Smart men know that it's best to believe women about the validity of their experiences, particularly when it comes to the pain surrounding periods, something (cis) men will never experience.
However, not all men know to stay in their lane in this area, and when they veer out, it gets messy real quick.
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One of the most recent examples of a man speaking out of turn about periods is truly wild in its scope. Not only did he dare to claim women overreact to period pain, but he compared the pain of something as universal (and mild) as scraping a knee to cramps.
Needless to say it took no time for women on the internet to roast him to shred. There is just SO much to make fun of in this tweet, it's hard to know where to start.
Women are LAYING IT OUT. It's truly hard to believe this man confidently tweeted this not expecting to get gutted for the innate ignorance and absurdity of this statement.
To make matters even more absurd, the photo on the right showing the badly skinned knees is actually of a woman.
Truly, this thread is popping with beautiful images that perfectly sum up how this makes the collective internet feel. Or at least, the collective portion of the internet that trusts women to know their own experiences.
Suffice it to say, while thousands of people disagree with the notion that skinned knees outshine period pain, it's still wild to think there's anyone who agrees with that thesis.
This article originally appeared on April 17, 2019.
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