A Gen Zer bought their boyfriend a Walkman for Valentine's Day but realized they had no idea how it works
Being retro is apparently complicated now.

Everything old is new again. Record stores are often swarming with 20-somethings digging through 45s and VHS tapes. I recently saw one adorably hold up a Betamax tape of Porky's II , asking their friend, "What in the flying F is this?" (The truth is, I saw Porky's II The Next Day in theaters and can't really answer that myself.)
brown wooden vinyl rack
Photo by Brittany Bendabout on Unsplash
No one is immune to the moment when their "I feel old" feeling hits. One young millennial woman on Reddit shares her harrowing tale of hearing a 24-year-old work colleague not understand why the "retro" Walkman he bought his boyfriend for Valentine's Day didn’t come with a charger. (To be clear, it turns out that Redditor is referring to a Discman, but swears they called those Walkmans too.)
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"He shows me the Walkman and he’s so confused because it didn’t come with a charger. I’m like… they’re battery-powered. He was like, 'What??? I didn’t see where to put the batteries!' He opened it and saw where the batteries go. He thought the headphone jack was where the charger goes."
The two are only six years apart, which our poster acknowledges. "I don’t actually think I’m old. I know 30 isn’t old. It was just my first moment where I understood what older generations felt when younger generations find things from their childhood 'ancient.'"
Many of the commenters have an optimistic view, believing at least the Zoomers are trying! One states, "This is kind of rad. Imagine having access to all of the world's recorded music at your fingertips, and instead, going, 'Nah, I’m going to listen to these 10 songs that someone I care about chose just for me.' I know playlists exist, but it’s not the same. It was one thing for our generation to do this when it’s all we had, but it’s cool to me that the next generation is choosing to do this!"
photo of black and brown cassette tape
Photo by Namroud Gorguis on Unsplash
A most likely Boomer admits that it's the music that makes them feel old. "My 'I'm old' moment was when my Gen Z colleague said, 'I love listening to oldies' and was referencing late '90s and early 2000s music instead of music from the '50s-'70s."
A Gen X-er enters the chat. "My 'old moment' occurred over the holidays. My 20-year-old cousin challenged me in Street Fighter 6. Being that I’m from the '80s and cut my teeth on Street Fighter 2, it was like riding a bike. I promptly whupped him. His response? 'All you old-timers are good at these games.' Ooof. I guess his generation is used to Fortnite and Roblox and wasn’t raised on a good old-fashioned 2-dimensional fighting game."
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Another Reddit user had a good laugh when they saw a tweet about a floppy disk. "I saw a tweet about how a Zoomer saw an older guy with a floppy disk and asked why he had the 'Save' symbol 3D printed."
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As for the 24-year-old and his boyfriend? They wanted the Walkman in the first place because "they just love the Y2K era and aesthetic." He reportedly announced, "He will also get him a digital camera (ya know) for the aesthetic."