One of the funniest things about being human is the unique quirks each one of us has that other people don't know about. In some sense, our individual oddities are things that unite us even though they are hidden from public view. It's a simple, universal truth that we're all a bit silly in our own way.
Case in point: A trend in which women share the quirky little things they do to make life more whimsical. The conversation has been circulating on social media since someone asked, "Girlies: What are some things you do to be more whimsical? I love knowing about cute little habits." And the responses, "like a magical, much-needed hug," are filling people with joy.
The question asked for women to weigh in, but there's no indication that men don't also have funny private habits as well, so we can all see ourselves in these responses.
Check out this list of people's quirky whimsical habits
"I wear matching pajamas every time I change my sheets so I can have what I call fancy sleep."
"I hold 'office hours' every Tuesday at a local coffee shop, which means I sit on the couch and order drinks for 4-5 hours while various friends and acquaintances visit me to yap abt books and gossip."
"I say, 'my lady,' every time I walk by a mirror."
"I teach the dog how to do things either to make them more interesting for me ('Let me show you how to start a load of laundry') or just to make him feel included ('Do you remember how to make coffee or should I walk you through it again? I know it's hard to remember since you can't practice without thumbs.')"
"I kiss my cat on both cheeks then she kisses me on both cheeks then I explain 'she's European' to no one."
"I tell my dishes it's bath time."
"I sleep in vintage nightgowns, it makes me feel like an 1800s princess✨"
"If I want to have negative thoughts about myself I have to think them in a cockney accent."
@abigail.bailey0i’ve been home sick d: #whimsical #alternative #weird #tips #trinkets #habits #odd #corecore
"I say, 'May I take your coats?' when I'm peeling garlic."
"Every time I see the moon, I shout 'Hey gurrrl! Looking amazing, you are glowing!' and just compliment the hell out of her because she’s my bestie."
"I like drinking water at night ouf of small wooden bowls. It makes me feel like I'm being nursed back to health by spirits."
"I shout 'NO, not YOU! I don’t even know you!' in the voice of Lilly Moscocvitz when I’m looking for something and find something else unrelated."
"I hot glued a bow tie onto the Roomba and we call him Jeffrey."
"I tell my hamster not to answer the door for anyone before I leave."
"I call putting on pj's 'time to pump up the jams.'"
"I always set my alarm clock to weird times like 8:52 am or 4:47pm because I don’t want less used numbers to be lonely or sad."
"Sometimes, a couple hours before bed, I go in my room and turn down the bed, spray a bit of lavender, maybe light a candle, put my water with lemon on my bedside table. Then when I get ready to go to bed a couple hours later I walk in and say 'I love turndown service!' as though it’s a pleasant surprise."
"Any time I make a mistake at work I giggle to myself, apologize, and say 'it’s my first day.' I’ve worked for the same company for 5 and a half years."
"I call my to do list my TA DA list and do jazz hands as I tick things off."
"For my own amusement I say 'officers!' and nod when I see pigeons."
"This one is kinda niche, but I’m a hairstylist. Whenever I wash my clients hair, as I give them a head massage with the conditioner I send loving thoughts into the universe over whatever is going on in their life."
"Whenever I buy something online and it asks 'is this a gift?' I write a little gift message to myself, usually along the lines of 'you are awesome and deserve these little treats.'"
Treat Yourself Donna Meagle GIF by Parks and RecreationGiphy
There are soooo many more, and each one is more delightful than the last. Turns out a whole bunch of us are a whole lot goofier in our private lives than we let on, which is a wonderful discovery.
Can whimsy actually be useful?
But there's more to this trend than simply a love of whimsy. As one commenter pointed out, "There are literal therapeutic reframing techniques in here that are FANTASTIC." It's true. Making a boring or mundane task more fun or interesting can be helpful for people who are prone to procrastination. Changing the voice you use when negative thoughts creep in can help distance that voice from your inner self. Pampering yourself by making bedtime special can create positive associations with rest and sleep, making it easier for you to settle in at night.
Perhaps our penchant for fun and whimsy isn't as frivolous as it might first appear, so if you do things like this, give yourself a pat on the back for engaging in good self-care. And now you know for sure that you're definitely not alone.