Rich, Old, White NBA Owner Says Offensive Things. So The NBA Went Ahead And Banned Him For Life.
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the reported conversation that happened between Donald Sterling (owner of the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers) and V. Stiviano. In this conversation, the man reported to be Donald Sterling reprimands the woman for bringing black people to the games and for taking a picture with NBA legend Magic Johnson and putting it on Instagram. Keep in mind that Sterling has also been accused of racism before by the Justice Department and by former employees. Now it feels like everyone in the world has reacted to this. But these reactions have been amazing, and it's important to watch and read a least a few of them. Racism isn't going away unless we actively talk about it. Anyways, here are some reactions, and they probably come from people you’ll recognize.
Shaquille O'Neal and Charles Barkley:
Barkley makes a great point at 1:30.
Michael Jordan's official statement:
Jordan is also an owner of an NBA team.
"I look at this from two perspectives — as a current owner and a former player. As an owner, I'm obviously disgusted that a fellow team owner could hold such sickening and offensive views. I'm confident that Adam Silver will make a full investigation and take appropriate action quickly. As a former player, I'm completely outraged. There is no room in the NBA — or anywhere else — for the kind of racism and hatred that Mr. Sterling allegedly expressed. I am appalled that this type of ignorance still exists within our country and at the highest levels of our sport. In a league where the majority of players are African-American, we cannot and must not tolerate discrimination at any level."
President Obama:
Update: NBA Commissioner Adam Silver has banned Sterling for life from the NBA and fined him $2.5 million. He will try to get the league's owners to force Sterling to sell the team.