Her blind sister was missing out on the holiday spirit, so she had a brilliant gift wrap idea
"She’s always a little sad that she can’t see the lights or gift wrap."

The holiday season capitalizes on all things light, bright and sparkly--something that Reddit user 1228maj's blind sister has missed out on. So in a touching post shared on the social media platform, she explained how she plans to make this year's holiday extra special and inclusive: enter puffy paint.
"My sister is blind. This year I’m making her Christmas wrap tactile with puffy paint!" she captioned her post. She accompanied it with a photo of wrapped gift in red, white and blue snowman wrapping paper. The photo shows the raised texture outlining the shape and details of the snowman, as well as snowflakes by the thoughtful sibling.
from MadeMeSmile
"She’s always a little sad that she can’t see the lights or gift wrap so this [year] I’m making it tactile for her as a surprise! I’m also going to use a velvety bow so that is tactile too," she added, describing her sister as her "best friend for almost 30 years now. She’s the best older sis ever!"
The post garnered resounding praise for the strong sisterly love.
"This is what the holidays are all about, thoughtful gestures filled with love," another Redditor commented. And another added, "This is such a thoughtful idea! You’re bringing the magic of Christmas to her in a way that truly matters. She’s so lucky to have you!"
And a number of blind Redditors also chimed in. "As someone who is blind, that’s amazing!" one wrote. And another commented, "I love this so much. As a fellow human on the blindness spectrum, I touch EVERYTHING! You are an incredible sibling for doing this.
When asked what she got her sister for a gift, 1228maj replied that it's also a well-textured gift. "It’s a slate blue wrap/jacket kind of thing from a Christmas market we go to," she wrote. "It’s woven with silkier threads making a paisley design and a thick golden-yellow wool yarn running through it in places. It’s really cool looking and feeling!"
The description spawned further questions from Redditors about her sister's vision and if she could see colors, "so 1228maj kindly explained her sister's journey into blindness.
"Growing up, she was legally blind but still had minimal vision (no vision in one eye and reduced field and very fuzzy view in the other) so she could see colors, especially if there was high contrast," she explained. "A few years ago though she had an infection in her eye that took the remainder of her vision. She actually still ‘sees’ colors and shapes in her minds eye. She describes it as a built in screen saver haha."
Another user asked if 1228maj had ever considered working with an adaptive clothing company. She shared that she is a music teacher, however she has learned everything from her sister about helping those who are visually impaired. "My sister works for the state to support visually impaired students, so I learned everything I know about adaptations from her!" she added.
The thread soon became a discussion of other thoughtful tactile touches to add to the wrapping, including using pom poms as ornaments on Christmas trees, snowflake 3D stickers, and small pipe cleaners to use for arms on some of the snowmen on the wrapping paper.
The finishing touch for the present? "I’m planning to braille the card I’ll put on before I give it to her :)," she wrote.