A wholesome handful of Lin-Manuel Miranda tweets that are literal rays of sunshine
His joy is infectious across all mediums, it seems.

Image by Gate Skidmore/Wikemedia Commons.
Lin-Manuel Miranda at the San Diego Comic Con, 2019.
Lin-Manuel Miranda is a ray of light in a world that can sometimes (OK, often) feel like it's shrouded in darkness.
The award-winning multi-hyphenate — He sings! He acts! He writes! He directs! He inspires you to do better while reminding you that you're good enough! — is always there to wish you a good morning and a good night.
Miranda uses his tweets to share inspiration, kindness, and encouragement to the masses.
If you haven't heard of the person, let me introduce you to some good vibes and positive mojo.
It's nice to wake up to a message designed to help you feel better. He encourages us to put aside those unproductive thoughts and get into a good day.
\u201cGmorning.\nYour worst fears about yourself only needs a drop of attention and sunlight to grow quick and wreck your whole shit.\nClear away those weeds.\nTake the time to harvest your strengths and your joys.\nWater and sunlight to the best in you.\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1526559202
Having a restless night? Miranda will inspire you to dream big as you sleep — and then turn those dreams into reality upon waking.
\u201cGnight!\nAcross centuries and continents, \nall of history conspired to bring you to where you are.\nAnd THIS day in your life was JUST the beginning of a longer story, \nthe first pen stroke of something new.\nTomorrow, the second.\nRest up!\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1526356421
He always wants you to be yourself.
\u201cGood morning. \nYou are perfectly cast in your life. I can't imagine anyone but you in the role. Go play.\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1461932958
And to be kind to yourself.
\u201cThe challenge for folks like us is not giving everything we have, but remembering to save something for ourselves. \nGood morning.\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1408537116
He helps us remember to recognize that anxiety, sadness, and difficult feelings are normal and valid.
\u201cThose knots in your stomach won\u2019t go away on their own.\nSome are Gordian, and require a lil work each day. \nSome will dissolve upon closer inspection.\nLike the day, they are yours to unravel, at your pace.\nGmorning!\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1515589677
\u201cGmorning. \nBreathe deep. \nThat hitch in your breath is a record scratch.\nThat throbbing in your temple is the bass, and you control the volume knob.\nThe scars in your mind and your heart are grooves that run deep.\nYOUR music. YOUR heart. YOUR life. \nYou got the aux cord.\nBump it\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1526476564
He reminds us to work hard, never give up, and recognize how far we've come.
\u201cGood morning. \nYou will have to say no to things to say yes to your work. \nIt will be worth it. \nThis is from 2009.\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1476192565
\u201cWhat I was doing on New Years Eve 2011. The work is hard but it is worth it. Don\u2019t give up.\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1514751588
He knows the value of taking a break to enjoy life ...
\u201cGmorning.\nTake your SWEET ASS TIME today.\n*But...but..."\nTAKE A BREATH AND SAVOR THE SUN ON YOUR FACE.\n*Sound nice, but tests/kids/health/real life*\nOh my God it's just A MORNING TWEET, WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING ME ON THIS ONE BREATH, TAKE A BREATH AND LOOK UP FOR A SECOND\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1525181113
... investing time in others ...
\u201cGmorning. \nMake deposits toward someone else's happiness today. \nCall a friend, ease a burden, donate time/$/space.\nYou'll \u263a\ufe0f.\nPromise.\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1474465581
... and supporting causes that matter.
\u201cProud to support women's rights with the whole fam in \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\n#womensmarchlondon\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1485008661
\u201cOkay, here's the deal:\nYou give whatever you can spare.\n@Google's gonna match ALL YOUR donations up to $2 Million.\nIt ALL goes to recovery relief for small businesses in Puerto Rico, via @hispanicfed & @mercycorps\nPresente? Presente. \ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffd\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf7\n\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1528461357
He recognizes that life can be fleeting ...
\u201cGmorning.\nTell 'em you love 'em while they're here.\nTell 'em you love 'em while you're here.\nTell 'em you love 'em while they're here.\nTell 'em you love 'em while you're here.\nTell 'em you love 'em while they're here.\nTell 'em you love 'em while you're here.\nOh, love you.\nVamos.\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1527596846
... and that the world is full of possibilities!
\u201cGnight. \nThere are FAFILLIONS of people here.\nMILLIONS and PILLIONS, as my son says.\nAnd the ones you meet tomorrow may change your life, or smile at you on the bus, or make you \ud83d\ude0d\nThe possibilities, my goodness, \nlet\u2019s rest up\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1528426513
Remember that no matter how it feels, you're never ever alone.
\u201cGmorning!\nWoke up achy & sad? Not alone.\nWoke up w/purpose & joy? Not alone. \nAny way you slice it, you're not alone. \nLet's go\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1513164782
You are loved. You matter.
\u201cGmorning.\nYOU ARE SO LOVED AND WE LIKE HAVING YOU AROUND.\n*ties one end of this sentence to your heart, the other end to everyone who loves you, even the ones you haven't heard from for awhile*\n*checks knots*\nTHERE. STAY PUT, YOU.\n\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u201d— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin-Manuel Miranda) 1528459156
You know what? Sometime you just need to hear that.
And if you need to hear it on a daily basis (probably! I do!), you're going to want to follow Lin-Manuel Miranda on Twitter. It'll make your morning, post-lunch slump, and night.
This article originally appeared on 06.08.18