contact with it, but you still wanna avoid getting in your eyes or open wounds,” Dr. Raja warns. “However, it can cause gut, urine, or chest infections in those who are immunocompromised.”

"OMG this reappears in our tub every few weeks. I was wondering what it was!?" someone wrote in the comments on the TikTok post. "I always wondered. The pink slime and my bleach bottle are in a constant battle," another added.

The bigger problem of pink slime is that it may be a symptom of a more significant issue. “If your home has enough damp for pink slime to consistently develop, you could actually be growing other things as well, like actual household molds, which could be causing respiratory issues or allergies,” Dr. Rajan says.

serratia marcescensSerratia marcescens up close.via Bjorn S./Wikimedia Commons

How to clean pink slime (Serratia marcescens)

Here is how to clean and sanitize your bathroom of pink slime, thanks to This Old House.

  1. Wear safety glasses, a mask, and gloves
  2. Combine 2 tablespoons of dish soap with one quarter cup of baking soda
  3. Apply the mixture to the bacteria and scrub thoroughly with a nylon brush
  4. Rinse away the loosened bacteria
  5. Spray the affected area with 1:1 warm water and bleach solution
  6. Let sit for ten minutes, then scrub again
  7. Dry with a microfiber towel

How to prevent pink slime from growing in your bathroom

How do you keep pink slime from growing in your home in the first place? The key is to keep your bathroom dry. “The first rule of Pink Slime Club is to keep the bacteria forming in the first place. By curbing its growth, you'll be preventing other dangerous molds from forming,” Dr. Rajan says. “Keep your shower dry and well-ventilated, put on an exhaust fan or open a window after showering to keep humidity levels low, and regularly clean and disinfect your bathroom. It's filthier than you think.”


Artist creates amazing inflatable shower curtain to help save water

If you take long showers you’re in for a rude awakening.

Image via elisabethbuecher.com

Singing in the shower.

Are you the type of person who is always waiting on someone in the shower, or are you the one holding everyone up with your epic shower songs? Either way, Elisabeth Buecher has the perfect shower curtain for you. The London-based artist created an inflatable shower curtain that fills soft spikes with air if the shower is on too long. After four minutes of running water, a sensor on the tap triggers an inflator for the spikes, and the bather is immediately reminded that it's time to get out.

Buecher created the installation to raise awareness about water conservation.

"They aim at provoking a debate around water issues and making people more aware of their consumption," the artist said on her website.

Check out the steps from peaceful showering to an alarming wake-up call below.

bathroom, saving water, room design

Getting the hair wet.

Image via elisabethbuecher.com

artist, environmentalist, going green

My other chosen career.

Image via elisabethbuecher.com

Inflatable shower curtain in dramatic action.

Image via elisabethbuecher.com

protection, responsibility, guardianship

The shower curtain has won.

Image via elisabethbuecher.com

This article originally appeared on 09.23.17


Doctor shares why you should never flush the toilet with the lid open

This will change your flushing habits immediately.

A woman flushes the toilet.

Dr. Karan Rajan, a super popular TikTok user who creates videos about health and medical mysteries, posted a video about the dangers of flushing the toilet with the lid open and it will definitely change how many people use the restroom.

It will also make those who’ve always flushed with the lid open recoil in fear and shiver with regret. According to the doctor, every time you flush the toilet, an invisible raging sewage volcano flies out of the bowl, contaminating everything in the bathroom.

“Your puny human eyes can’t see this, but there's a tidal wave of microscopic particles that fill the air after a flush," Dr. Rajan says before sharing a video that appears to have been filmed with an infrared camera. The video shows that when a toilet is flushed, particles from the bowl are projected into the air at 2 meters (6.5 feet) per second.

"The same droplets can reach 15 meters (49 feet) above the toilet bowl within 8 seconds. Toilet soup goes everywhere,” Dr. Rajan says in the video.

(Note: The audio appears to have been disabled on the video.)


Shut the lid

Dr. Rajan ends the video by sharing some basic hygiene tips: "Close the lid, wash your hands, stop touching your eyes so much and maybe move your toothbrush.”

While the video may upset those who have flushed with the lid open for years, one commenter made a horrifying observation. "So flushing whilst still sitting down is a bad idea then," Kevin Wilson wrote in the comments. "This is the first thing that I thought when I watched this," Mr Unknown added.

Chef Robert Irvine addresses the 2016 USO Gala, Washington, D.C., Oct. 20, 2016.

A restaurant can have a charming exterior and a cozy dining area, but you never really know what’s happening behind the scenes. From the customer’s vantage point, things may look OK, but that alone won’t tell you about the restaurant’s dedication to cleanliness, ingredient quality and culinary best practices.

Many things can go wrong in the kitchen that could turn your nice dinner into a night laying in bed holding your stomach.

Even though culinary standards have been improving in the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that nearly 48 million people get sick from a foodborne illness each year. Of that number, 128,000 are hospitalized and 3,000 die.

Celebrity Chef Robert Irvine has a shorthand that helps him determine if a restaurant will provide a healthy, botulism-free meal: He checks the bathrooms. Irvine is an English celebrity chef and talk show host who has appeared on and hosted a variety of Food Network programs, including "Restaurant: Impossible,” “Worst Cooks in America,” and “Chopped: Impossible.”

"Well, the first thing I look for is, are the bathrooms clean?" he told Business Insider, adding, "Because if the bathrooms are clean, the kitchen's clean, everything else is clean."

Irvine believes the bathroom is an excellent indicator of what the standards are like in the establishment. Irvine says that he keeps his home immaculate, starting with the restrooms, "So that's what I look for when I go to a restaurant."

The Food Network star also added that he also looks to see if the staff are happy while on the job.

Irvine isn’t the only restaurant expert checking the bathroom before ordering a meal. Liz Weiss, host of Liz's Healthy Table podcast and blog, does the same. "My biggest red flag when dining out at a restaurant is a dirty bathroom," Weiss told Food Network. "If the bathroom is a mess, it makes me think twice about the cleanliness and overall condition of the kitchen."

To further drive home the point, a food inspector went viral last year on TikTok for a video where they share the four places they won’t eat. “I’ve seen a lot,” TikTok user @toofar_north captioned their video, saying they won’t eat at buffets or places with extensive menus, unhappy employees and dirty bathrooms.

I've seen a lot. 


I've seen a lot. #greenscreen #inspector #healthinspector #tips #restaurant #restauranttips #healthtok #inspectortok #fypp

Why is a large menu a red flag? If a restaurant has a large menu, it could mean that some dishes don’t have a lot of turnover, so they are made with older ingredients that may be unsafe. If there are 100 dishes on the menu, what are the chances that your order hasn’t been cooked in quite some time?

Further, restaurants with large menus may not have the tastiest food because it’s hard to perfect many different types of food. So, it’s probably better to go to a place that does a few things well than 100 things that are just okay. Just makes sure that it has a clean bathroom and that the employees appear to be happy.