Parents record 'Just a Mom' song in their bathroom. The lyrics are wrecking people.
"Hit me hard, sitting in the dark, kids are sleep and I can't stop crying, I am just a mum."

'Just a Mom' song recorded in family bathroom is everything
When you become a mom it can sometimes feel as if you've lost your identity. Suddenly everything is about the baby when just a short 10 months prior your main concern was if you'd have time after work to grab happy hour $2 wings before it was over. There was variety to your day and adult conversations came with ease. Your life can feel like two different timelines, broken up into before motherhood and after, though you're still very much the same person.
Of course there are joys to motherhood, and for some moms that overshadows everything else while others feel like there's more to them than "just being a mom." Sometimes the journey of parenthood can feel isolating until someone comes along and shares the same feelings. Audrey and Nathan Sears are parents to a young daughter and the pair have taken to singing songs about parenthood that they've written throughout the day in the bathroom at night.
The young mom shares with Upworthy, "100% of our songs are recorded after we put our daughter to sleep at night. We want to make sure that we're present in each moment that we have with our daughter, so we try to keep music and our life with her compartmentalized."
While to someone who isn't a singer it may seem weird for them to record music in the bathroom instead of a more roomy area of the house, but bathrooms have great acoustics. Even Christina Aguilera recorded her audition for the Mulan soundtrack in the bathroom, and that catapulted her career, so the bathroom recording sessions make sense. But it wasn't the bathroom that caught people's ear, it was the talent and lyrics to one of their most recent songs.
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Audrey and Nathan who have known each other since sixth grade, realized there was no representation in music that encapsulated the early years of parenting, so they decided to fill in that hole.
Audrey tells Upworthy, "It wasn't until we had our daughter that we really felt compelled to put our experiences to music. We were struggling to find music that we could relate to in this new (and universal) stage of life, so when we began posting our songs about parenthood on TikTok and then Instagram, it was so exciting to see how many people were resonating and feeling the same emotions that we feel when writing our music."
The duo released, "Just a Mom" and opened a floodgate of tears from moms online feeling seen by the reality of the lyrics. Audrey's voice is soft but full of richness while her husband strums along behind her. The first lines just go over the daily routine of a mom, but in the end it reiterates the reality that some people will only see you as "just a mom."
"I filled the dishwasher, then I got the baby out of bed. I made the breakfast and got us dressed before we left. Went on a walk downtown cause I've been worried about my looks, she fell asleep when we got home. I organized all of her books. It's just another day on this little island that we made," Audrey sings before continuing with the long list of things many moms do, including making food everyone is going to say they hate.
The lyrics, the melody, the soothing sound of Audrey's voice are a perfect combination to elicit emotion from listeners who understand the struggle. The video has been listened to over 450k times on TikTok and over 2 million on Instagram, both comment sections are filed with moms who relate to the young mom's song.
While the song has different meanings to different people, Audrey is clear that she's not complaining, telling Upworthy, "This song isn't complaining about the load of motherhood or minimizing the role of fathers, it's about celebrating all the incredible work that mothers do to raise kind and brave humans." The music duo didn't realize their song would go viral but moms everywhere are relating to the lyrics.
One mom says, "Some may say that it's life. Everyone has to get up and get dressed and make food etc. But being a mom is different. It's the mental load you carry keeping another human or two or three or more alive and happy while also trying to keep yourself afloat. It's hard but the best hardest job in the world."
"In the clurb, we all fam… and sobbing. Uncontrollably sobbing," another writes.
"I think what hurt most was when I realized my friends and family started seeing me as “just a mom” instead of my self," a commenter shares.
Another mom chimes in, "Wow this, I mean could there be a more perfect song to describe how invisible it feels to be a Mom, really any Mom working or not, but especially one that stays at home. Thank you for making and sharing this beautiful song."
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While the song was aimed at moms, it did reach a few dads, causing one to vow to step up more in the house after hearing the lyrics. The virility and tearjerking reaction to the song has caused calls for it to be released on streaming platforms. It's coming, according to Audrey.
"When the song started going viral, we had actually just finished recording a parenthood song that had also gone viral on TikTok called "My Baby's Baby." We have plans to release that one in early 2025 with hopefully a few of our other most-loved songs to follow. Right now, we're just basking in the love and enjoying what we're doing at that pace that makes sense for our life and our family - which will always be our first priority. The best place to keep up with what's new and being released is on our instagram and TikTok," the mom shares.
No one is just anything. Moms have interests, hobbies, and dreams while also caring for small humans that they're trying to mold into good people. So if you have a new mom in your life, be sure to continue to see her for who she is outside of motherhood, try to recognize the load she carries and send her this song, she may need to hear it.