Here are just 3 of the *smaller* lies SeaWorld makes its employees tell its guests.
I remember vacationing at SeaWorld as a kid, but after hearing about all the ways SeaWorld lies to its staff and to its guests while knowingly putting both people and whales in danger every single day ... I'm never going back again, unless I've got a picket sign and a protest group with me.
Lie #1: Orcas live longer at SeaWorld.
The Truth: Orcas live longer in the wild.
In fact, the oldest recorded orca whale is over 103 years old.
Lie #2: Dorsal fin collapse isn't uncommon in the wild.
The Truth: Actually, it's pretty rare.
Lie #3: The Orcas are with their family at SeaWorld
The Truth: SeaWorld has redefined what "family" means.
Seriously, y'all, the part of the documentary where you see the mother orca crying for days
because they took her calf away to one of the other parks made me cry like a baby.
Just three of the smaller lies SeaWorld instructs its employees to tell guests about the whales:
You'll hear about the really big lies when you watch the whole documentary, and they truly will scoop your heart out and feed it to you in the worst/best way possible.
Watch the trailer:
Probably one of the most damning facts from the whole documentary is mentioned at 2:09.
If you're still skeptical after everything you've seen here, let me point you toward this Wikipedia page about killer whale attacks on humans in the wild versus captivity as well as this fact sheet "Blackfish" released in response to SeaWorld's attempt to discredit the documentary, and this explanation for how SeaWorld twists the existing data to support its own narrative. And let me remind you that most of the people interviewed in the documentary are former SeaWorld employees and trainers recounting their own experiences — not, as some people have scoffed at me, "animal activists just looking for a scandal."