Guy's 'buy again' option for Walmart reveals how wild grocery inflation prices have become
"Four years ago, this would have fed me for a month."

Guy's "buy again" option for Walmart exposes high inflation prices
People have been complaining about the increase in basic necessities for a while now. It seems that things are simply costing astronomically more now than they were jus a few short years ago Some people have been wondering if they're nostalgically imagining things costing less or if there was a time where you didn't need to take out a personal loan to buy groceries.
One TikTok creator that goes by the name Sewerlidd found himself in need of more groceries so he opened up his Walmart account to order some food. While in the account he saw the "reorder all" option (which is handy in a pinch) and decided to check out how much his groceries were a couple of years ago. Turns out, his groceries were a pretty reasonable price for 45 items.
It was when he clicked the "reorder all" button that the price of those exact same items seems to have sent him into a cold sweat.
"I feel like I'm going to be sick. I just looked through my Walmart history and I found my order from two years ago for the whole month worth of groceries. 45 items costs $126," the man says before revealing the price jump. "Now, this order of 45 items for one month would've cost $414. That is four times more."
The price difference is outrageous and commenters agree with the man, including a few of the sentence enhancers he uses to express his frustration.
@sewerlidd #greenscreen #groceries #economy #inflation
"And this is why I went from buying healthy food back to only buying sandwich materials," someone writes.
"I used to spend $180 for 2 weeks for my family of four and the dog. I am now spending upwards of $430 and trying to figure out what else I can cut. sorry kids you don't get barbecue sauce," a mom shares.
"I knew it was going to be bad. I didn’t know it was gonna be this bad," another says.
"Yep. Have had to adjust what I wanted to buy at the grocery store based on how expensive everything is. Definitely stretching meals with rice and beans already," someone else writes.
Other commenters don't believe that his groceries increased that much, believing he's exaggerating for shock value. Pricing does vary depending on what state you live in and what items you order, so it may be difficult to recreate the same exact situation. Companies like Walmart have also recently lowered the prices of several items which may be causing the discrepancy for others as well. Either way, people are feeling the effects of inflation while grocery shopping so here's to hoping the price cuts stick.
Paper bags with groceries including fruits and vegetables and bread
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