Italy explodes in song as the entire country lives under coronavius quarantine

Italy has been hit harder by the coronavirus than most nations so far, and the entire country is currently under mandatory lockdown. All businesses except supermarkets and pharmacies are closed. No one is allowed to leave home except to make solo trips to get groceries or medicines.
What do you do when you have 60 million people quarantined inside their homes?
In Italy, you step out onto your balconies and sing with one another.
The past few days, the world has seen what resilience and solidarity looks like under dire circumstances as Italians in city after city share videos of neighbors making socially distanced music together. And people who are looking for bright lights in the midst of pandemic uncertainty—so basically, all of us—are loving this expression of the Italian spirit.
Sometimes it's one individual serenading the neighborhood:
During Italy's quarantine, Italian tenor Maurizio Marchini found a way to spread a little joy amid the Coronavirus lockdown in Florence. So from his balcony he serenaded the city with Nessun
— WWFP (@WorldwideFP) March 14, 2020
But in many places, it's a community affair.
Check out people singing in Naples:
This is Naples
— Leonardo Carella (@leonardocarella) March 13, 2020
In Turin:
This is Turin
— Leonardo Carella (@leonardocarella) March 13, 2020
In Benevento:
This is Benevento
— Leonardo Carella (@leonardocarella) March 13, 2020
In Siena:
People of Siena, Italy sing a song Viva la nostra Siena (hooray for our Siena) together, from their windows to raise their spirits during the Italian #COVID19 lockdown 🙏🏻
— Coronavirus (@SARS_COVID19) March 13, 2020
In Sicily:
Sicily has figured out this whole self-isolation thing.#COVID19 #CoronavirusPandemic
— John Nichols (@NicholsUprising) March 13, 2020
In Rome:
In a neighborhood of Rome people are singing the national anthem of Italy 😃#tuttoandrabene #JoyofLife#CoronaVirus
— Hashtag #JoyofLife (@JoyHopeLife) March 14, 2020
Even the Italian Air Force is using the power of music—and the power of Pavarotti's voice—to uplift the nation. Watch Air Force jets create an Italian flag out of thin air while the opera favorite belts out "Nessun Dorma." The single plane apparently represents the virus while the formation of planes overpowers it with the Italian flag. Chills.
🇮🇹 The Italian airforce gives a big emotional lift to their nation with Pavarotti singing Nessun Dorma (let no one sleep) and where lyrics say venceremos (we will overcome). They have their planes dramatically facing and overpowering the single plane (virus) with their Nat. Flag!
— WvO-N 🇳🇱💎❤🙏🦅🏆🇳🇱 (@NassauWillem) March 14, 2020
Beautiful show of the human spirit, Italy. The world is with you.
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