Man asks if it's OK to criticize his girlfriend's work outfits and gets some helpful answers

If you grew up on the Magic School Bus, you probably took away two things – 1) it's possible to fit a school bus inside the human body as long as magic is involved and 2) coordinating your outfits with your lesson plan is both a fashion statement and a way to engage students.
But not everyone is thrilled about the idea of a grown woman dressing up for educational purposes, because maybe some people just hate joy? A man took to Reddit's "Am I the Asshole" forum to complain about his preschool teacher girlfriend's work outfits, saying, "she dresses like Ms. Frizzle."
According to the man, she'll wear "a dress with the pattern of whatever they are studying. She makes a lot of them herself, now including matching masks." He might be the only person who has a problem with it, because he admitted, "The kids love it, and the parents seem to think it's great."
His (totally false) belief that it's okay to dictate how his girlfriend dresses led to a fight. "On Friday, she helped my mom with something after work and she was still in her weird dress. I have told her before I don't like when she dresses that way, but she tells me I don't have to like it, but I have no right to tell her how to dress," he wrote on Reddit.
Not only did he get all weird and controlling about the outfit, he also lied to his girlfriend. "I was upset she went out like that with my mother, and told her that my mom said she was embarrassed and to ask that she please not dress like that again if they're going out," he continued.
If you mess with the bull, you're going to get the horns. And his girlfriend gave the man more than he bargained for. She called his mom to apologize. "My mom was furious, explained she doesn't have a problem with how my girlfriend dresses and thinks it's great she spends extra time doing things to engage her students. My mom then yelled at me for lying to my girlfriend and trying to throw her under the bus because I was being an insecure jerk," he said. Was that a magic school bus she was thrown under?
Even the man's friend couldn't stand by him. "My friend said I was horrible and called me trash," he said. Twitter agreed with the friend.
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